Sentences with phrase «journalists do»

I take comfort in the knowledge that no one really cares about the trevails of journalists as much as other journalists do.
Most of the time, journalists do not report on Indigenous health issues at all.
Journalists do this every time they write a new article.
Being a good product manager is largely about listening to what users are saying and repackaging their ideas into features and product - which is basically what journalists do, but in writing!
Because these journalists don't want to miss the chance to review the next prerelease Apple product, any negative impressions tend to be gently noted and immediately tempered by positive statements.
Journalists don't cover Facebook harshly because it threatens their jobs — they do so because it threatens our republic (and, also, their jobs).
«So I'd be happy to endorse bloggers playing the same role that journalists do in court proceedings (access and timely reporting), but I don't think the rules that apply to jurors should change if one happens to be a blogger or journalist.»
If the authors are going to plunge into a discussion of economics at the end of an article on hurricanes they have a responsibility to cover all viewpoints, just like journalists do.
However, given that I'm not a scientist (but, then, neither is Al Gore) and have been a journalist, it seems to be me legitimate to use my journalistic and academic skills to do what good journalists do are supposed to do: investigate official claims to see if they are valid.
«Part of the problem is that journalists don't realize what objectivity was in the first place,» says [Jay Rosen, associate professor of journalism at New York University].
Journalists don't cal anti-vaxxer groups public health groups — why do they call Food and Water Watch an «environmental group»?
In fact, «Journalists do interviews» comes much closer to a definition of what is distinctive about journalism than formulations like «journalists report news, bloggers do opinion».
To put on my inner MT, it is clear that even good journalists do not know how to prepare for these interviews.
The challenge then is not so much to improve how the science of climate change is portrayed when journalists do feature it in their coverage, but rather to «break the tyranny of the news peg,» as [Dotearth blogger] Andrew Revkin has put it, and to understand ways to make it easier for journalists to cover climate change and related policy questions on a more consistent and frequent basis.
To answer the first question, it's important to note that McKibben enjoys some advantages most environmental journalists don't.
The latter is perfectly legitimate, the former a criminal offence (most basically «identity» fraud) which good journalists do not indulge in and do not need to indulge in.
In short, Dean reminds us that journalists do know how to dig to the bottom of a story and how to pressure politicians.
When will journalists do their job of being skeptical when media - hungry, new - age shamens claim to know things without any data or theory to support them?
No, they quote Greenpeace among several other corroborating sources for the main story, as journalists do.
Journalists don't go to jail for lying — they just get fired, e.g. Jayson Blair and that guy at the New Republic.
Perhaps the journalists don't understand.
What can the Society of Environmental Journalists do for you?
Instead, it acknowledges that random inaccuracies and misunderstandings occur from time to time, so reinterviewing and reconfirming is a corrective; that journalists do not want merely to rehash others» reporting, blog - style; and that even accurate reporting may quickly become outdated or be incomplete.
I fear the non-science journalists don't look as much in the science details, don't have the time or leadership that we have at AP, and thus didn't learn the lessons that science journalists have.
I am sure that people paid as environmentalist journalists don't necessarily like to hear such things, because of their pockets, but it is true that the climate science should be getting roughly 10 times less attention in the media than what it is getting now if the rules about the complexity and space in the media were consistently followed.
One of the things that make me truly proud to be a Canuck, but oddly enough, because it lives in the shadows, as it were, for example without any PR staff, ignored by the government which seriously underfunds it, most Canadians, including politicians and journalists do not even know about its existence and its greatness.
He then goes on to complain that the mainstream media has not yet covered his «clearly documented warm bias», and uses it as an example of how most journalists don't cover any perspectives that deviates from the IPCC.
Now that the scientists are done, I hope that journalists do their job of getting the word out.
When I see you, your hard work, the results of your hard work, I wonder why so many other journalists don't take note and emulate the consummate reporting and consciousness raising efforts you render.
Most journalists do have any understanding of science or scientific method and always look for «story».
[Response: You were hardly the only person to comment on the headline (see above), and you should know that journalists do not write the headlines in any case.
Artist Statement I wanted this poster to speak to the importance of the press and the work that professional journalists do everyday, providing a necessary check / balance in our complex society...
It's almost as if an «elitist» mindset has seeped into the indie development community where some journalists do not bother with small - time developers and the indie developers who make it big turn their backs on smaller ones.
Unfortunately, a lot of gaming journalists don't ever get this.
Periods also open a vast array of possibilities for what gamer bros call «gameplay» (which we game journalists DO NOT need to master) in the burgeoning genre of VR.
A lot of gaming journalists do what they do because they get money.
Many journalists don't seem to want to stick their neck out and give a score that's way out of line with other sites.
TP: A lot of broadcast journalists do exercises to get the most out of their voice, to make it toned.
Our take: Print journalists don't think much of TV types, but much to our surprise, we wound up liking Faber's book.
Reviewers and journalists don't have to wait by their mailbox, and their homes and offices can remain free from the clutter of stacks of review copies.
This time, I wasn't as nice and polite (I wasn't entirely rude, but I let it be known that real journalists do some actual work of checking a story completely out before going on the air with no facts and only someone else's assurance that they were being truthful).
Not many people outside the retail side know about this — I bet even some publishers and journalists don't.
On the other hand, journalists do not want to hear or read advertisements for books.
Journalists do their research.
That it keeps writing Kindle Fire reviews and articles that assume every day people want the exact same things that tech journalists do.
Journalists don't like the weather in either place, but Chicago has more blues joints if you do get stuck until the airports re-open.
Manly automotive journalists don't go around talking about jinba ittai, no matter how perfectly it expresses the very soul of the Miata.
I don't understand why more journalists don't press the FACT, that Pryor's background in education is a total joke.
I wrote a thundering leader criticizing the principal for being a bluenose square and teaching his student journalists a really bad lesson about what journalists do.
Critics» standard, obligatory «Best» and «Worst» lists are a tad disingenuous in that regard, not to mention the fact that journalists don't have a great reason to select obscure barely released fare for either category.
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