Sentences with phrase «job gets harder»

I did all of the back - end work from my office for years, but as I grew, the job got harder and harder.

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If you're in an industry where it's relatively easy to make comparisons between brands, and where customers don't have strong attachments, your job just got a lot harder.
Discovering that your cheap plunger can't get the job done is not a lesson you want to learn the hard way.
There are a many people coming out of law school who are finding it very hard to get a job at a decent law firm.
When you «got so much money you should start a bank,» so much paper right in front of you it's hard to think, then you've got 99 problems and keeping your job ain't one.
Yet economists and policy experts say that view fails to take into account the changing realities of the workplace, where it's harder to get good - paying jobs, and where wages have been stagnant for decades.
It's much harder for researchers to identify the new jobs that will be created and who will get them as a result of I4.0.
I also thought that it'd be hard to get a job.
It can make it harder to buy a home, start a small business or get a new job.
The hardest aspect of my job as an executive coach is trying to get CEOs such as William and Rachel to sit still for 20 minutes a day in quiet, contemplative thought.
Brian Brennan, senior vice president at the Silicon Valley Leadership Group, told the Wall Street Journal that while the area's high - paying jobs and lifestyle still bring tech workers to the Bay Area, «it is hard to get the best talent outside of this region to come here and stay here.»
I took a poll of the room asking the very simple question: «On a scale 1 to10, how hard do you feel it is to get a job in your desired industry?»
It's better for both sides because being unemployed makes it harder to get a job, which means you'll be on unemployment longer.
And, from new subways to an austerity budget, it's hard to recall a politician so unable to sell the very agenda that got him the job.
In a recent tweet, Cuban wrote, «Sometimes it seems like getting the job is the hard part.
Thieves» jobs just got harder with technologies tracking everything from store displays to people's faces.
That's why products that make people work harder to get a job done fail.
«Get a job and work hard,» she told The New York Times» Adam Bryant in an interview.
How many are working at any job they could get as hard as they can out of economic fear?
In contrast, the most prestigious slot for a marine officer of almost any rank — the job that is hardest to get and that most clearly marks you for a likely rise to the top — is one in which he or she is entrusted with the selection and training of other marines.
I knew I needed to work hard to get their attention, but maybe I also did it because I really, really wanted the job.
«When those folks who have the hardest time getting a job actually get the supports (they need), they thrive and they become contributors to the economy,» Hajdu said.
Of course, young people are due a certain amount of sympathy for the perennial difficulties involved in getting one's foot in the door of the job market — it's always been hard work finding that first full - time position.
The bank accepted 4 % of them, making it harder to get a job at Goldman than to be accepted to Harvard.
The bank accepted 4 % of them, making it harder to get a job at Goldman than to be accepted to Harvard University.
In that case, even if the job gets done, it's really hard for employees to experience any kind of growth.
«You get to a new position, you work really hard and you earn people who are willing to support you, because they see how hard you're working and they're willing to extend a bit of their personal capital to say, «Yes, I know so - and - so is going to do a great job in this new role.»»
Losing a job is a significant setback in any context, but it is far worse when a bad economy makes it hard to get back to work quickly.
She'll have to quit her well - paid job at a respectable company and tell her parents that although she studied hard throughout school and got into a great college and graduated in 3 years that she is now leaving it to change the way that manufacturers sell products electronically through their distribution systems.
Therefore, if your answer to the question of what you want is, «I don't know,» or «I want to not work hard,» then put this book down, and go get a desk job.
My concern has always been that I won't have enough money for a long retirement, but I won't realize it until I'm 10 years into retirement, at which point it's MUCH harder to «get a real job» again.
Working alongside YEP staff, youth are paid an educational stipend while they learn vital hard and soft skills which help them get and keep jobs.
Hard workers are the employees that are ready to step in on side jobs and come into work early when there is an extra job that needs to get done or a deadline to meet.
