Sentences with word «jihadism»

This is the long, depressing, complicated story of this strand of jihadism in Syria and Iraq.
Faith, Reason, and the War Against Jihadism brings together in a little more than two hundred pages a treasure of information and perspectives on what may well be the defining conflict of the twenty - first century.
I accept that past decisions have angered jihadists and perhaps encouraged some people to join them, but it is a fundamental mistake to think that we are responsible for violent jihadism.
In 2007, the SCL was asked to undertake research communication campaign to support a transnational programme for countering the Non-Desired Behaviour of recruitment into and support of violence in Jihadism in Kerala, West Bengal Jharkhand and Uttar Pradesh, revealed Wylie.
Recommends it for: Anyone wishing to understand post-Soviet Central Asia and some of the roots of radical jihadism
Terrorists certainly tempt us to abandon our moral beliefs, and every sensible person knows something more needs to be done to fight ISIS and the growing danger of global jihadism.
Ever the diplomat, Dr. Williams did not bring up with his Muslim interlocutors the murderous Jihadism that is at the heart of the conflict in Iraq.
That's very, very different from jihadism.
Islamist jihadism is different also, in that, unlike Marxism, its cause is not susceptible to historical falsification.
Hours before Monday's attack, the UN high commissioner for human rights questioned the measures being taken by Egypt's government to combat jihadism.
Still, his quietist Salafism offers an Islamic antidote to Baghdadi - style jihadism.
Documentary probe into the phenomenon of home - grown Jihadism, analyzing the strategic outreach and tactics employed by terrorists in order to reach susceptible members of society and what can be done to prevent it.
In particular, a new speech crime created by the law will target — as the government explained it to a Senate committee — those who «actively encourage some sort of unspecified action should be taken to do something bad against Canadians or our allies, or to do something to support extreme jihadism
About Blog Jihadic is a clearinghouse for materials related to militant, transnational Sunni Islamism, commonly known as Jihadism.
«If we're going to make any sort of progress on winning this global war against Jihadism, we've got to focus on the ideology and win the battle of ideas, not just have a look at their propaganda tools and their frontmen and their symbols.»
That is because there is a live debate about the degree to which we are responsible for creating or fomenting violent jihadism.
«The United States government should fight, and fight hard, against radical Islamic jihadism,» he blogged last year.
She added that ``... radical jihadism, radical Islamism, I think they mean the same thing.
They insist that we would blunt their criticism of Islam and thereby prevent them from helping the victims of jihadism.
If all that Europe can say to murderous jihadism is «Why can't we all just get along?»
The people who arrive at the faith spoiling for a fight can not all be stopped from jihadism, but those whose main motivation is to find an ultraconservative, uncompromising version of Islam have an alternative here.
If there is a danger of being seduced into imagining that the horrors of jihadism can be explained simply by blaming Islam, there are also temptations of multicultural ideology and of the spirit of «inclusion,» which only too quickly make excuses for jihadist violence.
In Faith, Reason, and the War Against Jihadism: A Call to Action, George Weigel offers a succinct statement of where the war on jihadism stands today, what....
Whether your crash course is just getting underway or is well advanced, I suggest for your consideration Faith, Reason, and the War Against Jihadism.
The answer to political Islamism and jihadism, Fouad knew, was not turning hundreds of millions of Muslims into good secular liberals; that simply wasn't going to happen, the fantasies of secular foreign policy strategists notwithstanding.
This is not the case with Islamic Jihadism.
We know all about muslim taquiyya and jihadism, no thanks!
e found that school staff are very much aware of the siren song of jihadism and are concerned to shield their students from it.
Criticism of Jihadism is dismissed with a throwaway line: «Islam is accused of violence, as if Christianity is innocent.»
edited by Andrew G. Bostom Prometheus, 759 pages, $ 29 A useful, and chilling, collection of documents and reports, beginning with the origins of Islam, on how consistent has been the ideology of Jihadism and the subjugation of non-Muslims.
They are aware that the nature of jihadism is to plant operators wherever they can be hidden, without discriminating between good and bad societies — although it is notable that there have been relatively few attacks in Scandinavia, or in countries like Ireland, Italy, or Portugal.
From obesity to chronique fatigue syndrome, jihadism to urban ennui, the costs of civilization are becoming ever more apparent.
You might as well award stars to jihadism.
The report also criticises the government's assumption that religious conservatism ends with support for violent jihadism and advises that any measures should aim to «tackle extremism that leads to violence, not suppress views with which the government disagrees».
But here's a thought: that jihadism may be a last spasm — albeit a painful one — of a snake that is being scotched.
From obesity to chronique fatigue syndrome, jihadism to urban ennui, the costs of civilization are becoming ever more apparent.
Research communication campaign to counter the recruitment into, and support for, «violent Jihadism» in six states
The files spell out how SCL helped the UK's Foreign and Commonwealth Office «in strategic planning to counter violent jihadism» in Pakistan.
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