Sentences with phrase «judgement call»

Its rules prohibiting nudity, hate speech, and graphic imagery for the sake of «safety» already show it's willing to make judgement calls about when free speech crosses the line.
Since the different sources do not all present equally clear figures that can be averaged on a like for like basis we have made various judgement calls on how to treat the data.
I urge you to read it and then make judgement calls about it.
While these decisions may have a dramatic impact on the overall effectiveness of a website, they are often the product of subjective judgement calls by an individual, or worse, a committee.
As long as they are not making obvious judgement call based on their faith, they have the right to keep personal information like faith to themselves.
They spend a lot of time researching rates of all the companies to be able to make the best judgement call as to what company to have their client apply with.
All investors make bad judgement calls at one time or another, but it's what you learn from your mistakes that's the most important thing.
He believes the wrong judgement call leads to the fiery gates of hell with no way back.
Independent thought and being able to make your own judgement calls is essential to the value investor.
Doctors make tough judgement calls every day and, unfortunately, a doctor does not hold liability for every bad outcome that occurs on his or her watch.
It's a subjective judgement call which, for me, taps into the most important quality that authors should expect from your editor: a passion for collaboration.
* Do you give permission for your veterinarian to make the proper judgement call if you can not be contacted?
The work party that isn't full of «suits» - you know the party I'm referring to... it's a total judgement call for this one.
Hence with full knowledge of and understanding of one can make a proper judgement call!
Their overall judgement can get distorted because of the stress they are under which can lead to poor judgement calls.
And third, it's always a difficult judgement call about whom to include.
How can a referee occupy a job in which he can do whatever he wants and make very bad and biased judgement calls and get away with it?
You have to make a case - by - case judgement call.
Of course, this does imply a significant judgement call on management's strategy and attention to shareholder value..!
So far I have invested about 12 hours into the game and feel that it has been enough time to make an initial judgement call on the quality.
It has compared these to game design pillars, which are used to decide the direction of a project whenever an important judgement call has to be made.
But it doesn't change the need for complex judgement calls.
There will often be far fewer obstacles to getting the job done, and you will regularly have to use your initiative and make the ultimate judgement call.
Those decisions / judgement calls fall on the investor.
The ability to make that kind of judgement call is a pearl beyond price.
Yeah it's a fast game and sometimes clean players make bad judgement calls, but more often than not these plays are carried out by repeat offenders.
You need a mixture of experience and gut - instinct to make good judgement calls, particularly to pick the right science, the right management people and the right customers.
Therefore owners reserve the right to make judgement calls about admission, especially during busy times.
Computer systems can «see», assess, decide or support our ability to make judgement calls.
The Situational judgment test (SJT) aims to uncover your ability to make accurate time sensitive or long - term judgement calls in a wide range of divisions like sales, customer service or IT, as well as in positions in the company from the secretary to the team leader and C - Levels.
We could argue that that's a self - interested judgement call because I'm not giving them up no matter what nutritionists say, and that would be a different discussion.
«I call myself a cheating Sol LeWitt,» Walsh notes in the article, «I'm making judgement calls as I go.»
Radiant Law deploys a team of commercial contracts lawyers with tiered judgement calls who use the playbook to ensure consistent standards and fast turnaround, and escalate to the client for guidance on positions outside the playbook.
Overall, the decision to co-sleep with your baby is an individual judgement call.
It's a subjective judgement call which, for me, taps into the most important quality that authors should expect from your editor: a passion for
Simply put: he made an exceptionally accurate and fortuitous judgement call, anticipating the moment the lights went out with great precision.
Terrible play call, terrible judgement call and he is damn lucky the Giant's drive didn't end in points.
I think that's a really good point — employers who behave badly over parental leave are actually putting babies at risk, because sleep - deprived new parents make less - than - ideal judgement calls.
I appreciate your technical expertise, but the following judgement call: «That's 3 600 infants who can be saved each year if their parents for a moment place more value on risk prevention than on relative risk increase when making decisions about where their baby will sleep.»
Are there people making judgement calls along the process or is everything mechanistically spelled out?
Only consider the dilemma of Sally Bercow, married to the Speaker, John Bercow, a woman whose wilder judgement calls (the wrapped - in - a-sheet photocall) have sent middle England into shock.
They align themselves with others who are deemed to make accurate judgement calls on a matter — even if in the current case they make less accurate judgments.
The road is a lot more bumpy and while the combination of good headlights and two spotlights is proving so useful, deciding if a black streak across the road is a freshly patched hole, or just an oil - stain... or a vicious pothole that jars the suspension joints with a crack that makes you fear for your wheel bearings, is a hard judgement call.
Randomization and forced judgement calls have their downsides, however.
How can you make the correct judgement call well this is just one of the twists Alan Wake put you into.
This trailer is indicative of the humour and style that is prominent throughout the entirety of the game, and you can probably use this snippet to make a solid judgement call on whether it is a game you will enjoy.

Phrases with «judgement call»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z