Sentences with phrase «jot about»

Of course the new generation of gamers will not care one jot about this and rightly so.
If we at least started to make pupils aware that learning to spell English is difficult because it was repeatedly changed for the worse by people who did not care a jot about enabling all children to learn as much as possible (as I have explained to the History page of my EnglishSpellingProblems blog) future generations might start doing something about it.
It's the perfect role for Witherspoon in full cute - as - a-button Legally Blonde mode, but who honestly cares one jot about Tinker Bell's origin story?
At the time, I knew not one jot about the complex and brilliant technical mastery that makes up any Bach composition.
To be honest, though the truth is refreshing, I personally don't care a jot about ACMilan and since this is an Arsenal site will comment on us, not them.
Not that I care a jot about English shortcomings, PROVIDED I can understand what others write.
We have a majority shareholder who does NOT invest in the club as he cares not a jot about football glory Kroenke is the devil in this scenario Wenger is just one of his little imps More fool you Arsene you've destroyed your own legacy
You care not one jot about anything but your obvious desire to legislate what YOU think if right or wrong, regardless of how it impacts others.
«Then at least,» I wrote at the time, «left to ourselves, we will be able, under the guidance of a new Holy Father (who will, I hope and pray, see it as his aim to complete the work of the pontificate which has just come to such an unexpected end), and with God's help, return in the light of a new Eastertide to the business of building up the Church once more, free of the attentions of the roving media protagonists who so rarely care a jot about what, for a week or so, is currently attracting their fitful attention.»

Not exact matches

Then think about whether the people you jotted down would include you on their lists of friends.
This is just a page for each person I interact with a lot, where I jot down things I need to talk to them about as they occur to me in between meetings or conversations.
If you jotted down a note to deal with a conflict or to finish a report, decide to focus on that task and make sure you are intentional about addressing it.
Each day you can easily jot down daily notes about things you truly appreciate.
You can also jot down notes about symptoms or side - effects so you'll have a clear record of your response to a given medication.
If you're blogging once or twice a week, brainstorm and jot down some topics to write about and insert them into a calendar that extends into the next couple of months.
If you can talk about your product to other people, there's no reason why you can't jot down your ideas and turn them into a written sales piece.
The only rule is you have to keep writing, even if it's to jot down, «I don't know what to write about
Because the Bible tells us not, «Man, you have to get all the jots and tittles right before you go out and tell people about Jesus,» but «How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!»
what is very interesting to me tonite is the folks who are positive there is no god... what is equally interesting is the snarling that appears whenever one does not «toe» the atheist line of no god... It has been said over and over here, «there is no proof of your God» ad nauseum I might add... OK... please, I am asking you in the nicest possible way... explain to me, without a Designed, where the universe and all it entails, first got its source... I really would like to know... from everything I see, I see beauty, design, tragedy, poetry, poverty, etc.... How did we begin to name or classify any of this... what intelligence gave us our intelligence... I have yet to see an anwer posited as to how it all came about, absent a Designer... I will wait for an answer... How did it ALL get here, and explain the precision and engineering of it all — right down to the last jot of DNA.
If the situation you write about requires follow - up of some kind, jot down the steps you need to take.
Later, I may write the letters P.E. (peak experience) beside the jotting I've made about it in my personal log.
On the right, many of those who think themselves most concerned about maintaining every jot and tittle of Christian orthodoxy see little reason to look beyond the Bible itself for instruction.
I shall never forget the impact on my ministry when I sat down a few years ago and jotted on paper «the great rocky facts of being» (Augustus Hopkins Strong): some elementary but elemental truths I felt certain of, with certainty defined as «no doubt about it» but as «convictions by and for which one lives and dies.»
Be playful, jot down ideas, but forget about order or sequence.
At one point, participants jotted down «what major comment about worship [they would] like to make.»
But Katie spoke up, and there was usually some young man jotting down the table talk — openly, and with the approval of the master who sometimes gave a specific direction about what to write.
I think as of today I will be able to jot down the correct date — it always takes me about two weeks to get used to the number - change.
I need to jot the names down otherwise I will forget about them.
I have about a million variations jotted down, but with the big game a few short days away, I felt obligated to make my annual buffalo chicken contribution to the world.
I think it was about a year ago when I jotted down a recipe for the garbanzo bean brownies my sister had made and raved about.
If I don't at least jot down a general list of what I'm going to make for each meal of the week, I basically run around like a chicken with my head chopped off, feeding my kids whatever I can quickly grab without thinking too much about it.
As it stands, even if I had jotted down musings or observations about this recipe, I don't know if I could speak to those things coherently at the moment.
few weeks back there was an article on here about injured players coming back and helping at the tail end of the season; the article was big on Wilshire and I commented saying Welbeck will be the one I will most look out or because he offers us something different upfront, either as a striker or on the wings, I also said Wilshire does not register on my radar not because he os not good but simply because we have better players in his role and he has not been missed one jot....
Tells you a lot about whaty his ambition is regarding next season and the board do nt care a jot as they are happy to sit and let the money role right in.
It pains me to write the truth about a basically decent lad who was one of our own but it helps the club not a jot to ignore the truth.
This philosophy or belief is exactly why I picked you up on your — as I thought - «racist» comment about Brits not liking or rating Iwobi as he is not British but Nigerian, as if either of these things irrelevant matter one jot.
Make sure you have a catch - all place to jot down everything you need to remember about what's going on at home, too — even if it's just the Notes app on your iPhone.
Art and craft are about enjoyment and it doesn't matter a jot if anyone likes what you produce.
The gross things about the first time a newborn poops may not be the memories you jot down in a baby book, but they certainly can make a lasting impression.
Father's Day is quickly approaching and right about now you might be jotting down gift ideas for your hubby or Father.
Even when you're too tired to create an elaborate layout for your child's baby book or transform special photos into handmade gifts, try to get in the habit of taking the time to jot down the day's activities in your journal, write in your blog about your baby's accomplishments, or post baby photos on Facebook.
You might find yourself motivated to jot a few lines about her recent changes or funny things she says.
Each page represents one day's schedule, with space to jot notes about feeding, diaper changes and medications (if necessary).
Others were asked instead to think about playing basketball: «Please briefly describe the emotions that the thought of playing basketball arouses in you,» and, «Jot down, as specifically as you can, what you think will happen to you as you play basketball.»
Think about each of the major areas listed in the job description and jot down a few points that substantiate your knowledge and skill in those areas.
Jot down a few notes about how your workout went when you finish.
I have found that I am much more creative overall when I allow myself to «work» while I move, by thinking about ideas for my next projects, brainstorming and jotting notes for partnerships, and more.
Simply taking a minute at the end of your practice to jot down a few notes about your experience.
I always use the notes app on my iPhone to jot down any immediate thoughts about the show and then elaborate on my initial points when I'm on route to the next show!
I also love to travel with these journals and jot down notes or amazing restaurants that I stumble upon, you would constantly see me checking sites like when I travel, just because it lets me have a better idea about the place I am going to.
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