Sentences with phrase «jar with water»

Fill jar with water and let quinoa soak overnight.
A free option is to carry around a quart size glass jar with your water or beverage of choice.
Fill the mason jar with water and watch the potato grow.
Fill the empty jar with water to almost full, cap and shake, then add to pot.
Fill jar with water and stir to dissolve baking soda.
You will need to fill this small glass jar with water to get the proper weight.
Fill the mason jar with water to cover the garlic.
Paula, either method is perfectly fine, however, to speed things up and help the sugar dissolve completely, I've been boiling about 2 cups water, then mixing in 1 cup sugar, stirring to dissolve, then filling my one gallon jar with water and adding my grains.
Then I put the flower into a glass jar with some water which I had added some blue liquid food colouring to — I added blue as from experience I knew that the colours would mix and green J's favourite colour would be formed before the bright blue colouring took over.
Note: If you are using a yogurt maker, and are only making 1 cup of a starter batch, you may need to fill the other jars with water so that the one jar of yogurt does not get too hot and kill the cultures.
If you are soaking the nuts: Rinse the almonds well in a strainer and then place in a bowl or jar with water well above the nuts - to allow room for growth.
Fish, especially small fish from rice paddies, are fermented in an earthen jar with water and salt to make fish sauces and pastes.
Fill a 32 ounce jar with water and let a handful of crushed raspberries and lemon slices infuse at room temperature for around 60 minutes, or refrigerate 3 hours.
Fill the inner jar with water and a flower arrangement to complete your Easter vase!
To finish, pop an old spice jar with water inside to put the flower stems in, rathe than filling it directly as this will wash away the apint.
Another idea would be to fill jars with water and add spring cut flowers, like tulips or daffodils instead of planing flowers.
To make it more effective, cleansing, and de-bloating, fill up a few mason jars with water and slices of cucumber water.
Fill a glass jar with water, and place the pit on top, balanced with the toothpicks.
Jesus instructs the servants to fill some jars with water, and they fill them to the brim.
Jesus said to them, «Fill the jars with water
For the floating candles, add cranberries, orange slices, or rosemary springs to a jar with water and put a floating candle on top.
Fill the jar with water once in the morning and again in the evening, and drain.
Wash your jars with water and soap and set them aside to air dry.
Next, add coconut butter to the jar with the water and culture starter.
The scoby was in the jar with water, black tea and some elderberry syrup for approximately 1 1/2 to 2 months.
I emptied everything out, filled the mason jars with water, and added some pretty spring flowers.
Next up is to fill your jars with water and flowers.
Decorate your space: You can create a beautiful and effortless table centrepiece by filling a jar with water and putting in whole lemons — the room will look and smell fresh too.
Fill the jar with water, screw on the lid and turn it over.
So after I filled the jar with water, I added some silk leaves and then floated the candles on top.
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