Sentences with phrase «job points»

You do a good job pointing out many of these things in your new book.
Each item also has a description that does a great job pointing you in the right direction if you do get a bit stuck.
I've been getting through 1 - 2 dungeons per day, with some occasional job point grinding.
And if you win a battle without taking damage, you earn a few more job points.
What could be more luxurious than having a native tour guide happy to have an active job pointing out the highlights on a slow tour of the city?
Your hub does a good job pointing out some of the pitfalls we can bump into with online dating.
Gamers will also collect Job Points as they battle, which can be spent on Cael's skill tree to upgrade his abilities or increase his stats, with some of these upgrades relating to specific jobs.
I would like to point out a couple of targets I reached since starting Vivica's program... and of course thank her for her dedication to help us and the passion she puts in her job
The point is always missed with job seekers — skills defining the job are different than the skills to do the job
«Don't Think A Robot Could Do This»: Warehouse Workers Aren't Worried For Their Jobs points out that 94 % of contract workers don't think automation will eliminate their jobs
Kerr's reference to the mention of Leviathan in the Book of Job points to the deeper issue at which I hinted.
Government equal treatment to men in world around you shanghai dating websites will do amazing job pointing out that league.
Don t miss out on this awd suv crossover spotless white paint job point inspection and professional reconditioning comes with every vehicle here at sunset here...
Party members would earn job points, unlocking abilities available to that class that could be retained when shifting to another, leading to some game - breaking combinations.
The Curriculum Vitae is normally accompanied by a cover letter, which summarizes what it contains and points out the match of the applicant with the job
I feel like if there was a law that mandated a specific reason for not only after an interview rejection but at the application point, you would solve much of the problems in getting a job
Understand the position you are applying for and get to the point of how you will be the best person for the job
Ironically, the «prominent atheist blogger» mentioned in the story, Hemant Mehta, did the best job pointing out the absurdity of Bell's so - called experiment.
Lisa did a great job pointing out bias while aknowledging her own.
The article says the questionairre had 32 questions «including general knowledge questions...» CNN's editors should have done a better job pointing that out.
I think Jeremy you did a good job pointing out that that line shouldn't be drawn for others we should live in a «manner that life is a contest to see who can be the most gracious, loving, kind, and forgiving, and teach others to do the same.»
You've done a good job pointing out why Stephon the individual is... less than savory, to put it lightly.
You do a good job pointing out that there are pros and cons to each.
Not to mention «job points».
Each job comes with its own skills that become available as you earn «job points» for killing enemies.
By defeating enemies in battle you earn JP (job points) separate from experience gain.
Jeffrey R. Holmstead, a lobbyist at Bracewell & Giuliani representing energy companies and other clients, who was formerly Mr. Bush's lead regulator of air pollution at the Environmental Protection Agency, said he thought Mr. Bush could have done a better job pointing out the high costs of climate bills being pushed by Senate Democrats and some moderate Republicans.
I think Mann did a good job pointing out that uncertainty shouldn't delay action, but it seemed that his comments about uncertainty did not «stick» as well as Curry's.
Perhaps we should also do a better job pointing out to governments, and even to the courts, when they make access more difficult or more expensive.
Active in her community, Elizabeth has served on the board of directors for the Columbia Chamber of Commerce, the local United Way, and Job Point.
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