Sentences with phrase «jerk at»

While it's no fun losing your watch, you can at least rest easy knowing that even if some jerk at your gym lifted it, it's of absolutely no value to them.
There are no steel bars to end his lap, no chain to jerk at the limit of its extension, no bellowing to trick and bully him back.
I thought he was kind of a jerk at first, but he became my third favorite character (behind Ona and the boy).
In the lower gear, the car can buck and jerk at time when slowly accelerating.
When you demand a quick kick - down downshift, it's a little too slow to respond, at times eliciting a jerk at slow speeds.
I must say it gets worse the longer I drive the car in the day, and at any revs [even 120km / hour, and is also intermittent i.e.: may not jerk at all for a couple of km then all of a sudden she will jerk badly at that speed].
Allowed to play a bit of a jerk at times, Mark Ruffalo shows off a side we rarely see from him.
Taking out the trash, one jerk at a time.
And despite being a jerk at times, he ultimately ends up being charming and a great love interest for Rita.
I get moment where I'm all tight and it feels like she is moving it's strange because I've seen my bump jerk at random time.
I've yet to meet a toddler who wasn't a total jerk at the table at least once or a billion times.
He just can't prevent himself from reacting as the entitled jerk at the time of the call.
Did the writer of this nonsense peace read the headline, or did some jerk at CNN decide to get stupid.
«God» is still a total jerk at the end of the bible.
Some jerk at the office will tear you apart when you make a mistake.
And even as I type those words I don't want to do it — not for Mark Driscoll, not for the folks defending Sovereign Grace, not for those jerks at the restaurant.
Sleep disorders seen in stroke patients include restless legs syndrome, which is when a person has uncomfortable sensations and the irresistible urge to move the legs, particularly in the evening, along with periodic leg kicks and jerking at night.
CrossFit Sanitas — Strength Weightlifting Metcon (AMRAP — Reps) 1 min AMRAP of Power Cleans at 135/95 1 min AMRAP of Push - Jerks at 135/95 1 min Rest to Adjust weight 2 min AMRAP of Power Cleans at 155/105 2 min AMRAP of Push - Jerks at 155/105 2 min Rest to Adjust weight 3 min AMRAP of Power Cleans at 185/125 3 min AMRAP of -LSB-...]
Jerks at accelerating.
Automatic gearbox much smooth comparing to Toyota, no jerking at all.
They didn't use high pressure, like those jerks at the Toyota dealership nearby.
During major impacts, the springs and shock absorbers work together with the hydraulic compression or decompression stops, which gradually slow the movement to avoid jerks at either end of the range.
Jumping in and out of cars, jerking at the leash and riding in a car with sudden starts and stops are examples of micro traumas.

Not exact matches

At lunch, workers sample the meals that are delivered to the children — the jerk chicken is particularly popular — so they get to taste the difference the company's work has in lunchrooms and, tacitly, understand how their roles make it happen.
Maybe, at the very least, my friend would have thought, «I'm having chest pains... and if that scrawny little jerk can have a heart attack, maybe that is happening to me.
We've all seen those tear - jerking Tim Hortons ads where Canadians look to the iconic coffee chain to feel at home.
I was training at the gym last week and was doing my second - to - last set of clean and jerks when I felt a small twinge in my leg.
But if you find yourself in a place where you can't avoid butting heads, at a minimum: Don't be a jerk.
Note: If you know you're going to speak in front of a heckle - ready crowd (at, say, the International Association of Jerks and Punks convention), you will undoubtedly be part of the 20 percent.
«He was very astute at curbing knee - jerk reactions to the much more highly volatile U.S. banking and market conditions,» one CEO wrote.
At the last possible moment, Vogt jerked the steering wheel and narrowly avoided a certain crash.
It's this bias that's at work when you assume that the guy speeding past us on the highway is just a jerk, when you know that, when you drive too fast, it's usually because you're late for a meeting.
We use judgment, but if a consensus develops, there may be a better fit for that person at a more jerk - tolerant company.
The menu at Harry's Daughter, a Caribbean gastropub, incorporates ingredients like scotch bonnet peppers (aka Caribbean red peppers) and jerk spices.
Christopher Pissarides, a professor of economics at the London School of Economics, said Trump was having a «knee - jerk reaction» to certain groups of Americans who did not benefit from the past several decades of open trade.
Tariffs «really jerked the rug out from under us at a critical time in our growth.»
And goes on to suggest that to combat jerk behavior at its root, organizations, whether they be schools or small business, need to explicitly celebrate the weird:
When the Jerk Store calls, consumers answer, at least when it comes to luxury brands.
I turned around to get a look at the jerks accosting some woman on the street, only to realize I was the one who was being cat - called.
In case of any doubt, Wired also learned that, while at Harvard graduate school (right before dropping out to join Google) Damore wrote and performed in a skit about «Microtubule Jerking» and the women who helped with it.
She reportedly told employees at a recent hour - and - a-half all - hands meeting that there would be no more hiring of «brilliant jerks
De drew directly from his experience at the NSA when explaining that knee - jerk reactions to share too much and too little information with the public are dangerous.
However, we have been getting jerked around by the SBA for nearly 9 months now and we are at a point where we may have to cut our losses if we can not secure the remainder of necessary funding in the very near future.
Nischal Shetty, CEO at WazirX, said «knee - jerk reactions» like these can cause the future generation to be left behind when the rest of the world moves ahead.
Or, as Uber board member Arianna Huffington more accurately dubbed them at an all - hands meeting earlier this week: «Brilliant jerks
Such new rectitude has been unusual for Kalanick, given how loyal and tolerant he has reportedly been to a range of what Huffington described as «brilliant jerks» at Uber.
Still, what if, at one point between now and the end of QE tapering, Canadian long - term interest rates were to have the same kind of knee - jerk reaction seen in the U.S. over the summer?
Even at its vaguest, civility is a principle worth following: don't be a jerk, say please and thank you, hold the door open for little old ladies and so forth.
Sounds like this guy was a jerk to work with and was only o k at his job, should have kept the banter in the coffee room.
The knee - jerk reaction of many Canadians, including Industry Minister Tony Clement, is to assume that high gas prices and inflated profit margins are likely to be explained by collusion among the big oil companies to fix prices at higher than acceptable levels.
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