Sentences with phrase «joke about»

The town is so small that very few people know about it and those who do often make jokes about how small, dry and boring it is.
This film spends so much time making jokes about how certain things make no sense, and yet this film ends in a way that makes little to no sense.
As such, PC gaming communities on Reddit are full of jokes about how hard it is to find a graphics card for a decent price.
We aren't joking about how charming the packaging sounds.
You know the old joke about how babies care more about the wrapping paper and the bows than the actual present?
Instead, the writers fill the movie's 100 - minute running time with jokes about animal cruelty.
They cracked jokes about everything from tourists to no necks and sex.
My father and I in particular, both very skeptical and somewhat cynical individuals, often joke about what astute atheists we would be if not for our christian faith.
There is a running joke about mobile phones — because it's 2003.
A selection of funny jokes about internet dating and all that can go wrong with internet dating.
A girl walks into a bar... and starts telling jokes about her vagina and her boyfriend.
Never make jokes about getting drunk; make sure that your children understand that it is neither funny nor acceptable.
And were they really joking about date rape, or just using the drug on themselves as a plot device?
I always heard jokes about it, and never really took it seriously.
I was merely using my freedom of speech to point out how stupid everyone who thinks it's a good time to make jokes about something serious is.
She was already uncomfortable, then colleagues started joking about selling her into prostitution.
During the course of the election, there have been many jokes about relocating.
I made a little joke about traveling back in time.
We also have an inside joke about how he's never won anything.
I so wish I was only joking about that.
Human society has yet to evolve to the point where it can witness a person holding up a massive slate of technology to his ear without attempting to make a bad joke about it.
Let's hope he was only half - joking about wanting that ring!
With anything and everything becoming «smart» or, at the very least, getting connected to the Internet, there is no shortage of jokes about which thing will get smart next.
Dating wisdom and advice; the Jewish way in finding one's spouse A selection of funny jokes about internet dating and all that can go wrong with internet dating.
You should think twice about making jokes about things you know you are ignorant of — start studying for yourself so you won't continue to make such unfounded remarks.
So while American comedies have managed to make several great jokes about sex over the years, it is weird that there is still no great comedy about the business side of sex.
We've all heard jokes about marriage or exclusive committed relationship ruining a perfectly good relationship.
Even viewers who can still laugh at jokes about accidental urine consumption will be hard pressed to crack a smile — or, for that matter, a wallet.
I always do and I love joking about the events of my life.
There are quite a few jokes about feminism and racism which were on - point yet still edgy and hilarious.
He signed up for a month and met me face - to - face within 2 weeks after many emails and calls, so jokes about trying to get a partial refund.
Tired jokes about men, women and sense of direction have existed since the dawn of time.
So if you make up a great joke about why you were speeding and actually make the cop laugh, you have a great chance of getting off entirely.
If you have any time saving tips of your own I'd love to hear them, I'm not joking about taking it easy this year!
Here are a few boards with everything from character development tips to jokes about writing.
It's just sad that they have him making the same jokes about not understanding things.
There is also a political message buried underneath all of the silly spy jokes about thinking before judging drug - users as one negative stereotype.
You can make your own jokes about dubious food in the comments below.
We've collected our favorite funny jokes about online dating to let weary singles know they aren't alone in thinking that modern dating is actually quite ridiculous.
Many parents joke about wishing their baby was ready to get around and do things on their own, shortly after being born.
We have a ongoing joke about ugly cat shirts and how I believe they should not be allowed outside of your house.
She posted happy tweets, silly jokes about her characters, and generally lifted people up.
Saying, «Sure, I'll make up something for my manager» or joking about creating a doctor's appointment could run up a red flag.
For children it provides goofy, lovable characters and childish potty humor, while for adults it also offers meta jokes about modern society or of the film itself.
He made a poor joke about the surveillance state and «their very own expert» in No 10.
When it comes to training, that old joke about voting can be applied: train early and train often.
If I were having a c - section I would very be happy to hear my doctors joking about how fun c - sections are.
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