Sentences with phrase «jigsaw activity»

A Tarsia Jigsaw activity on finding averages (mean, median, mode) and the range.
The slides (GCSE questions) can be used as a kinaestetic jigsaw activity for figuring out what goes where.
A Tarsia Jigsaw activity on simple probability from a pack of playing cards.
More Jigsaw Activities These additional activities found on the Web will help bring the jigsaw approach to life for you:
They are very social, active people, and jigsaw activities feed into their developmental needs.
A Tarsia jigsaw activity with a difference, kindly shared by Gill Hillitt.
«I also did another jigsaw activity for the final leg of the unit in which students read and compared five different versions of «Cinderella» and then defined what a «Cinderella story» was using the commonalities among the stories.
When asked about the jigsaw activity, Berg's student Lisa said, «We read all different kinds of fairy tales.
«When you decide to use a jigsaw activity, you need to know what you want the kids to get out of it and then structure the activity so you will get the outcome you want.
Months after she did a myth unit that included a jigsaw activity in which her students talked about and investigated myths, some of Berg's students were doing a synonym project.
When every group has finished sharing information, checking for understanding and re-teaching complicated points, the jigsaw activity is over.
Maybe Tomorrow by Boori Monty Pryor and Meme McDonald Resources: Comprehension Questions for each chapter Theme tasks and questions Two jigsaw activities These were used for Year 9 English but could be adapted for older or younger students.
This pages recaps the impacts of climate change on water, food and energy security through a supported mind map activity before looking in more depth through an IPCC infographic card sort question and jigsaw activity.
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