Sentences with phrase «joke out of the premise»

Not exact matches

Bottom line is that as good as the idea is it's played out as sort of a one - joke premise over the course of 99 minutes without ever seeming truly inspired.
What I'm not so fond of is the cop - out ultimately taken by the filmmakers, who can't seem to follow through on their promisingly metaphysical premise (let alone the theme of obsessive love), electing instead to eliminate all ambiguity — now would be the time to dig up that gift - wrapped box I told you about earlier — which reduces the film, in the end, to little more than a cheap, if rather expensive - looking, joke.
License to Wed is a one - joke premise that wears out its welcome early, and though not entirely unwatchable, it never rises above its mediocrity to distinguish itself from the plethora of also - rans in the emasculated male comedy genre.
Another rehashes the old premise of a boorish passerby approaching a celebrity while they're out with their family; Garlin's interminable pacing gives the joke time to go from stale to moldy to rotten.
There are plenty of laughs to be had in They Came Together, though none of them were too uproarious for me, but the biggest problem with the movie is that it's ultimately a one - joke premise stretched out to a feature length.
What I am slamming the film for is because it has a terribly contrived premise, a lumbering execution, and doesn't really know where to go with any of it once the big joke of two reluctant straight men forced to be gay is introduced, except to pull more trite jokes out of their rear ends.
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