Sentences with phrase «jewish religion»

Methodology: Find specific therapists who specialize in certain ways of using their therapy, for example: if a devout Jewish man had sexual addictions, find a Jewish therapist who uses the Jewish religion to find alternatives for sexual addictions, like getting involved in the synagogue more often or praying.
For example, I understand that within the Jewish religion, burials should takes place as soon as possible following death, and can be followed by a formal
For example, I understand that within the Jewish religion, burials should takes place as soon as possible following death, and can be followed by a formal period seven day period of mourning.
By documenting the modern Jewish experience while retaining links with its rich past, it provides users with information about all aspects of Jewish religion and culture.
A member of the Orthodox Jewish religion since the age of 25, she's well aware that showing the universal side of their own unique lifestyle...
Even the deliberately realist The Wrestler subtly undermined its sports movie narrative, Black Swan revelled in the «were - swan» pulp of its ballet horror, and Noah loaded its Biblical epic with heavy, hard Jewish religion.
This obscure take on a legend of the Jewish religion has a remarkable art direction and some of the most beautiful graphics we've ever seen.
Admittedly I don't know a lot about the Jewish religion).
So both Plenty of Fish and OkCupid, we talked about before, are more broad, whereas JDate is very much «this is for folks of the Jewish religion
Jewish ladies from Jewish religion are the top.
The difference is that Jewish people who like to seek for a companion who has Jewish religion can go to Jewish dating sites to look for them.
The Jewish religion places a lot of emphasis on family, and especially on mothers.
There is no shortage of online dating... singles event... If I wanted to reclaim my heritage, I'd need to do so through learning about Jewish religion and history... If I wanted to find Mr. Right, I needed to be true to myself.»
Nearly 20 years ago, I read a moving piece by Dr. Kenneth Prager in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) about the ancient practice of «mindful elimination» in the Jewish religion.
Primary Day falls smack in the middle of the «high holy days» for the Jewish religion only.
«I think it's an Anglican school,» I told my aesthetician, who patiently took me through the history of the Catholic Church and all the branches of it (kind of like Orthodox, Conservative and Reform in the Jewish religion).
He was a Jew and was well versed in his Jewish religion.
So also does world history — the history of the ancient East as well as of the Roman Empire, the history of the Jewish religion as well as of the Christian.
But precisely the ordinances of the old Jewish religion became for him, ever and again, the occasion for the revealing of signs of the new thing, the new behavior of men in the presence of the coming God.
-- that signifies a deliberate challenging of the leading circles of the Jewish religion, those who regard themselves as God's professional counselors, the scribes, and the members of the Sanhedrin or «Chief Council.»
And should not be taken literately, Even the Jewish religion who have always been very accurate about their scriptures, simply take them as history.
Since they recognized only the five books of Moses, their manner of worship and their religious usages differed from those carried on in Jerusalem; but for all this they belonged to the sphere of the Jewish religion.
If a person's offense against the Jewish religion was great enough, such a one might be denied admission to the synagogue for as long as six months.
While regarding the parousia as a Christian idea, he not only relates Jesus to first - century Jewish religion but emphasizes his eschatological awareness: «the religion of Jesus the Jew is a rare, possibly unique, manifestation of undiluted eschatological enthusiasm.»
Indeed, whereas first - century Jewish religion was the wellspring of Jesus» life and mission, for both Borg and Crossan that religion was in effect the oppressive structure that he negated.
Jesus had a social program which «sought to rebuild a society upwards from its grass roots, but on principles of religious and economic egalitarianism» made concrete in «the combination of free healing and common eating» which «negated alike and at once the hierarchial and patronal normalcies of Jewish religion and Roman power.»
It is a crucial American ally not only because Israel is the leading military power in the Middle East and a technological powerhouse with more venture capital investment than the whole of Europe (the instrumental dimension of Augustinian realism) but also because of the deep ties between the American founding and the Jewish religion and the strong bonds between Israelis and America's 6.4 million Jews (the moral dimension).
20, was the focal point of the Jewish religion.
The Jewish religion excluded a castrated man from the Temple, so he could not have been formally initiated in the Jewish faith.
The Jewish religion is with thy mother's lineage in her.
The Jewish religion is following their mother's lineage!
His coming was specifically prepared for through the Hebrew prophets and the Jewish religion, although with hindsight we see that his coming was planned from before the beginning of the world (cf. Ephesians 1:4,1 Peter 1:20, 2 Thessalonians 2:13, Proverbs 8:23).
The Jewish religion is simply copied and not original and is ismply false.
However popular this idea may have been among the lower classes, it does not give Jewish religion its peculiar character.
The Jewish religion is as bad as the Catholics.
The Jewish religion is a corrupted belief based on «tradition», NOT on truth and obedience.
You claim that Jesus was against church rules yet Jesus was a jew and the Jewish religion had many rules.
Likewise, the Jewish religion of which Nicodemus was an exemplary teacher requires fulfillment and perfection in Jesus Christ, who is the Messiah it has always foretold.
In fact, with Adam & Eve & Abraham and Moses and all - YOU believe the Jewish religion almost precisely.
The Jewish religion is garbage.
It should be noted further that although the Jews — and especially in the pre-Mosaic religion — accepted doctrines that were incomplete or even mistaken and rites more or less imperfect, this fact did not deny to the Jewish religion itself, through other of its elements, the positive validity of assuring salvation.
You are right dear but to tell you the truth I know nothing about the Jewish religion other than what we know in the Quran therefore I guess I have just to skip this blog.
Jewish religion was rejected by God.
We do not follow the Jewish religion, but where do you think Christianity was derived.
The fact that the early Christians survived 40 years after Jesus» death and were already considering St. Paul's work appealing not just to Jews but to gentiles, and the fact they were doing that when the Jews were defeated and Jerusalem was destroyed meant that they separated from the Jewish religion abruptly, and meant that the religion had a life outside Judaism.
like Mussolini said» If not for the Roman empire this little jewish religion would have disappear»
It portrays Jesus as a «peasant Jewish Cynic,» whose conception of the kingdom of God involved «a religious and economic egalitarianism that negated alike and at once the hierarchical and patronal normalcies of Jewish religion and Roman power.»
Christians inherited this from the Jewish religion, out of which they emerged and of which they were originally a sect.
He lived his life in the Jewish religion, and never mentioned converting to any other.
The Magi and Bartimaeus show that those on the fringes of Jesus» culture recognised him as divine even if those who were administering the Jewish religion were blind to this.
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