Sentences with phrase «joint dumbbell variations»

Unlike single - joint dumbbell variations, cable crossovers and flies, including those performed on the peck deck machine, allow you to flex your pecs in the top contracted position on every set, thereby working the chest hardest in the full contracted position and calling for a greater involvement of the inner pec fibers.

Not exact matches

The Arnold Press (named after the most famous Bodybuilder of all time, of course), is a slight variation of the regular Dumbbell Shoulder Press that places very little tension on your joints and allows for a more complete range of motion than it's traditional counterpart.
Variations of these movements that change angle work the muscles differently and in some cases can more beneficial and joint - friendly — dumbbell floor press, Neutral grip eccentric chin - up, Chest supported neutral grip dumbbell row, steep incline dumbbell press, B - stance deadlift, Bulgarian split squats.
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