Sentences with phrase «job impacts»

This level of membership is open to anyone whose job impacts the physical, psychological, or emotional health of children and families.
Different states have very different rules about how income from a temporary or short - term job impacts your unemployment compensation.
Kenji Takahashi presented on «Rhode Island Renewable Thermal Market Strategy — An Analysis of Energy, Environmental, Economic, Energy Bill, and Local Job Impacts of an Alternative Renewable Thermal Energy Future for Rhode Island» at 2017 Energy Efficiency in Domestic Appliances and Lighting Conference.
«I believe the number of jobs impacted by these developments in the gaming industry over time will speak for itself,» Griffo wrote in the letter.
While there would be job losses in some sectors, a boost in clean energy construction and efficiency gains would create a net positive jobs impact, Podesta said.
This market model analyzed the cost - effectiveness, energy rate and bill impacts, local job impacts, and emission impacts of an alternative future in which Rhode Island achieves five percent renewable energy penetration by 2035.
«As a result, the CIPD estimates that the public sector jobs impact of the CSR to 2014 - 15 will be above 500,000, with total job losses rising close to three quarters of a million by 2015 - 16 if the coalition sticks to its existing longer term spending plans.»
Job impacts in the marine recreational fishing industry remained steady from 2014 at 439,000 jobs.
Of course, if business - as - usual renders the CPP non-binding (which, as discussed above, is quite plausible), then job impacts will be close to nil.
The EPA analyzed (PDF) job impacts under the CPP relative to the likely employment situation in 2020, 2025 and 2030 without the CPP.
Valid information about jobs impacts is not yet available because the agency has not yet released its environmental impact analysis nor its proposed rule.
BOMA's local associations across the country are doing a great job impacting this process in many jurisdictions, but we can't be everywhere.
LNS believes the CPP can be implemented in ways that maximize the gains for climate protection by constructing broad coalitions that include environmentalists, trade unions, and social justice advocates around common interest in protecting the climate and maximizing positive jobs impacts.
-- there's also a strong case of amnesia in a lot of this work) must be weighed against the growth and jobs impact of monetary stimulus.
Any jobs impacted by the closing in Los Angeles and London may be minimal as Mast Brothers is offering staff an opportunity to relocate to New York.
«Organizational goals are very clear, and everyone understands how their job impacts those goals.
Related: New Study Finds That Your Career Income Is Significantly Impacted by the First 10 Years on the Job
«Statistics show if you have a meaningful percentage of ownership and some communication that the employee's job impacts the value of the shares they have in their accounts, these companies outperform their peers by a factor of 10 percent on a compounded annual revenue and [EBITDA] growth basis,» says Josephs.
This could have some positive impact on job creation, although large portions of the capital investment could flow to labor - saving technology, muting the positive job impact.
Andrew Jackson has started off this discussion with his post today looking at the job impacts of federal cuts.
He has found the job impacts of increases to be very small, especially when phased in slowly, as in the CLC proposal.
The report takes a closer look at the input - output modelling of job impacts, and considers alternative investments of $ 5 billion in the green economy. On the cost side of the ledger, I look at existing employment in the region that could be affected, and environmental costs associated with oil spills and GHG emissions.
Some have focused on the jobs potential in recovering a particular product, such as tires or electronics; some have considered the jobs impacts of recovering a particular material, such as plastics or precious metals; and still others have looked at the jobs benefits of a particular recovery method, such as curbside recycling or composting.
The project's total costs went from the original projection in 2014 of $ 28,600,000 to $ 18,700,000, but the job impact remained the same: 18 new jobs, and 49 full - time and 53 part time jobs retained.
A new report claims that the job impact of shale gas drilling is exaggerated by supporters.
«It is a highly complex professional job and the demands of the job impact variously on people as they engage with the profession,» Davies said.
Synapse implements, assesses, and adapts many commonly used macroeconomic models, including IMPLAN and REMI, to predict the cascading economic and job impacts of capital projects and spending.
It concluded that, all in all, job impacts would be positive, in part because clean energy investments are more labor - intensive than fossil fuel investments.
According to research by Willis Towers Watson, 42 per cent of workers have suffered from stress or mental health issues at some point, and one in three believes their job impacts negatively on their mental wellbeing.
Using an app to quit your job impacts your networking possibilities, future references, and the potential for rehire should you have difficulty finding other employment.
Once we start thinking of ourselves as a «brand» rather than just a person looking for a job it impacts the whole process, from our resume, to how we think of selling ourselves and how we present our skill set to a potential employer.
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