Sentences with phrase «joint angle»

At some joints, the effect of joint angle on the resulting moment that can be generated is not marked.
So why are the changes in joint angle - specific muscle strength and neural drive not more perfectly aligned?
Muscle moment arms can often change with changing joint angle.
Few studies have reported on changes in neural drive at different joint angles when comparing groups training with different types of external load.
Muscle forces and moment arm lengths differ with joint angle, and muscle forces also differ with contraction velocity.
These make it relatively simple to measure joint angles and the speed and acceleration of each limb during the throwing motion and thus to calculate the forces at each joint.
They noted that differences recorded in peak ankle joint angles were generally between 2 — 3 degrees, which may have been measurement error.
This produces joint angle range of motion - specific and and velocity - specific adaptations, as well as greater improvements at the endurance end of the strength - endurance continuum.
When different studies use the same joint angle for measurement, these can be compared to one another so long as differences between the populations tested are acknowledged.
The number of possible exercises that target specific joint angles is almost as limitless as the body's functional movements that these exercises help improve.
Recent studies have again indicated that fact, that higher joint angles and muscle activation occurs during single - legged activities as opposed to double - legged activities.
The externally - applied force can either vary across the whole joint angle range of motion, or it can remain constant.
Muscle forces and internal moment arm lengths can both be altered by joint angle; muscle forces are also altered by contraction velocity.
We already know that strength is very joint angle - specific, especially when we compare exercises that produce peak contractions at either long or short muscle lengths.
Like we said above, joint angles prevent the exercise from producing constant at each point of the movement and these variations can be depicted by a curved line for better understanding.
You have to work through joint angle «sticking points» through full range of motion.
Which mechanism is most important for subsequent joint angle - specific strength gains depends on the muscle length used in training.
Partial range of motion exercises also display fairly clear joint angle - specific gains in strength.
Consequently, each displays remarkable joint angle - specific strength gains.
It is not clear at what joint angle the moment arm length increases as the arm is elevated towards 120 degrees.
This probably causes differences in joint angle - specific gains in strength between the two external load types.
Therefore, the sticking region during the bench press occurs at different joint angles depending on grip width.
As you can see, even though the exercise is the same, the externally - applied torque (turning force) differs with joint angle, between the external load types.
Comparing skilled and unskilled adolescent powerlifters, Brown and Abani (1985) found that there was a difference in peak knee joint angles between groups.
There are few changes in joint angle movements during the deadlift, lunge and squat that could explain the changes in the pattern of net joint moments.
Comparing the deadlift with the squat in a group of powerlifters, Hales et al. (2009) found that there was a difference in peak hip joint angles between the squat and deadlift.
This indicates that the triceps muscle activity is very high during the bench press and may increase as the elbow joint angle increases (straighter arm), which is in line with the theoretical implications based on moment arm analysis, described above.
Comparing the deadlift with the squat in a group of powerlifters, Hales et al. (2009) found that there was a difference in peak knee joint angles between the squat and deadlift.
The researchers report that the change in shoulder joint angle resulted in different patterns of muscle activity throughout the bicep curl range of motion.
Notice the large hip joint angle from the top of the legs to the hip.
The effect of knee joint angle on hamstrings EMG amplitude is therefore currently unclear.
Accommodating resistance training transfers well to constant load strength, and also seems to produce greater joint angle - specific strength gains towards the middle of the exercise range of motion, greater improvements in repetition strength, and greater high - velocity strength gains.
Comparing the effects of barbell type, Swinton et al. (2011a) found that there a difference in peak knee joint angles when comparing straight bar and hexagonal bar deadlifts.
Isometric exercise is a type of strength training in which the muscle length and joint angle do not change during the contraction.
Weir, JP, et al: The effect of unilateral concentric weight training and detraining on joint angle specificity, cross-training, and the bilateral deficit.
As explained above, COD maneuvers most commonly involve force production when the hip extensors and knee extensors are at moderate muscle lengths (although the exact joint angles can vary widely between individuals and tasks).
This study tested muscle activation during maximum voluntary contractions of hip extension, in different hip flexion joint angles while the knee was flexed, and found that gluteus maximus EMG amplitude was reduced by a third when the hip was flexed, compared to when it was fully extended.
Where these studies assessed joint angle - specific changes in strength, they found no effects (Manning et al. 1990; Remaud et al. 2010).
Meyer (2005, unpublished thesis) also investigated joint angles during split squats with an elevated rear foot and conventional back squats and observed that the forward lean of the trunk in the split squat was less acute than in the standard back squat (25 ± 12 degrees vs. 35 ± 6 degrees).
The factors affecting the internal moment arm length can be subdivided into permanent factors that do not change substantially from one moment to the next (e.g. muscle size) and temporary factors that can be altered quickly (e.g. joint angle).
While low bar back squats do target the lower body, the mechanics and joint angles trained during the low bar back squat are significantly different than those needed when doing front squats, cleans, and high bar back squats.
Since the muscle length at the point of peak contraction seems to be the main factor that drives joint angle - specific strength gains, I am going to focus on the common type of partial range of motion exercises that involves a peak contraction at shorter muscle lengths in this article.
Previously, I explained how partial range of motion exercises produce joint angle - specific gains in strength for the same reasons as isometric training at short muscle lengths, which is mainly through neural adaptations.
«In testing, we found that the computer — using the algorithm — performed better than prosthetists at achieving the proper joint angle,» Huang says.
The team is now trying to nail down the specific role of stum proteins in Drosophila and to determine whether the human version of stum — which has never been characterized — also works in joint angle sensing.
Each neuron's input - sensing tendril (dendrite) grew right up to the joints — a sign that its evolved function is to detect joint angle.
Also, if you're experiencing a sticking point at a particular joint angle during a certain lift, targeted isometrics are a great way to solve that problem in a quick and efficient way.
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