Sentences with phrase «joy out of setting»

I get such joy out of setting tables and you are helping my tablescapes get a little more edgy.
I get such joy out of setting tables and you are helping my tablescapes get a little more edgy.

Not exact matches

Through the death and resurrection of that Son, God wiped out our sinful past, joined us to himself in an everlasting and unbreakable covenant, gave us instructions about how to live until his Son comes again to set up his rule over all the earth, and promised, to all who trust his ways and work, eternal life and joy in his kingdom which will have no end.
One heartening thing has been Trevorrow's approach to the constant flow of spoilers from the set, which he has spoken out against by noting that they destroy that childlike joy of surprise: «When I was a kid, you got to discover everything at once, it washed over you and blew your mind.»
Not with joy or triumph, however, but with defeat and tragedy, setting the tone — or rather one among several competing, conflicting tones — for what follows: A series of battles (the «war» of the title) where our favorite and not - so - favorite superheroes repeatedly find themselves outmatched and out - maneuvered by Thanos and his closest associates, the Black Order.
Farther along, he proudly points out what he considers the playground's pièce de résistance, another water pump set in a plot of dirt just the right consistency to make dark, viscous mud for castles, mud pies, dams, waterfalls, alluvial floodplains, and other joy - producing, pint - size hydrologic projects.
In 2013, he briefly suggested that Secretary of Education Arne Duncan was «impolitic» to place opposition to the Common Core State Standards upon «white, suburban moms» who don't want to find out that their children are not brilliant — just before he jumped in and declared that Secretary Duncan was right to be concerned that «a laudable set of guidelines» would be rejected for making kids work too hard, characterized most opposition to the standards as «welling hysteria» from the right and left wing, and chided parents concerned about the increasing lack of joy in school with declarations that portions of school ought to be «relatively mirthless» while blaming stories of students breaking down from stress upon their parents.
The Romanov Sisters sets out to capture the joy as well as the insecurities and poignancy of those young lives against the backdrop of the dying days of late Imperial Russia, World War I and the Russian Revolution.
After all, Perfect Dark's pseudo-cyberpunk setting has always been appealing, and the high - tech arsenal of weapons that includes X-Ray sniper rifles that punch through walls, briefcase guns that morph into turrets, and all sorts of other flashy firearms that round out the series» stockpile of tools of destruction are a joy to raise hell with.
Through these actions, which are at times almost unbearable to witness, Hunt sets out to test universal truths about what it is to feel joy, pain, love, anger, frustration, isolation, fear, excitement — yet he knows that these emotional states are not absolutes, their definitions can fuse and confuse, especially when realised through the languages of making art.
Among other things, you can «find something that sets you on fire, that gives you passion and joy,» (advice of Christiane Amanpour), or you can take a happiness self - assessment to figure out what makes you happy.
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