Sentences with phrase «joint custody situation»

In most joint custody situations, one parent is designated as the primary residential parent.
However, in a true joint custody situation, both parents split parenting time equally.
In joint custody situations, the judge could order the sale of the house and require both spouses and children to relocate.
Most joint custody situations have one parent designated as the primary residential parent whose home is the children's primary address.
The obligor is usually the parent with the higher income, although this may vary in joint custody situations where the parents spend an equal amount of time with the child.
In certain circumstances, such as joint custody situations, a court may need to reassess child custody between the parties altogether and suggest the non-relocating parent take physical custody of the child to maintain as much stability as possible.
Wallerstein: I can only conclude that joint custody as a legal presumption for all children is a misguided policy... children, especially girls, do very poorly in court ordered joint custody situations.
Father involvement hasn't been shown to have effect to correct the statistics in joint custody situations post-divorce, no matter how high that involvement (in fact, the reverse has been correlated.)
In certain circumstances, such as joint custody situations, the court may need to reassess child custody between the parties altogether.
Find out how other dads have made this joint custody situation a positive for all concerned.
It's not uncommon for divorced or unmarried parents to live in different states, although it typically makes coparenting much more challenging, especially in a joint custody situation.
Further, in a joint custody situation, the Courts will often designate one parent the «primary residential» parent.
This is the parent whom the child or children live with the majority the amount of time in a joint custody situation.
In joint custody situations, both parents make major decisions about a minor child's education, health care and religion.
It could be every day with the other parent seeing the child on the weekends or a joint custody situation where you share the time with the other child.
In joint custody situations, support may not be ordered at all if the parents have similar incomes and spend an equal amount of time with the child.
In joint custody situations, the amount of child support may be based upon a court - approved mutual agreement or upon a court - ordered deviation from the standards.
There are negatives inherent in the joint custody situation which even the best parents can not overcome.
In a joint custody situation, that would indicate that each parent would have the children for an equal number of Tuesdays, Saturdays, holidays etc. in any given year or years.
Parents should meet regularly to discuss the joint custody situation without the children.
Find out how other dads have made this joint custody situation a positive for all concerned.
For example, in a joint custody situation, a child might spend holidays, occasional weekends and summers with one parent and all weekdays during the school year with the other parent.
As the terms imply, in joint custody situations, parents share responsibilities for the child.
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