Sentences with phrase «jealous feel more»

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Chances are, when you feel jealous of your friend's opportunity, job or vacation, what you're really feeling is fear — fear that you aren't good enough, that they're more valuable than you are, that you're somehow missing out.
Radha is jealous as she imagines the «vines of his great throbbing arms circle a thousand gopis», but more than jealousy she is infused with all the perplexing emotions of a proud, passionate woman who feels deserted by her lover.
He has a presentiment of the dreadful event, that a jealous criticism will many a time let him feel the birch; he trembles at the still more dreadful thought that one or another enterprising scribe, a gulper of paragraphs, who to rescue learning is always willing to do with other peoples» writings what Trop «to save appearances» magnanimously resolved to do, though it were «the destruction of the human race» — that is, he will slice the author into paragraphs, and will do it with the same inflexibility as the man who in the interest of the science of punctuation divided his discourse by counting the words, so that there were fifty words for a period and thirty - five for a semicolon.
Part of me was unexpectedly jealous — why does my relationship with God feel so much more ambiguous and elusive than Daniel's?
I'm very jealous of your productive staycation... it's amazing how a little rearranging and purging and a clean coat of paint can make a house feel that much more comfortable.
I'm feeling more than a little jealous.
That's a much more disturbing reality than interpreting such posts as a sign of a couple's unhappiness and insecurity, or feeling jealous that your romantic partnership isn't as glowingly perfect as everyone else's.
I tell him that we will have one more person to play with and love.I also let him knowthat mommy and daddy loves him and now # 2 he seems excited to have another member.I do notice I can't talk to long about # 2 because he seems a little jealous and when we get to that point I just overload him with kisses and tickles I don't want him to leave our convo on a bad note.I know for a FACT he FULLY UNDERSTANDS every thing we talk about and I know as long as me and my husband emphasize the word LOVE when we talk about the baby and how we will treat them i feel it will be ok.he just has to understand that # 2 is family and will love him / her the same way we love him.
Jealous doesn't even begin to describe what I'm feeling right now... LOVED your post on Vmac & Cheese — looking forward to following some more!
Confident women get jealous less easily because they feel more secure.
You are right, as well — there are a lot of studies that show that social media can make us jealous and feel inadequate, which no doubt makes you spend more.
Deeply attached to their owner, Cockapoo puppies even feel jealous when their owner pays more attention to anything else.
A voice inside of you might be telling you that you are weak for feeling jealous, or that you should be stronger than having a need for more closeness or more affection.
The longer that you don't hear from them, the more illogical the thoughts get and the more they start to compound and the more frustrated, disappointed, jealous, or worried you can feel.
People typically feel jealous when they sense some threat to their relationship (perhaps some smooth operator is making moves on your significant other, and you worry this rival is more attractive / desirable than you are).
Jealousy is more often associated with arguments, breakups, and aggressive behavior, 3 and when we feel jealous we may question the level of commitment in our relationship.2
Studies have shown that men and women tend to feel jealous for different reasons; for instance, physical attractiveness in a perceived rival is more likely to incite jealousy in a woman than in a man.
She often becomes angry and upset when she feels neglected by the group and jealous if she discovers that one of her friends is spending more time with another friend than with her.
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