And maybe even more worrisome is a suspicion that robots will not only jeopardize jobs but make it even harder for less - skilled workers to remain employed, let alone get ahead.
Finding, getting, and then keeping customers may be the three hardest jobs for any small, medium or large business.
Once upon a time, there was a young man who got his dream job in the financial services industry, thought he could make it big one day and worked hard at it, then got disillusioned and disgusted by what he saw around, and finally quit to live a life of greater peace and fulfillment, while pursuing his passion in value investing.
James Carne who works at CAP Job Clubs UK believes churches have an obligation to continue to help those finding it hard to get work, speaking on Premier's «News Hour», he said: «There is still a big gap in terms of opportunities or help for people who are seeking work.
Unlike the college days, when you'd see your buddies between every class, once you get plugged into a job and family life, it can be hard to make time to see your friends.
They not only welcomed me, and treated me like a valuable person right from the start, but they got me through two of the hardest years of my life, when I had to leave the job I had to take 10 and a half weeks post op from my second open heart surgery in less than a year, (couldn't get disability) and try one more time to get SSDI.
Well, I just had a meltdown at work because I went to have a quick prayer in the bathroom (private bathroom stalls so no one could hear) but I ended up yelling at him because I am upset but soon as I got back to my desk I just started crying so hard because I really love him and I feel bad for yelling but yet I'm just overwhelmed with my job that I genuinely hate but he blessed me with this job 8 yrs ago.
We have done such a poor job of being an authentic community that humbly seeks truth, loves one another, and unselfishly serves our neighbors, that even if people want to learn about Jesus, it's hard for them to get past the gatekeepers of the church.
@@@@@ WIMPY WASP explained it when earthquakes and floods and famine hit really hard then most crazy broke really religious people who don't have a job go crazy like religious people don't give back in my last three years I given back too helping the poor more then $ 20,000 dallors of my own money how much you so called chicken heads crazy religious people given out of your own income wait you crazy religious people got ta pay your light the way I own my own commercial health base buisness in still working for a pay check I write employees paychecks.
Parents urge their children to work hard in school, to fill their resumés with just the right sorts of activities, to get good job experience.
And to those who say the poor should just «work harder» or get better jobs, nobody can find a freaking job right now.
What I am saying is that while millions of Americans were working hard to get more money and a job with benefits millions more made the decision not to do what was required to get that job.
After one particularly offensive show on Aug 19, 2010 where he and his cohost, Crank, spent the morning railing against the «mentally diseased perverts» everyone else calls gay, preaching that women aren't equal to men and should be home raising the kids and making dinner, and Blacks need to kick their drug habits and get a job instead of freeloading off his hard earned tax dollars by trading in their food stamps for drug money, we started a blog documenting his abuses on the air waves.
He encourages parents to get back to basics when it comes to pushing their kids into harder summer jobs, especially outdoor jobs.
Consider this... a person goes to college, gets a four year degree in archaeology (or some antiquities preservation analog); spends summers sifting through sand and rock and gravel, all the while taking graduate level classes... person eventually obtains the vaunted PhD in archaeology... then works his / her tail off seeking funding for an archeological excavation, with the payoff being more funding, and more opportunities to dig in the dirt... do you think professional archaeologists are looking hard for evidence of the Exodus on a speculative basis... not a chance... they know their PhD buys them nothing more than a job at Tel Aviv Walmart if they don't discover and publish... so they write grants for digs near established sites / communities, and stay employed sifting rock in culturally safe areas... not unless some shepard stumbles upon a rare find in an unexpected place do you get archeological interest and action in remote places... not at all surprising that the pottery and other evidence of the Exodus and other biblical events lie waiting to be discovered... doesn't mean not there... just not found yet...
I was even denied the chance to be smug: I knew all along that I had tried very hard to get other people to take over the job and felt some glee in the fact that no one was willing to consider our ward as someone worthy of rescue.
They keep saying help the poor, but really they don't want to get jobs and want to live off of other peoples hard work.
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