Sentences with phrase «joint custody of the children»

You may be entitled to some child support even if you and your spouse share joint custody of your children.
Ultimately, a court prefers to award parents joint custody of a child.
Even in the case of unmarried parents, many courts favor joint custody of a child because this can allow the child to foster strong bonds with both parents.
Fathers who are working on gaining sole or joint custody of their children following a divorce will find resources to help in their efforts.
It is possible to have both physical and legal joint custody of children, though joint legal custody is more common.
Sometimes a service member has joint custody of the children before deployment, but when she is deployed, the other parent gets a temporary order of sole custody.
Thus, it's unlikely an addict will receive primary or even joint custody of his children.
The court considers the distance between each parent's residence and if it's in close proximity to share joint custody of their child.
Ultimately, a court prefers to award parents joint custody of a child.
Fathers who are working on gaining sole or joint custody of their children following a divorce will find resources to help in their efforts.
When parents divorce, many prefer to arrange for joint custody of the children when possible.
Leving reports that the majority of mediation cases do resolve with joint custody of the children, and most do not go on to litigation.
When a man went to Toronto family lawyer Gene C. Colman in the mid-1980s seeking joint custody of his children, Colman warned him to prepare for a... Read more
Missouri law favors joint custody of children when parents separate, so that children have «frequent, continuing...
Fewer than 15 percent of fathers receive shared or joint custody of their children after divorce, and too many of those who don't get custody end up slowly fading out of their children's lives.
Even if a child's parent or parents are alive, a grandparent or other relative may be able to obtain joint custody of the child if they can prove that the parent or parents are unfit in some states.
Suntan12 - While I agree that both parents should have joint custody of the child there can be problems with that arrangement as well.
However being informed that the bill had been enacted and being aware that various groups had been agitating for a law that made joint custody of children South Carolina's default position, I decided to review the bill.
Perhaps you are disappointed that the court awarded you and your former spouse joint custody of your children -LSB-...]
In the case of legal custody, the going in supposition is that unless you say otherwise, you each have joint custody of the children so less time is typically spent on this in mediation than physical custody.
«In part, that's to ensure a strong basis for claiming joint custody of the children.
Generally, courts will grant joint custody of a child, which means that each parent will continue to spend a substantial amount of time with the child and have an impact on key decisions related to the child's upbringing.
Definition: Joint custody of a child requires both parents to cooperate in deciding major issues affecting their children, including, but not limited to, major medical decisions, religious training, and education.
Leving reports that the majority of mediation cases do resolve with joint custody of the children, and most do not go on to litigation.
While nothing in the law prohibits it explicitly, I've never understood how attorneys can counsel their male clients to demand DNA paternity testing, especially for a child born in their marriage, while seeking joint custody of that child.
On January 14, a new law went into effect in Illinois that allows judges to order a «right of first refusal» for parents who share joint custody of their children.
For a grandparent or other relative to successfully file for joint custody of the child, that party would need to show evidence proving that the child's living parent is unfit to act as a custodian.
It is possible for parents to continue to have joint custody of their children after separation or divorce and for the children to spend an equal amount of time with each parent if the parents can agree and arrange this.
Lang acted in eight separate cases, leading to all the men obtaining joint custody of their children.
Missouri law favors joint custody of children when parents separate, so that children have «frequent, continuing and meaningful contact with both parents.»
Therefore, barring any critical circumstances, a court will likely grant both parents joint custody of the child.
In a novel and lengthy opinion, a New Jersey family court judge has awarded joint custody of a child to three people — the biological father, his same - sex spouse, and the mother.
If you have joint custody of your child, your ex should be consulted on all meaningful issues affecting your child.
Some states consider an unmarried mother to have full, sole custody of a child, while other states consider two unmarried parents to have joint custody of a child.
According to North Carolina child custody laws, if a military parent has sole or joint custody of a child and receives deployment papers that involve moving a substantial distance from the parent's home, a North Carolina family court will issue a temporary custody order of the child during the parent's absence, which shall end no later than 10 days following the parent's return.
If you seek full or joint custody of the children — or if you just want a generous visitation schedule — staying in the house will help your cause.
Marcia and Gordon Clark, who had been married for 13 years, have joint custody of their children, with Marcia as «primary physical caregiver.»
In some states, an unwed mother is presumed to have sole custody of a child, while other states presume that two parents who sign the child's birth certificate have joint custody of a child, regardless of whether they're married.
Interesting case out of the Tax Court this month: in Trignani v. Canada, [2010] T.C.J. No. 141, the court determined that a man who had joint custody of his child but who was paying net maintenance to the children's mother, was entitled to write of those legal expenses he incurred to pursue his child support claims.
Parents who have joint custody of their children must both sign a passport application for a child of the marriage.
Interesting case out of the Tax Court this month: in Trignani v. Canada, [2010] T.C.J. No. 141, the court determined that a man who had joint custody of his child but who was paying net maintenance to the children's mother, -LSB-... read full post]
Because you are married, you both have joint custody of the children; therefore, she can not legally claim to have custody of the kids.
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