Sentences with phrase «judged by a representative»

The IMBAs and MBAs worked on a case for global commodities firm Methanex, and were judged by representatives from the company, including Mark Allard, VP of corporate development, who holds an MBA from Sauder.
Winners of the CAWS poster competition judged by representatives from MARS Petcare and Cargill included Elizabeth Byrd, Agricultural Economics, Carissa McCray, Agricultural Economics and Shankar Yadav, Comparative Pathobiology.
The award, judged by representatives from five African Law Societies, was in recognition of Stephenson Harwood's and Essex Court's combined expertise in Africa, commitment to training, secondments and knowledge exchange on the continent, as well as the key mandates and cases worked on.

Not exact matches

Many representatives of non-Western cultures see it as an insulting form of condescension» Westerners judging them by a standard lower than their own and even treating them as cases of diminished responsibility.
The founders of this very nation (56 out of 56) did that in the Declaration of Independence: «We, therefore, the Representatives of the united States of America, in General Congress, Assembled, APPEALING TO THE SUPREME JUDGE OF THE WORLD for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People of these Colonies, solemnly publish and declare, That these United Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States
Indeed, judging by the reporting on the presidential campaign, it seems that in the absence of any substantive public debate on morality among religious leaders, media representatives have emerged as the new priesthood in our culture: they demand confessions of misconduct from public figures and then determine the seriousness of the sin and the degree of penance required for the sin to be forgiven.
Bauerschmidt has selected articles he judges representative of the themes treated in the Summa's three parts, and he reproduces these texts in readable English that is adapted carefully from the translation produced in the early twentieth century by the fathers of the English Dominican Province.
By entering the Promotion, each entrant releases and discharges the Sponsor, judging organization (if applicable), and any other party associated with the development or administration of this Promotion, their parent, subsidiary, and affiliated entities, and each of their respective officers, directors, members, shareholders, employees, independent contractors, agents, representatives, successors and assigns (collectively, «Sponsor Entities»), from any and all liability whatsoever in connection with this Promotion, including without limitation legal claims, costs, injuries, losses or damages, demands or actions of any kind (including without limitation personal injuries, death, damage to, loss or destruction or property, rights of publicity or privacy, defamation, or portrayal in a false light)(collectively, «Claims»).
They'll also receive a poster of the ad with their winning slogan, chosen by an illustrious panel of judges with representatives from Givenchy and Seventeen magazine.
At the root of baby courts» success and effectiveness are judges informed by the latest research in attachment and attachment trauma who then guide the lawyers, therapists, court coordinators and child representatives toward the goal of keeping the child safe and bringing the family together again.
In these circumstances, the democratically elected representatives who determine an application have no counterpoint by which to judge the case presented by the objectors.
Raab argues passionately that the Strasbourg court and more recently the Human Rights Act have undermined democratic accountability by taking decisions into the hands of unaccountable judges and away from representatives whom the people can elect and dismiss.
@Ame The legality will be decided by the investigating attorneys and judges, but I think it is safe to say that a campaign adviser agreeing to meet with someone alleged to be the representative of a hostile government who wants to help a candidate win a presidential election is HIGHLY unusual, if not unprecedented.
Art. 3116, however, limits the sum that may be charged candidates for certain posts, such as the offices of district judge, judge of the Court of Civil Appeals, and senator and representative in the state and federal legislatures, and for some counties fees are fixed by Arts. 3116a - 3116d, 1939 Supp., and 3116e, 3116f, 1942 Supp.
A federal judge will hear an expedited appeal next week filed by State Senator Jack Martins to move the election to replace Representative Steve Israel in Long Island's 3rd Congressional District to December.
At a Meet - the - Candidates Night event at the Rosendale Recreation Center last Thursday evening, sponsored by the Women's Club of Rosendale, about 100 local residents turned out to hear a succession of three - minute «elevator speeches» about the candidacies of contenders for the posts of representatives for the 19th US Congressional District and New York State's 103rd Assembly District, as well as judges for the Ulster County Supreme Court and Family Court.
The judge ruled that the sacked legislators were wrongly nominated by the PDP as they did not emerge as the winners of the primaries conducted by the PDP for the purpose of the last year's House of Representatives elections in their constituencies.
Liff noted that the County's screening panel, which includes representatives from the borough's many smaller bar associations, has in the past rejected the prefered candidate of former party boss Vito Lopez and typically find the same judges to be qualified as the peer - review committees run by the bar associations.
But — in response to a suit brought by a group of Staten Islanders — Eastern District Court Judge Jack Weinstein declared on Monday that governors do not have the power to leave New Yorkers without a voice in the House of Representatives without good reason, and demanded Mr. Cuomo set a date for the special election by today.
In addition to Poloncarz and Whyte, entries were evaluated by a judging pool comprised of representatives from environmental groups, higher education institutions, arts and cultural organizations and elected and appointed officials from various levels of government.
My career has been quite successful so far, judging by the many titles I have gained during these 4 years: deputy head of science, head of physics and co-ordinator of key stage 3 science (lower school years 7 to 9), special educational needs representative, staff governor, staff IT trainer, and maybe most important of all, disco and BBQ organiser.
The competition will be judged by the editor of Womens Health and Fitness Magazine or a representative appointed by the Promoter.
«We, therefore, the Representatives of the United States of America... appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People of these Colonies, solemnly publish and declare, That these United Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States...» — Declaration of Independence
