Sentences with phrase «jist of something»

Probably not so here is the main jist of it!
I'll post reminders as the dates get closer, but this is the jist of it.
it shouldn't be this complicated... the jist of it is here... saute the onions and garlic till golden and add the veggies I ADDED CORN CUT FROM THE COB just because and I see another reader did... cover, cook till desired tenderness... maybe 1/2 hr and wallah... we had leftover linguini we warmed in it while it simmered at the end and a side of meatballs and it was fabulous... and forget 1 cup of olive oil... what a waste!
The jist of it was oven roasted thinly sliced cabbage turned into browned, lightly charred cabbage steaks.
I don't want to misquote anyone but the jist of it is that if a player can improve the squad he's open but the priority is to keep everyone fit.
The jist of it is — ignore what Wenger is saying.
I have never found it again, but the jist of it stayed with me all these years.
«Eat in NewYork» «See nature in NY» is pretty much the jist of it.
Even if «experimenting» and n = 1 might sound fancy, the jist of it is really simple:
While this is a fairly in - depth topic, the jist of it is that the order in which we eat food matters and the combination in which we eat food matters.
The jist of it is there's a nefarious actor by the moniker Mr. Time that has taken control over most of Europe.
It's a bit ADD, but you'll get the jist of it.
Burnt a few slices before getting the jist of it.
but after skimming through I think I got the jist of it and it doesn't look good.
The jist of it is there's a nefariou... [Read More]
The jist of it is there's a nefarious actor by the moniker Mr. Time that has taken control over most of Europe.
There may be points I've missed because I found them inconsequential, such as Mardan Rush techniques on horses and weapon switch combination moves, but the jist of it is this: Arslan gets a lot of things right, but the card system needs some refinement, maybe providing a visible outcome before investing your gold, and it needs its own special mode.
However, between asking those in attendance and Kennedy Cutler himself I caught the jist of it, and it sounds totally bonkers.
Don't make your resume so full of technical terminology that a business - side manager or networking contact couldn't understand the jist of it.
A couple of hundred bucks more and I am sure that you will get the jist of it soon.
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