Sentences with phrase «job during a recession»

I lost my job during the recession / depression, had to live off my savings, lost my apartment, lost my car, savings gone.
If the Minister is so keen on apprenticeships, will he explain to the House why, in the leaked document that I have before me, he proposes cuts to the funding of apprenticeships, and why he is doing so little to help apprentices who are losing their jobs during the recession?
«About a month into my search, I realized that I had to get more creative with my job search to land a job during a recession,» he says.
But they are concerned that even a college degree will not guarantee jobs during a recession, and they are increasingly worried about their ability to pay for college.
The school has a year's worth of donations in the bank, but Holtgraves said she worries about parents losing their jobs during a recession.
A short story about how a guy loses more than just his job during the recession.
Others buy homes while the economy is great and then lose their jobs during a recession.
When people lose jobs during a recession, bankruptcies increase.
Moreover, Simply Hired found that there were 6.2 unemployed people per job during the recession, and in June 2013, that number dropped to 3 per job, as evidenced in the chart to the right.
Applying for jobs during a recession can be tough for entry - level seekers, as is the case for professionals at other stages on the corporate ladder.
Although the city lost jobs during the recession, job prospects through 2040 are seen as positive.
This video from Howdini on How to Find a Job During a Recession provides some great advice for people newly returning to the job market.

Not exact matches

According to 34 - nation Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, Canada would place fifth during the recovery period according to the percentage of the working age population that held a job at the end of 2013, compared to the situation prior to the 2008 - 09 recession.
It also does little to help the growing income gap or the overall economy, as people working several freelance jobs lack the purchasing power they may have had in more stable positions that disappeared during the recession, she said.
One, the quits rate fell during the 2007 - 09 recession and has been slower to recover than other labor market indicators because workers lacked confidence to leave their jobs for greener pastures.
The good news on job openings follows the Labor Department's announcement last week that the U.S. economy officially recovered all 8.7 million jobs that were lost during the recession.
While men sustained more than 70 % of the job losses during the recession, new numbers from the National Bureau of Economic Research in the U.S. suggest that through 2010, male employment rates increased and eventually surpassed those of women.
Some of this increase is due to a rise in manufacturing and construction jobs (fields dominated by men), which were the hardest hit in the U.S. during the recession.
And while Mills was lauded for increasing aid to small businesses during and after the recession, she faced some pushback, as programs didn't create as many jobs as critics would have liked.
During the recession, when unemployment was high and job - training programs were scarce, states were able to request waivers for these work requirements, and many governors did just that.
As this other chart, by the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston shows, government employment held up relatively well during the recession, but started bleeding jobs during the recovery.
This is perhaps due to the fact that they saw their parents go through the housing crisis, or were themselves cast into the job market during the ides of the economic recession.
That's why during a recession, you want a lot of cash, cash equivalents, or access to money in some way at your disposal in the event that you lose your job, the stock market crashes and you don't want to sell your shares at depressed prices, you suffer a pay cut of some sort, are disabled, or you own a business and sales start to drop.
«During the recession and in its aftermath fewer people voluntarily left jobs because the chances of finding a new or better one were low compared to a healthier economic cycle,» says Rosemary Haefner, vice president of human resources for CareerBuilder.
This graph complied from data published by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics» Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey — for which there is sadly no Canadian counterpart — illustrates how and why U.S. employment fell during the recession and why it is taking so long to recover:
As a result, job security is always the number one priority during these hard times, and workers flock toward the so - called recession - proof businesses.
While South Carolina has recovered all of the jobs that were lost during the recession on net, and then some, the recovery has not been uniform across geography or industry.
But W - 2 jobs did not resurge as usual during our recovery from the last recession; instead, the growth has happened in the 1099 column.
But only four metro areas have recovered the jobs they lost during the Great Recession.
By 2012, Florida had recovered only 13.5 percent of the 715,200 jobs lost during the recession, according to a report from Florida International University's Research Institute on Social & Economic Policy.
So the media's talking about the losses, and it's often during a recession and people are losing their jobs and everything happens at the same time, and you have this feeling of helplessness when you're not doing anything.
Citing the 2010 General Social Survey evidencing that companies with employee stock ownership were four times less likely to lay off employees during the Great Recession than conventionally owned companies, ESOP Association President, J. Michael Keeling, urged the Congress to consider job sustainability when reforming the Federal tax code.
In promoting its job creation record, the government makes the claim that the economy has recovered all the jobs lost during the recession.
The employed guy's job disappeared during the recession.
I know many women in long - term marriages who did not look down on their husbands during the Great Recession and he lost his job (or had it significantly reduced).
During the Late - 2000s recession, and following a government report which suggested that women were twice as likely to lose their jobs as men and feared losing their jobs more than men, Harman stated: «We will not allow women to become the victims of this recession».
Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli reported in a recent address to the Rockefeller Institute that Syracuse has only regained 38 percent of the jobs lost during the recession, compared to 175 percent in New York City.
Even with the modest growth, upstate has only recovered 79 percent of the jobs that were eliminated during the recession.
The tory site has the party's alternative budget proposals: * Freezing council tax for two years, worth over # 200 for the typical family * Abolishing income tax on savings for all basic rate taxpayers, worth up to # 7,200 a year * Raising the income tax threshold for pensioners, worth up to # 400 a year * Help for the unemployed to upskill and reskill during the recession - and tax breaks for companies who create new jobs That, apparently, is it.
New York fared better during the Great Recession when it came to private - sector unemployment and job creation, compared to other large and neighboring states, the Rockefeller Institute found in a study.
For months now, New York officials have been highlighting how the city has regained all the jobs lost during the long recession and then some.
The Tories opposed intervention to prop up the banking system, rejected support for home owners, jobs and consumer spending during this recession.
Tax revenues will also go up, as the city has already gained back two - thirds of the private - sector jobs that it had lost during the recession and should have them all back in 2013, the budget office projected.
Ms Harman: We are well aware of concerns across the board about job loss during the recession.
As of last month, six years after the Great Recession began, Clinton said the U.S. has recovered the jobs lost during the economic slump.
Despite that, DiNapoli found that the industry has accounted for less than 1 percent of the private sector jobs added in 2015, compared with 10 percent during the two prior recoveries from recessions.
This week, House Democrats are beginning their push for a cap - and - trade scheme that makes big promises, but amounts to little more than a national energy tax that will destroy countless jobs and raise energy prices on families and small businesses already struggling during this recession.
Internet publishing, Internet service providers, Web portals, data processing, and telecommunications companies suffered through job losses not only during the recent recession but also during the recovery that followed.
At the very least, «I got a job during the aftermath of the recession,» says Kristen Lindquist, who finished her Ph.D. under Barrett's mentorship at Boston College just as the economy was tanking in 2010.
I graduated during a previous recession so I found it hard to get a space - science job and ended up working in ground - based astronomy.
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