The agreement in the suit, filed four years ago, was signed this month by U.S. District Judge Tom Lee and representatives of the school board, the n.a.a.c.p., and the U.S. Department of Justice.
Shortlisted by Eden, the finalists will then be shared with a judging panel comprising representatives from the education sector.
Officials shot down the months - long effort based on a last - minute binder of «rescission» signatures collected by Parent Trigger opponents, including local representatives from the California Teachers Association — a move the judge now calls illegal.
Ms. Kerr was one of five finalists selected by an independent panel of judges comprised of education leaders and a student representative.
Registration packages meeting the eligibility requirements will be judged by advisory panels consisting of academic experts, government officials including FAA, the Department, and representatives of the private sector.
General Description — This breed standard is meant to provide breeders that register their dogs ABRA, competitors competing at ABRA shows and judges at ABRA sanctioned conformation shows with a written guide that describes the ideal American Bulldog and is representative of the breed as a whole, the guide should be used by the breeder and competitors when selecting show stock and by the judges when selecting dogs in an ABRA conformation show.
BEST OF BREED (BOB): The dog selected or the award made by a judge to that dog chosen as the best representative of the Breed.
A dog show is a competition to determine the best representatives of a pure breed as judged using a STANDARD written for each breed and approved by the American Kennel Club.
Discussions with such far - reaching impact should not be left to unelected regulators and judges but should be debated openly and made by the elected representatives of the people they affect.»
In regards to widespread outrage over the DEA's «Final Rule» — 115,000 public comments and a letter from Congress co-signed by 22 Representatives submitted to DEA opposed to the hemp food ban — Chief Judge Mary Schroeder asked the DEA: «Did you take into account the objections of people who might say that this doesn't make a lot of sense?»
Last February the House of Representatives voted 244 - 179 to remove this huge burden from the shoulders of US taxpayers, who judging by the widespread news coverage must have been immensely grateful for being able to afford an extra jellybean a year for each of their children.
Both the trial judge and the Court of Appeal held that the case was adversarial, and was not being brought for the benefit of or in the interests of the plan as a whole, but for the particular class of plan members representative by the plaintiffs.
The Standing Committee on Pro Bono Legal Service is appointed by the President - Elect of The Florida Bar and is composed of: five (5) members of the Board of Governors of The Florida Bar; five (5) past or current directors of the Florida Bar Foundation; one (1) trial judge; one (1) appellate judge; two (2) representatives from local and statewide voluntary bar associations; two (2) public members, one of whom shall be a representative of the poor; the president or designee of the Board of Directors of Florida Legal Services, Inc; and one (1) representative of the Out - of - State Practitioners Section of The Florida Bar.
This week's Freedom Friday video features FIJA Florida representative James Cox on Orlando's WFTV news discussing the unlawful order issued by Judge Blevin Perry, Jr. a few days ago stifling freedom of speech.
«The conversation reported by the magistrate judge's law clerk displayed severe disrespect to the court by the anger and harsh tone shown to a representative of the magistrate judge
The judges» associations had representatives on every committee, which served as both a formal recognition by the Chief's Office of their role in the structure of the Court and an olive branch to smooth troubled relationships.
For example, the judge could be very deferential to the President in setting hearing dates, allowing the President to participate in proceedings by telephone or (in some but not all cases) through a representative, or in setting the amount of a bond or the terms of pre-trial release in the event of a criminal charge, or in cooperating with the President's security detail when the President is required to appear.
According to her complaint with the Council, the presiding judge, Luce De Palma, repeatedly referred to her as a man (by calling her «il», «lui» et «monsieur Sojourner»), despite being reminded by Ms. Sojourner and the landlord's representative that she is a woman.
Two further considerations are material: a. if, having given permission for such use, the court proceedings are adversely affected, permission may be withdrawn; and, b. it may be necessary for the judge to limit live, text - based communications to representatives of the media for journalistic purposes but to disallow its use by the wider public in court.
«Opponents of gay marriage complain all the time that the issue is being «forced» on us by «activist judges» who are ignoring the will of the people's legislative representatives.
Once the Judge has heard the submissions from the Crown and the accused — either directly or by way of a representative - then the Judge has a number of options.
At the end of the weekend (Saturday Evening), groups will be judged by a panel that includes a representative of Hackney Law Centre, tech leaders from government and our sponsors.
As pointed out by the dissenting judges in Kokopenace, the majority's decision conflated a representative jury roll with a representative jury.
The judge reviewed the authorities and decided that, on a proper analysis, whether a person has an interest is to be determined by reference to the touchstones of (i) whether they are personal representatives; (ii) the grant of representation; and (iii) the entitlement to a distribution of the estate.
The Superior Court had a chief judge and four other judges chosen each year by the governor, the Governor's Council, and the House of Representatives.
«By repeatedly referring to me as a man despite being corrected by both the landlord's representative and myself, and with her offensive remark about my hair as a rationale for calling me a man, the judge clearly showed her racial and transphobic bias,» added Ms. SojourneBy repeatedly referring to me as a man despite being corrected by both the landlord's representative and myself, and with her offensive remark about my hair as a rationale for calling me a man, the judge clearly showed her racial and transphobic bias,» added Ms. Sojourneby both the landlord's representative and myself, and with her offensive remark about my hair as a rationale for calling me a man, the judge clearly showed her racial and transphobic bias,» added Ms. Sojourner.
By entering The British Legal Technology Awards, all award and category entrants have agreed to allow the details of their entry to be shared with the judges and representatives of NLM.
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