Sentences with phrase «joint custody arrangements after»

Although state courts are increasingly moving toward joint custody arrangements after divorce, the old standard of one...

Not exact matches

However, often parents do not have the best communication with each other after a separation and communication sometimes gets worse with a joint custody arrangement.
After considering the jurisprudence with respect to the double - bind question, the Court found that the risk of it resulting in a presumptive disposition may be greater where a joint custody or shared residency arrangement requiring both parents to reside in the same locale is in the best interests of the child.
After frequent visitation while your child is an infant, you can transition to more of a joint custody arrangement when she is old enough to divide her time more easily between your homes.
Some states, such as Arizona, require periodic reviews after you're divorced to make sure your joint custody arrangement is still working out.
[ANONYMOUS LISTSERVE COMMENT]: «The recommendation involved a joint physical custody arrangement with an odd contingency... if the mother didn't agree with the recommendation, then the father would automatically get primary residential custody... this was after the evaluator had outlined numerous reasons why the mother had serious concerns about the father having primary custody... it appeared that the evaluator had set up the mother to agree to a plan that she had clearly not agreed to during the entire evaluation...» (Florida doctorate - level MHP, January 14, 2007).
Martha Jacobson felt that the father should have joint custody, even though he had not asked for it, and even though she knew that he was planning to move 40 miles away to the next county right after the divorce, which would pose logistical problems with this kind of arrangement for a child in preschool or kindergarten.
«After hearing all of the evidence, the trial court found that the joint - custody arrangement was not working and that primary custody should be awarded to one of the parties.
However, often parents do not have the best communication with each other after a separation and communication sometimes gets worse with a joint custody arrangement.
Also see generally, e.g. Eleanore E. Maccoby & Robert H. Mnookin, Dividing the Child: Social and Legal Dilemmas of Custody, Harvard University Press (1992)(characterizing joint custody arrangements in which parents were not communicating as an indication that after a period of time, joint custody was not facilitating coparenting cooperation and not working for most of the famCustody, Harvard University Press (1992)(characterizing joint custody arrangements in which parents were not communicating as an indication that after a period of time, joint custody was not facilitating coparenting cooperation and not working for most of the famcustody arrangements in which parents were not communicating as an indication that after a period of time, joint custody was not facilitating coparenting cooperation and not working for most of the famcustody was not facilitating coparenting cooperation and not working for most of the families.)
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