Sentences with phrase «jerk responses»

«Its impact is devastating to communities where it occurs and often leads to knee jerk responses from authorities that often do not prevent further self - harm and fail to help us understand what is occurring in communities for these events to occur.»
They also warn against knee jerk responses of removing children from families in crisis, rather than working with their families.
In my opinion, it is terribly inefficient, often insecure and encourages knee - jerk responses rather than thoughtful dialogue.
Get strategic — nothing will suck up resources faster than going off course and applying knee - jerk responses to marketing opportunities.
, it would serve as a quick way to check where a contributor was coming from, and help moderate knee - jerk responses.
The problem is actually the way people misrepresent the positions of others — as you have done here — and use words to purposely trigger knee jerk responses in people, such as «communal», which to many will bring up images of socialism and whatnot — Jim]
Susan Burns, at Vanderbilt's National Center on Performance Incentives, said collaboration — rather than «knee - jerk responses» — characterizes some of the most promising systems.
I despair at the back to basics knee jerk responses to these figures.
The ACC is associated with self - regulation, meaning the ability to purposefully direct attention and behavior, suppress inappropriate knee - jerk responses, and switch strategies flexibly.
David Cameron responded to the murder of Lee Rigby by saying that he is «not in favour of knee - jerk responses.
I just object to simplistic, knee - jerk responses to complex problems.
Our knee - jerk responses to any questions about sexuality have been reminiscent of purity culture, with slogans like «save yourself», «flee», and the like.
While I would label myself a conservative, I find the knee jerk responses of the Republican candidates to be pandering for votes, and any candidate that presents a thoughtful response to national and global issues wil at least get a hearing from me.
Small businesses can thrive in today's challenging economy, but not if they adopt the knee - jerk responses of cutting costs, lowering prices, and hanging on until times get better.
He doesn't appear to have any deliberate goals with his rhetorical mood swings; rather, they are knee - jerk responses to particular situations and audiences.
The knee - jerk response of some to that might be «Good!
What an idiotic, left wing zombie knee jerk response!!!
Typical knee - jerk response from a jerk.
My knee - jerk response was he's arguing again!
Just the usual knee - jerk response which is why so many dislike you.
and «hater» from those for whom the words have become a knee - jerk response to any argument made in opposition to the zeitgeist.
Perhaps this kind of reaction is become a pet peeve of mine, because it seems that every time the truth is spoken in love there is a knee - jerk response, not to refute the arguments (which would be a perfectly legitimate response), but to demonize the speaker as «hateful», etc..
A number of speakers questioned the knee - jerk response which always looks to greater volumes of production as the answer to any food - related issue.
That's the only proper knee - jerk response, right?
Noises may startle newborns and you'll witness a quick physical jerking response.
A knee - jerk response («Don't be such a brat!»)
And they only have the knee jerk response to base their opinions on.
I talked about how we don't want to overuse «no» in my last post because I don't want it to become a knee - jerk response when I'm feeling frustrated or angry.
as a knee - jerk response to the most negligible of activities (eating, drinking, coloring, jumping, swinging) in hopes [however unconscious] that our children will repeat the desired action in the future is detrimental to their overall ability to learn and self - motivate.
And «no» is a knee - jerk response that I have when my child is in danger.
Pflock: I've learned to challenge myself to make sure every «no» is warranted, not just a knee - jerk response.
A knee - jerk response («Don't you talk to me that way, you bad boy!»
To all those whose knee - jerk response is «a child needs both parents, a father deserves time with his child» or something like it, please do some research.
My knee - jerk response almost bursts out of me: words meant to strip my child of her dignity in order to restore the good opinion of a bunch of strangers.
«My point is: What has been the knee - jerk response in NewYork?
The knee - jerk response from Cameron is about trade union donors, of course.
However, Mr Brown resisted Mr Cameron's calls to ban the extremist group Hizb ut Tahrir, continuing his refusal to adopt a knee - jerk response to the recent terror scare.
A distinction can also be made between the moderate scope of the Coaliton's planned reforms, and the fundamental scope of the reforms pledged as a knee - jerk response to the inadequately anticipated consequences of the Scottish independence referendum.
The whole 1970's arguement represents little more th the usual knee jerk response from political journalists long isolated from the real world.
The moratorium was needed, she said, because of a «knee jerk response from certain quarters... expressing horror that scientists were brewing up deadly diseases.
This knee - jerk response may be unsurprising, but what is far from clear is whether criminalisation is the right thing to do to reduce drug harms.
Your knee - jerk response to this photo and then the more thought provoking questions can tell much about your personality and thought patterns.
(And let me add that this is not a knee - jerk response; I'm no big fan of Hong Kong action films.
While the EIS teacher union has voiced their approval of the move, local government organisation Colsa has contended it is a «knee - jerk response».
This is either bad planning on their part, or a knee - jerk response to an issue that was far from the top of the pile a matter of weeks ago.»
Most often the only visible evaluation is the reaction sheet handed out at the end of a cpd session, which is little more than a knee - jerk response to the session itself and too often reflects the mismatch between the content and the existing knowledge of the participant.
As such it was a knee - jerk response.
The engine quickly hits a two step limiter at about 5,000 rpm and when the brake is released, Evolution slips the automated clutch for a smooth yet somewhat head jerking response.
In August 2004, Dan Neuharth, PhD, the author of Secrets You Keep from Yourself: How to Stop Sabotaging Your Happiness, told the readers of the magazine First for Women that «avoidance is a knee - jerk response to a core fear that threatens your ego.»
Annual vaccination has become a knee - jerk response that, for the most part, is unnecessary.
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