Sentences with phrase «jobs enjoys working»

I'm a hard worker who has two jobs enjoys working over time... on his free time he love to spend time with family and friends..
Most assume that people applying for jobs enjoy the work they do, which is why it may seem odd that the jobseeker chooses to say he does outright in the summary statement of the diesel mechanic resume sample.

Not exact matches

At the end of the day, you want your employees to be comfortable, enjoy their place of work and have everything that they need to do the best job possible.
Some of those who lost their jobs in the oil sands are working again, sure, but not at the six - figure salaries they once enjoyed.
Work - life balance is important and workload needs to be structured in such a way that it enables people to enjoy their home life and enjoy their job.
The more you enjoy your job, the easier it is to work, and that's important, especially when starting up your own company.
I am not suggesting that you should throw in your job at the drop of a hat, but you should be honest with yourself and ask why you are staying if you really don't enjoy what you do or the company you are working for?
While it can be easy to imagine telecommuters slacking off because they can, a recent Stanford University research suggests the opposite, revealing that working remotely actually makes employees up to 13 percent more productive — because they enjoy more job satisfaction.
Employees take pride in a job well done and enjoy working for companies dedicated to customers.
His exchange partner, who was thoroughly enjoying the Muskoka lifestyle, had the right to stay in his house, drive his truck and work his job for the rest of the year.
The jobs were paying the bills, but the work was stressful and no one was enjoying it.
We used to enjoy a luxurious lifestyle with a cushy, very well paying job which demanded almost fixed working hours and offered weekends off.
To be sure, the phenomenon of flexible work continues to gain traction, but one misconception persists: that people who enjoy job flexibility generally earn less money.
Despite the desire to work, many military spouses find it extremely difficult to find a job that they not only enjoy, but that also allows for the ebbs and flows of military life.
These people are more engaged in their work when compared to traditional job - holders, relish being their own boss and enjoy greater creativity than typical nine - to - five workers.
Without having to worry about where workers live, you can focus your hiring efforts on those job candidates who have the qualifications and the desire to work for your organization, and those who you think would enjoy and thrive in the environment you've created.
Or not necessary b / c you enjoy your jobs that you could see yourselves working for a while?
More than 13.5 million Americans participate in ESOPs and share in our special style of productive, collaborative work culture, while enjoying better job and retirement security.
Flexible job seekers enjoy working, with nearly two - thirds (64 %) of respondents reporting that they work both because they need to work and want to work.
One of the most encouraging studies about work flexibility to emerge in 2016 found that people who enjoy the flexibility to work from home are 87 percent more likely to love their job.
I don't mind working, I actually enjoy my job for now.
I've had several yucky jobs but always worked to better myself, I now for several years enjoy retirment.
If I look back over my life, and I am not a new born Christain, it seems that most of my growth in my walk came when I was in need for a job, while growth slowed down when I were making good money and enjoyed my work.
As long as each enjoys his or her job, as long as they appreciate the result of their joint efforts and remain good friends, money matters will work themselves out.
I, on the other hand, live a very great life, have a loving wife and kids, a great job and am happy every day to wake up and go to work and enjoy every minute of my free time.
TIP: This would make a great breakfast smoothie if you're on the go in the morning; I used to enjoy a version of this at a day job I had several years ago while working at a local bakery, and it was comforting to know I was giving my body so many healthy fruits and veggies before noon even hit!
She enjoys the fast - paced interaction that her work entails and knows that communication is a key component of a job well - done.
It's been tough juggling reading and homework with a full - time job, but I enjoy the subject matter so much, it doesn't feel like work!
«My job at Glasshouse Bar and Grill in Sandbach is also an achievement for me as it is a great place to work; I enjoy working as part of the team and meeting new people every day.»
When I waited tables I often wondered what I was teaching my girls about work by going to a job I disliked (not that there's anything wrong with waiting tables if you enjoy it, it's just that I did not).
When I went to college I didn't really do much ceramics (although I enjoyed it), preferring jewellery, but when a job came up working part - time in the ceramics department I jumped at the chance.
If you are a mama with breastfeeding, babywearing, and cloth diapering experience that enjoys sharing ideas and is looking for very part - time, flexible, work from home income... well then THIS is the dream job for you!
If you enjoy a challenging position with flexible hours, and working with a team to come up with new forward thinking ideas then check out our job listings below to join our diverse group of smart, passionate people who are at the top of their game.
The absolute most rewarding thing about my job is when we start working with new parents and you can see their shoulders relax, hear their laughter and know that they are less stressed and able to enjoy the journey of pregnancy.
I would never ever would have enjoyed staying up that late when I was working my old corporate job!
I get to be mommy first and work at my own pace and as much or little as I want, and I really enjoy what each job, -LCB- different in it's own rite -RCB-, brings me.
While we both work hard and enjoy our jobs, our life really centers on our time spent with family and friends, or traveling.
We are obviously not allowed to enjoy our jobs - that is, if we work outside the home in the first place.
Returning to work after maternity leave can be difficult: there could be guilt at leaving a very young baby to go back to work but on the other hand there could be the anticipation of getting back to job you enjoy.
If you enjoy staying home and can juggle your life as a stay - at - home mom with the responsibilities and discipline required to work without a boss standing over you, a work from home job may be the perfect fit for your family.
I work full - time at a job that I do not always enjoy.
If you work outside the home, then view your time at your job as an opportunity to refresh and prepare yourself to enjoy your baby fully when you are at home.
Whether you were a child in grade school or a university student, summer meant freedom from study and responsibility, the opportunity to work a job and have plenty of disposable income at hand, or even just to laze about all summer enjoying your life of irresponsibility and freedom.
This is your fault and it would be nice to see a little less sanctimnony from those who are directly responsible for tip [ing hard working families onto the Street whose efforts have paid for a the cosy non jobs your supporters have enjoyed It is common ton regard the left as well meaning but stupid but at times like this I really wonder if it is not something worse
It means never writing off people who can work and consigning them to a life on benefits, but giving them the chance to go out and earn a living and to enjoy the dignity that comes with a job well done.
Rather than fight over teacher - evaluation details, though, the governor needs to keep his eye on the larger issue: work rules and excessive job protections teachers enjoy.
Britain needed a Budget for jobs and growth but we got cash for the rich and a dose of austerity for ordinary people who've worked and saved all their lives in the hope of enjoying a comfortable retirement.
will grant his firm the necessary executive attention, generating well over 9,600 megawatts, working on technologies and training to create actions for job / productivity and actualize renewable energy in Nigeria is something just too feasible and that sooner Nigerians will begin to enjoy all other benefits that constant energy can brings to a nation.
«If you want a job that pays a decent wage, gives you the chance to get on in life, live independently and enjoy your work, then join a trade union.
We've got a great job opening here at BxNN for the right person — someone who is entrepreneurial and enjoys working with all kinds of people.
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