Sentences with phrase «journey of»

In his foreword, the Rt Rev Peter Doyle, Chair of the Bishops» Committee for Marriage and Family Life, described the 4th edition as «a resource to assist all those in our communities whose marriages have failed, and those accompanying them; and restore to them, with the mercy of God, hope and confidence on the journey of faith in the light of the Gospel.»
But don't assume that this building has the market cornered on any of those things, and don't cheapen the spiritual journey of those outside of the building, by acting as if everything found there can not also be found beyond it.
The religious event commemorates the grueling journey of the Virgin Mary and Joseph as they traveled from Nazareth to Bethlehem in search of a haven to give birth to their son.
Sometimes when I was preaching here and there, I would use the metaphors of birth to explain what happens when we are growing or developing or evolving in our journey of faith.
So that when people depart on a journey of healing it doesn't take them away from the church.
His second book, Refractions: A Journey of Faith, Art and Culture, is a collection of essays bringing together people of all backgrounds in a conversation and meditation on culture, art, and humanity.
The reality is that people at very different places in their journey of integrating faith and sexuality connect with us.
As promised on Tuesday, here are links to the previous seven audio sessions: This eighth lesson is called The Journey of Faith and is based on Hebrews 11:1 - 2, 4 - 7.
His team has continued to elaborate on the matrix, and Robyn Afrik (member of that team) has on her website a number of hallmarks that indicate where a church is on the journey of racial reconciliation!
I thought of this exchange while reading in the New York Times (December 13, 1981) the impression of the faith journey of Americans that Hans Küng gained during a ten - week stay here.
As he tells Christianity about his own journey of faith, he reveals a passion for theology and prayer, and a profound sense of commitment and calling to social justice.
The only journey of Jesus» whose goal is recorded and whose purpose can be deduced is the journey to Jerusalem at the end of his ministry.
That's the journey of the Camino.
The Fault in Our Stars charts the journey of their relationship, which takes them halfway across the world and includes notes of comedy, poignant romance and inevitable tragedy.
2005 - 2008 was my journey of discovering these questions.
That's the journey of love.
Nothing can fully prepare any of us for the transforming, disruptive, redemptive journey of parenting.
Or it might also be a portrayal of the journey of believers, living in the exile of a fallen world, to the New Jerusalem, their final destination.
I also graduated from Duke University and had the opposite journey of faith, from a weak and unsteady Christian faith as a Protestant to currently a practicing Catholic Christianity.
This energizing little book invites us into the journey of learning about the wonders of God's interconnected creation.
Ironically, by the end of the flight I would have gladly paid over a thousand rupees for a single biscuit following the culinary journey of hell I was subjected to at the hands of your corporation.
Mine is the journey of a God.
However, a few performers in recent years have brought to the industry a more substantial expression of feelings, thoughts and impressions that center on a seriously considered journey of faith.
This is fine as a transitionary point for people who are on their own personal journey of spiritual exploration, but it is not a destination for that journey.
It is important simply because for anyone, whether in Latin America or elsewhere, it powerfully and beautifully provides a guide for «the spiritual journey of a people,» a people of whom we too are a part.
- > Though the journey of the Christian be rough and full of bitterness, Jesus Christ GUARANTEES our entrance into Heaven if we trust Him.
I think many of the commenters here today, may wish to consider that people are not on a journey of self discovery, because they were guided there by a spiritual - but - not - religious movement.
When it comes to the Lord, it's nothing less than a journey of sanctification.
If the printing press was a key technology for the Reformation, I wonder what the Internet will contribute to our journey of faith?
The Bible is viewed not only as an historical or canonical document, but as a description of the individual soul's journey of spiritual development and commentary on what happens when different states of consciousness interact with one another in the collective drama of human existence.
The spiritual - not - religious camp takes the position of embarking on a journey of self discovery.
My journey of Grace began when I realized that the only place to look was within... that the answers weren't in a book or in someone else, but within me.
At a point one hopes to be no less than halfway through — «midway in the journey of our life,» according to Dante — it is time at last to come to oneself.
It has been a journey of loss, heartbreak, delay, doctor appointments, test results, delays, stress, frustration, more appointments, more delays.
My journey of recovery started with the help of a wonderful friend who saw the crisis and understood the issues.
Parts of my story, my journey of faith, my walk with God (or whatever you want to call it) have been posted in various places online (on Jason Boyett's blog, for example) and in a book I edited last year, but little of it has been posted here on this blog.
Immediately the Presence begins to recount and celebrate, for example, the journey of the people of Israel to Egypt.
And my husband shared his unique journey of how to walk a loved one through their sexual abuse.
Jesus had become Michael's traveling companion on the journey of his daily life.
The Journey of Faith that Leads to The Light It is shocking to the modern mind that the Church claims to know better than the individual, even to know better than the intellectuals of the day.
Thanks to them, the world is lifted up towards God... In this year consecrated to the Eucharist, reviving the figure of Dom Guéranger is an invitation for all the faithful to rediscover the roots of the liturgy and to give a new breath to their journey of prayer, taking care to place themselves always in the great tradition of the Church, in respect of the sacred character of the liturgy and of the norms which mark its depth and quality.
This post was written as part of the November Synchroblog, in which different bloggers write about their journey of faith.
Miller writes with integrity but also gut - wrenching honesty about his own experiences in the past, and how they have led him forward in his journey of faith and understanding.
Rather, it is more akin to a fellow traveler that has begun the journey of responding to revelation's promise epochs before we ourselves arrived on the scene to join it.
I love playing Journey of Moses, it's a wonderful game but it's not loading at all just a blank page for the last few days, can anyone tell me whats wrong?
Nevertheless, as I look back over a journey of approximately 25 years, since I was first catapulted into intense intellectual activity at the beginning of...
Similarly, pilgrimage is not a mere trip to the Holy Shrine of Mecca; it is the spiritual journey of the human soul to God.
From that starting point, any Facebook user who agrees to the terms of the application can invite friends to immerse themselves in a social game revolving around the life and journey of the religious figure.
There are two ways to get to it, either via your App list or off the ad link in Journey of Jesus... sometimes the blank page appears one way but the other way loads.
Luke locates their home in Nazareth, but brings them to Bethlehem, a journey of eighty miles, for the census.
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