Sentences with phrase «joint account balance»

Here, if the bank went bust, the full joint account balance would be covered; split at # 80,000 each.
Unless you can agree on how to track your purchases and maintain clear communication about the joint account balance and scheduled payments, you may be better off with separate accounts.

Not exact matches

Of the receipts, $ 610 million was remitted to the federation account, while the balance of $ 3.09 billion was used to fund joint venture cash calls for that period.
After studying this chapter, you will be able to: Explain the basic nature of a joint stock company as a form of business organisation and the various kinds of companies based on liability of their members Describe the types of shares issued by a company Explain the accounting treatment of shares issued at par, at premium and at discount including oversubsription Outline the accounting for forfeiture of shares and reissue of forfeited shares under varying situations Workout the amounts to be transferred to capital reserve when forfeited shares are reissued; and prepare share forfeited account State the meaning of debenture and explain the difference between debentures and shares Describe various types of debentures; Record the journal entries for the issue of debentures at par, at a discount and at premium Explain the concept of debentures issued for consideration other than cash and the accounting thereof Explain the concept of issue of debentures as a collateral security and the accounting thereof Show the items relating to issue of debentures in company's balance sheet Describe the methods of writing - off discount / loss on issue of debentures Explain the methods of redemption of debentures and the accounting thereof Explain the concept of sinking fund, its use for redemption of debentures and the accounting thereof Topic List Features of a Company Kinds of Companies Share Capital of a Company Nature and Classes of Shares Issue of Shares Accounting Treatment Forfeiture of Shares Meaning of Debentures Types of Debentures Issue of Debentures Over Subscription Terms of Issue of Debentures Interest on Debentures Writing - off Discount / Loss on Issue of Debentures Redemption of Debentures Redemption by Payment in Lump Sum Sinking Faccounting treatment of shares issued at par, at premium and at discount including oversubsription Outline the accounting for forfeiture of shares and reissue of forfeited shares under varying situations Workout the amounts to be transferred to capital reserve when forfeited shares are reissued; and prepare share forfeited account State the meaning of debenture and explain the difference between debentures and shares Describe various types of debentures; Record the journal entries for the issue of debentures at par, at a discount and at premium Explain the concept of debentures issued for consideration other than cash and the accounting thereof Explain the concept of issue of debentures as a collateral security and the accounting thereof Show the items relating to issue of debentures in company's balance sheet Describe the methods of writing - off discount / loss on issue of debentures Explain the methods of redemption of debentures and the accounting thereof Explain the concept of sinking fund, its use for redemption of debentures and the accounting thereof Topic List Features of a Company Kinds of Companies Share Capital of a Company Nature and Classes of Shares Issue of Shares Accounting Treatment Forfeiture of Shares Meaning of Debentures Types of Debentures Issue of Debentures Over Subscription Terms of Issue of Debentures Interest on Debentures Writing - off Discount / Loss on Issue of Debentures Redemption of Debentures Redemption by Payment in Lump Sum Sinking Faccounting for forfeiture of shares and reissue of forfeited shares under varying situations Workout the amounts to be transferred to capital reserve when forfeited shares are reissued; and prepare share forfeited account State the meaning of debenture and explain the difference between debentures and shares Describe various types of debentures; Record the journal entries for the issue of debentures at par, at a discount and at premium Explain the concept of debentures issued for consideration other than cash and the accounting thereof Explain the concept of issue of debentures as a collateral security and the accounting thereof Show the items relating to issue of debentures in company's balance sheet Describe the methods of writing - off discount / loss on issue of debentures Explain the methods of redemption of debentures and the accounting thereof Explain the concept of sinking fund, its use for redemption of debentures and the accounting thereof Topic List Features of a Company Kinds of Companies Share Capital of a Company Nature and Classes of Shares Issue of Shares Accounting Treatment Forfeiture of Shares Meaning of Debentures Types of Debentures Issue of Debentures Over Subscription Terms of Issue of Debentures Interest on Debentures Writing - off Discount / Loss on Issue of Debentures Redemption of Debentures Redemption by Payment in Lump Sum Sinking Faccounting thereof Explain the concept of issue of debentures as a collateral security and the accounting thereof Show the items relating to issue of debentures in company's balance sheet Describe the methods of writing - off discount / loss on issue of debentures Explain the methods of redemption of debentures and the accounting thereof Explain the concept of sinking fund, its use for redemption of debentures and the accounting thereof Topic List Features of a Company Kinds of Companies Share Capital of a Company Nature and Classes of Shares Issue of Shares Accounting Treatment Forfeiture of Shares Meaning of Debentures Types of Debentures Issue of Debentures Over Subscription Terms of Issue of Debentures Interest on Debentures Writing - off Discount / Loss on Issue of Debentures Redemption of Debentures Redemption by Payment in Lump Sum Sinking Faccounting thereof Show the items relating to issue of debentures in company's balance sheet Describe the methods of writing - off discount / loss on issue of debentures Explain the methods of redemption of debentures and the accounting thereof Explain the concept of sinking fund, its use for redemption of debentures and the accounting thereof Topic List