Sentences with phrase «jet stream tends»

Oh, I forgot to mention that this behavior of the jet stream tends to occur more during cool climate periods.
When the AO is negative, the jet stream tends to be wavier, just like the situation we're in now, which favors slow - moving weather systems that can cause floods.
A northward shift in the Atlantic jet stream tends to direct low - pressure systems northwards and away from the UK, leading to warm and dry weather during summer.
Also, both of these effects reinforce each other: slow jet streams tend to be wavier, and wavy jet streams tend to travel more slowly.

Not exact matches

Like all hurricanes, this one tended to dissipate as it went north for reasons having nothing to do with religion or politics and everything to do with temperature gradients and jet stream wind shear.
When Cassini probed below the haze and into the troposphere, it revealed that the width of Saturn's bands alternates with latitude: narrower ones are darker and coincident with rapid jet streams, and the wider bands tend to be brighter, aligned with jets that are slower and maybe even stationary, relative to the general rotation of the planet.
A new study has found that the wavy jet stream pattern that tends to bring warm winter weather to the U.S. West and cold weather to the East was set in place 4,000 years ago.
When the jet stream is very wavy, it tends to bring warm air up from the tropics into the U.S. West.
The way the jet stream is expected to be positioned during this winter's La Niña will tend to drive storms through the Midwest and Great Lakes.
El Niño tends to tamp down on tornadoes because it shifts the jet stream further south over the U.S., which blocks moisture from flowing northward from the Gulf of Mexico.
That tends to bulge the jet stream northward, which creates a dip to the east that has helped usher more Arctic air down into Siberia, and also caused earlier snowfall there.
Over North America, El Niño tends to strengthen the subtropical jet stream during the winter months, which tilts the odds for shifts in temperature and precipitation across much of the country.
«The idea is that ice loss in this area tends to create a wavier jet stream pattern, which causes colder winters in central Asia and blocking patterns that make this weather regime very persistent.»
The polar jet stream will tend to be strengthened and steered along this gradient, generating a storm track that puts the UK in the crosshairs.
This is especially true during the September to November period, as during these months the Pacific jet stream is often quite strong but tends to be focused well to the north of the state, up in Washington and the Pacific Northwest.
The subtropical jet stream is not always a totally distinct feature in the weather charts — it tends to be weaker and more discontinuous than its more robust northern cousin (the subpolar jet).
Such blocking patterns in recent years have tended to amplify weather patterns by elongating the jet stream, making extreme weather more likely.
Synoptic scale weather disturbances tend to form in the regions of maximum jet stream wind speed and propagate downstream.
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