Sentences with word «japa»

Inspired by the Hindu japa mala
All of our necklaces are hand knotted, helping you to practice japa meditation (where you turn each bead in your fingers and repeat your mantra).
From the spiritual point of view, the days around the menstrual period are very powerful and auspicious for a woman to practice meditation and japa yoga.
Swayamvaraparvathi Mantra - Ultimate mantra japa to remove obstacles in Marriage, Marriage related problems, Conceiving baby, To avoid divorce, Family Problems
In the devotional bhakti traditions, the repetition of the divine name, often on a rosary (japa), was the most popular way of wiping out wrong - doing and its effects.
It is a beautiful practice — asana, pranayama, japa, and meditation in one hour!
In Kundalini yoga, anahata is awakened and balanced by asanas, pranayamas and the practice of ajapa japa (japa, without the mental effort normally needed to repeat the mantra) and purified by bhakti (devotion).
As a practice, japa is thousands of years old.
Some types of meditation that I teach are: mindfulness, mantra (japa), walking, guided, vipassana, loving - kindness (metta), body scan and slow - motion prana.
This herbal hair oil contains natural ingredients like neem, bhringraj, til oil, amalaki, japa, patola, dhattura, and narikel, which are known to help arrest hair fall.
I also think that japa...
Artist: Francesco Clemente Exhibition title: Emblems of Transformation Venue: Blain Southern, London, UK Date: April 29 — July 3, 2015 Photography: All images are © the artist, courtesy of Francesco Clemente and Blain Southern «There are 108 beads in the japa mala Hindus and Buddhists use to meditate.
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