Features of a Company Kinds of Companies Share Capital of a Company Nature and Classes of Shares Issue of Shares Accounting Treatment Forfeiture of Shares Meaning of Debentures Types of Debentures Issue of Debentures Over Subscription Terms of Issue of Debentures Interest on Debentures Writing - off Discount / Loss on Issue of Debentures Redemption of Debentures Redemption by Payment in Lump Sum Sinking Faccounting thereof Explain the concept of sinking fund, its use for redemption of debentures and the accounting thereof Topic List Features of a Company Kinds of Companies Share Capital of a Company Nature and Classes of Shares Issue of Shares Accounting Treatment Forfeiture of Shares Meaning of Debentures Types of Debentures Issue of Debentures Over Subscription Terms of Issue of Debentures Interest on Debentures Writing - off Discount / Loss on Issue of Debentures Redemption of Debentures Redemption by Payment in Lump Sum Sinking Faccounting thereof Topic List Features of a Company Kinds of Companies Share Capital of a Company Nature and Classes of Shares Issue of Shares Accounting Treatment Forfeiture of Shares Meaning of Debentures Types of Debentures Issue of Debentures Over Subscription Terms of Issue of Debentures Interest on Debentures Writing - off Discount / Loss on Issue of Debentures Redemption of Debentures Redemption by Payment in Lump Sum Sinking FAccounting Treatment Forfeiture of Shares Meaning of Debentures Types of Debentures Issue of Debentures Over Subscription Terms of Issue of Debentures Interest on Debentures Writing - off Discount / Loss on Issue of Debentures Redemption of Debentures Redemption by Payment in Lump Sum Sinking Fund Method
Interest on a joint account in the UK is attributed to both account holders with an equal 50/50 split, regardless of who has deposited the account balance.
Find out what to do about loan disputes related to these topics: Account Balance Default Loan Discharge False Certification Due to Identity Theft Treasury Offset (withholding of federal tax refund) Treasury Offset of Joint Tax Refunds Wage Garnishment
Sam and Sue could also open a joint account and deposit a total of $ 500,000; as co-owners, they would each own half of the balance, or $ 250,000.
A simple $ 5 minimum balance is required to get started along with a joint account owner for youth under 16.
However, this allows joint owners to view the funding account's balance as well.
Now that my portfolio is getting back to a more normalized allocation, I can start rebuilding a balanced account, but I'll still take it slower and with less risk than I might usually trade since I expect to be divorced in the first quarter and will be splitting some of this account and rolling it into a new account only under my name as opposed to a joint account.
The owner and joint owner (if any) agree to be jointly and severally liable for negative balances on any accounts in which either or both owners have an ownership interest, including any overdrafts, regardless of the cause, and agree to immediately deposit sufficient funds to cover the negative amount of the overdraft.
Any two or more persons may establish a deposit account... The deposit account and any balance shall be as joint tenants... Unless the persons establishing the account have agreed with the bank that withdrawals require more than one signature, payment by the bank to, or on the order of (either person on) the account satisfys the bank's obligation
Some couples find a balance between joint accounts and his and her fun money stashes.
Just make sure that you keep your balances (principal and interest combined) for each separate account under $ 100,000 (savings account, joint account, GIC deposits, etc.).
If you have a joint account, the bank will usually freeze («arrest») the full amount in it, apart from the protected minimum balance.
Consider too, that if you co-signed or applied for a joint credit card account, your score will also take a hit if the borrower over utilizes the card and carries a large balance from month to month.
A feature that may be offered under an annuity contract in which the insurance company promises an individual may withdraw a specified amount from an account, even if the account balance is reduced to zero: (1) for the life of the individual, or the joint lives of two individuals (e.g., the individual and spouse); or (2) for a specified period of time.
If you have excellent credit and your spouse does not, it may make sense for you to apply for a balance transfer card with a lengthy introductory no - interest period and shift the debt onto that new card as you both devise a repayment plan from joint accounts.
«Many of these joints preserve the natural strength ratio carefully balancing the shear, bending, torsion, compression, and taking shrinkage into account
The books of account of the PHAI shall be kept by the joint Treasurers for the purpose of the reparation of the annual income and expenditure account and balance.
For example, if you own a furniture store, and your spouse occasionally comes in to help answer the phones, or balances the books every night, or purchased some of the shelving in your store with money for a joint account, then he or she may be able to claim a portion of the business proceeds.
The joint account holder may be surprised to learn that notwithstanding what the account agreement says, he or she is not automatically entitled to keep the balance in the account.
These other beneficiaries may challenge the right of the joint account holder to receive the balance in the joint account.
On the death of a partner Joint Life Policy Reserve Account is transferred to Joint Life Policy account and then the balance is transferred to Partner's capital acAccount is transferred to Joint Life Policy account and then the balance is transferred to Partner's capital acaccount and then the balance is transferred to Partner's capital accounts.
Moreover, the financial professional will contribute to the discussion of whether and how the clients will want separate and / or joint accounts during married life and how to strike the right balance of interdependence and financial independence.
When two people hold a joint account, they each have an equal right to its balance, regardless of whether or not they're married.
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