Sentences with phrase «jive with»

Also your friends and relatives may not just enjoy the most delicious food you prepared for them but also how you present the elegant table set - up you have created to jive with the holiday's season.
If hanging skeletons, pumpkin chip bowls and plastic gory limbs don't jive with your Halloween party vibe, consider going the sleek and simple route instead.
The old black hardware just didn't jive with the navy, so I got all new knobs, pulls, and hinges from D. Lawless Hardware.
It was such a strong, elegant look and didn't jive with the more casual, colorful vibe I was going for.
I am aware that my way of thinking doesn't jive with 95 % of the BP — this is not a reason not to write for the 5 % who are willing to listen.
That would jive with Zillow's forecast for the city of Chicago, which calls for larger gains between now and July 2017, compared to the last 12 months.
Sure, a person may be a top producer, but if they have a cutthroat attitude that doesn't jive with your collaborative office, they'll wreak havoc.
Some lenders may require tax returns, some may have higher asset requirements, if it doesn't jive with you move on.
It is important to find a play therapy paradigm that you jive with as your secure base, but don't limit yourself there.
No, what the interviewer is listening for is how does the information presented on your resume jive with what you say?
Maybe the leadership has changed, and you just don't jive with the new team, or perhaps a more streamlined business practice has displaced some of the nuanced or creative work that used to set you apart and make you shine.
Otherwise, hopefully there are components of this job that jive with your ideal scenario.
Sure, you could call in sick or sneak out claiming that you have a doctor's appointment or that you have a repair person coming to fix your hot water heater, but feeding your boss some line doesn't jive with the seasoned pro you have become.
Though the Shadow uses Windows Mobile 6.1, HTC has tweaked the user interface to better jive with the phone's signature scroll wheel.
Its numbers jive with the other popular wearables we tested it against, give or take a few steps, and the distance logged in the Huawei app corresponds to Google Maps data within a couple hundred feet.
Racked has an interesting look not just on how these jive with Etsy's terms of service, but also the legality of promising supernatural results in exchange for money.
If the questions or your medical records don't jive with the insurance company, the chances are you won't get approved.
However, that doesn't jive with what fans were tweeting.
Someone you jive with.
It may or may not jive with the opinions I heard, but will take them into account.
So what happens if that report, as it was served to opposing counsel when it was scheduled to be, doesn't jive with what you need that expert to say in court?
Obviously, the people that were doing that sort of high - level stuff, I can't hold a conversation with you for more than five seconds but some of these little things where you get this what you see is what you get Zapier connectors and stuff that I can jive with.
This seems to avoid bringing in that toxic personality or the person who's just not going to really jive with the way the rest of your firm operates.
Newbies get assigned an associate mentor straight away and then «after a year you choose a partner mentor who you think you can jive with.
Does the contact info on the bill jive with what you can find on the official agency webpage or phonebook listing?
If a WaterButt doesn't quite jive with your aesthetic — or you don't want your neighbors to see you pouring water out of a plastic butt — the Umbrella Pot might be a little more up your alley.
It doesn't jive with what I understand about Milankovitch cycles at all.
The data doesn't jive with information from NASA, the National Snow and Ice Data Center and people living on low islands around the world.
See: Meteorologist Dr. Ryan Maue: «Are climate scientists bothered that President's speech on «extreme weather» climate change doesn't jive with the last IPCC SREX report?»
Meteorologist Dr. Ryan Maue: «Are climate scientists bothered that President's speech on «extreme weather» climate change doesn't jive with the last IPCC SREX report?»
Many of your readers will no doubt ignore this because of my association with RC, but my personal experience as a relatively young person in this game just doesn't jive with what you are saying.
«my personal experience as a relatively young person in this game just doesn't jive with what you are saying.
Social responsibility doesn't usually jive with a macho image and Edwin Stafford and Cathy Hartman argue here that climate communication needs to be more macho if it is to reach new audiences.
That really does not jive with their climate goals,» she said.
Apparently, their posted policies do not jive with their actions.
Unless I read the WRONG paper, and I followed the link provided here, what I read doesn't seem to jive with any of the comments, other than one, that is being posted here.
In the back room of the first floor are more experimental works that leave representation behind for a collage approach that might jive with Cobra or with more recent European abstraction by artists like Raoul de Keyser and others.
Artists create in their own set of rules and conventions that may not jive with another.
There's a lot to love in this RTS title, despite a plot line that doesn't exactly jive with the rest of the StarCraft lore.
The problem with the character combat was that the mechanic didn't jive with the Star Wars universe.
@ 23: His bias against talking doesn't jive with one of my favorite games, Planescape: Torment, but otherwise I think he's really onto something.
I love Warzone and Execution just as much as the next Gears fanboy, but they really don't jive with the new fast paced gameplay that Judgment exhibits.
If you're willing to put up with a story that doesn't always jive with the light - hearted feel of its characters, then you'll experience one of the most interesting open - world games in years.
It was never implemented and, to be honest, it did not really jive with the flow of the game demo that I was actually able to play at E3 2017.
What Kirito explains doesn't jive with the events that actually happened.
However, if you've played these games as often as I have, these changes don't jive with the subtlety of Yamaoka's original recordings.
Nothing more explicit than a «special massage» goes down on - screen, but it didn't really jive with the game's other themes as the first story mission revolves around stopping a teacher who is preying on students.
Limits based entirely on he gameplay that don't jive with the story will ruin the immersion of the game, and make it seem more like a job than like fun.
While at first we jumped onto the «oh it has finally released globally», we paused on that for a moment as it didn't jive with what we already knew about the upcoming launch.
The choices in game tend to be more straightforward and simple ranging from trying to redeem a character to outright murder which just doesn't seem to jive with the theme.
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