Sentences with phrase «judged by the strength»

They are judged by the strength of their plans.
Projects are judged by the strength of the exhibition idea and the organizer's ability to communicate it.

Not exact matches

We judge that their experiences can be characterized by great strength of beauty.
judged in terms of sexual classification but by «what a particular woman with certain talents, strengths, and weaknesses can do.
By his courageous heart, his valiant leadership against Philistia, and his faith that he is Yahweh's man, he achieves a position of strength and prominence among most of the tribes of Israel quite exceeding that of any previous «judge» but clearly short of full kingship.
Modern strength is judged by web savvy, Facebook friend counts or Twitter followers.
I too may judge her when I have made... «my home among the poor, and not only the poor, but the poorest of them: the people no one will go near because they are filthy and suffering from contagious diseases, full of germs and vermin infested; the people who can't go to church because they can't go out naked; the people who can no longer eat because they haven't the strength; the people who lie down in the street, knowing they are going to die, while others look away and pass them by
With all their different criteria, which dwell more on overall schedule strength than the human polls tend to do, how will this week's upheaval be judged by the arbiters of the Playoff?
The approximate party strength at this election, as expressed by the average vote for Judge of the Court of Appeals, was: Republicans 2,161,000; Democrats 2,070,000; Conservatives 402,000; and Liberals 202,000.
Animals judge each other's health, strength, and parental fitness not by subjecting their potential mates to an interview or a series of calibrated examinations, but by examining certain external qualities that are a proxy for fitness.
«For instance, you can judge people's physical strength by how tall they are or by weight.
The strength and dexterity needed to use early stone tools shaped our hands into what they are today — judging by the oldest known anatomically modern hand
Its rules and competitive structure follow the Hatha yoga tradition; championship judges are educated by their Indian Federation counterparts on how to award marks for balance, strength, flexibility, well - paced timing, and appropriate breathing in postures.
The one - rep max is the ultimate measure of strength and a symbol of success and achievement, so it's no wonder we judge ourselves and others by it.
Judging by the huge volume of positive email I've received since launching the Hundred Pushups web site, many of you have made significant strength and fitness gains in a relatively short period of time.
I can confirm that a strict fruitarian diet can certainly lead to low protein levels... as a strict fruitarian for a number of years (2 - 3 I estimate, but actually 5 if i count the time i ate minimal amounts of salad materials as well...), I had blood tests done at the end of this time and indeed my protein levels were low... Total protein was at 6.5 when the ideal is supposedly 7.5... And apart from this, my sports performance as judged by my teachers, was suffering (though I did not feel this in my own body — I was used to performing at that level and felt it as normal for me... and i was newer to the sport than a lot of them... i had great, better than most endurance... which was very satisfying... but apparently I just did not have the physical strength that others with less endurance may have had...) something which immediately improved as I added more protein to my diet....
So while it will be impossible to judge the full effectiveness of «Part1» until it has been joined by its companion «Part 2,» what is clear from watching this movie is that it manages to embody all the strengths and weaknesses of the entire «Harry Potter» series.
I attended a couple of judging sessions last week where teachers followed up the judging with a discussion of the strengths and weaknesses of the writing, and by capturing feedback for pupils using a one - page proforma.
You need to live with a car — for at least a week and preferably a few months or more — before you can really judge its strengths and weaknesses To declare the new Range Rover the best SUV on the planet — even if that judgement is likely to be borne out by a long term test — is superficial at best.
You can also find some handy statistics detailing the exact number of cards in the deck, the mana cost curve and even a set of ratings assigned by the game that judge your work based on the deck's speed, strength, control and synergy.
The strength of an idea can be judged by the quality of the people who embrace it.
The strength of these interests is weakened by the fact that the judge already passed up, for any of a variety of possible reasons, an opportunity to explain, to educate, and to be accountable to the public.
It builds on the strength of the English judiciary by matching the most complex, important and valuable financial disputes with the most specialized and best suited judges.
The strength of an idea should be judged by its merit, not the identity of its author (or the willingness of its author to self - identify.)
In response to objections by the Crown, the trial judge stated that this was not evidence of sexual activity, rather evidence of a lack thereof, and saw this as relevant to whether the complainant «had the moral or physical strength to rebuff men if she felt like it» (Crown factum, at para 81).
The air of reality test requires trial judges, taking the proposed evidence at its greatest strength, to determine whether the record would contain (by quotation) «a sufficient factual foundation for a properly instructed jury to give effect to the defence».
«This favorable decision is the result of excellent work by our appellate attorneys and reflects the overall strength and experience of our appellate practice group,» said Joseph Hatchett, Chair of Akerman's appellate practice group, former Chief Judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit and former Florida Supreme Court Justice.
Chief Justice McLachlin concluded that the ground for denying bail on the basis of public confidence was not vague or overbroad because it instructed judges to focus on the gravity and circumstances of the offence, the potential lengthy term of imprisonment faced by the accused and the apparent strength of the prosecution's case.
If you agree with the idea that investors will eventually judge Ethereum by the strength of its technology and public support for that technology, then you should agree with our Ethereum price forecast of $ 1,000.
The player can have their strength, wisdom, and style evaluated by a serious of judges, receiving excellent prizes if the competing character wins.
You can judge the strength of a resume by how many interviews you receive.
Being safe in relationship without being judged by your partner for your authentic expression creates a secure environment that encourages you to show your strengths as much as your weaknesses.
By identifying specific strengths and weaknesses of individual sales people, tailored training can be provided to improve intuitive and deliberative accuracy thus promoting an increased ability to judge customers holistically.
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