Sentences with phrase «judging states»

This reacquired demonic lordship... led to a partial return to the judged state of affairs in Genesis 1:2, when the Lord allowed the chaotic waters to burst upon the earth with the flood (Genesis 6 - 8).
Post Script: If I may be allowed a brief point of personal privilege: None of us can judge the state of another's soul.
The judge stated that women praying at the wall, with whatever ritual garments, a Torah, etc. is not in an attempt to cause a riot.
Gabriel and Dorothy Fackre have recently conducted an extensive survey on «The State of Theology in Churches,» and in their Newsletter No. 30, dated Advent, 1991, they report: «The vast majority of respondents judged the state of theology in the churches to be «abysmal,» «dismal,» «confused,» «mushy,» «sparse,» «inarticulate,» «deplorable»...» [4] Such surveys, especially when they are conducted by working theologians, are of course susceptible to the charge of professional bias.
If you are as logical as you claim, you would see this fallacy immediately and pick more rational ways by which to judge the state of your personal safety.
Judge stated it was one mans word against another man's.
Hearing the Judge state there was not enough evidence to support an assault or harrassment is all I need.
Yet modern Christians are always prone to judge the state and to tell it what it ought to do — thus tacitly admitting that the state is valid, legitimate, and a priori capable of using force justly.
On Buttiglione's scheme, the priest has to judge the state of the penitent's soul — to decide whether to say, «You're in a state of mortal sin, you're deprived of sanctifying grace, if you died at this instant you would be damned, and you can't take communion»; or «You are committing grave sin, but as you're a bit all over the place right now, you're not in a state of mortal sin, nor will you be after your next grave sin.
Our Lord's command not to judge the state of others» souls is subtly distorted into the frankly anti-Christian idea that we ought not to discriminate between right and wrong acts.
Lord Judge stated that evidence relating to alcohol levels was given unwarranted prominence by the coroner, and by contrast the safety of Hillsborough as a venue was not considered.
I was to hand write a letter to this Family Court Judge stating why I thought this wasn't a good idea or not best for my son.
The mother tested negative for HIV / AIDS in the bloodstream, but the judge stated the mother had put her baby at risk of getting blood - borne diseases.
Prior to being elected a judge the State Supreme Court, Ziegler served on the Washington County Circuit Court and worked as a federal prosecutor.
A voter data feedback loop lets you constantly judge the state of different segments of the electorate, allow you to focus on the voters you absolutely need to reach and helping you use your ad dollars and volunteer time as efficiently as possible.
The judge stated that the decision recommended by the committee to punish Omo - Agege for going to court was wrong and contravened Sections 4 and 6 of the constitution adding that he had a right to go to court.
The panel of judges stated at a minimum the NYPD's case raised «a possibility of endanger [ment]» that was enough to merit an exemption to the Public Officers Law.
A lawyer from Schneiderman's office told the judge the state agreed to the terms of the plea deal, but did not elaborate with any reasons.
Their lawyers pleaded with the court that, they are first time offenders and the court should have mercy on them but the presiding judge stated that the media and all radio panelists must learn valuable lessons from today's ruling and stop unnecessary attacks on the courts and its judges.
Later this week, we get some key data to help judge the state of the nation's housing market.
Fani Andelman, a neuropsychologist at the center, and colleagues gave the woman a battery of psychological tests to judge her state of mind.
Neuropsychologist Fani Andelman, with colleagues, gave the woman a battery of psychological tests to judge her state of mind.
Per Deadline, the judge stated on Monday that» [the portrayal by Zeta - Jones] is not highly offensive to a reasonable person as a matter of law.»
If a judge stated that foreigner was likely to go abroad, she / he had to stay in the centre until the authorities checked her / his application.
There are many different criteria one might use to judge a state's academic performance and then many technical nuances about how to create various metrics.
Lisa Gross, a spokeswoman for state education department, said that is just one criterion the feds would use to judge state applications, and that lack of charters wouldn't necessarily mean Kentucky would be passed over for funding.
What's more, the criteria seek to judge states on how much support their reform plans have from the community, including local school districts that plan to participate in Race to the Top - financed initiatives.
As the judge stated, «There is no room for a slack system to support cities like Bridgeport» (Moukawsher, 2016, 37).
«The evidence is compelling,» the judge stated.
The Final 16 beat out 25 other states and earned the highest scores from the peer reviewers, who awarded points based on a 500 - point grading scale that judged states» commitments to improve teacher effectiveness, data systems, academic standards, and low - performing schools.
But in April, a three - judge state appeals court reversed the ruling, saying that the lower court failed to show evidence that tenure causes substandard education.
This breathtaking GTO took Gold Level Award at GTO Nationals in 2016; the judge stated it was the best undercarriage he's ever seen.
The judge stated: «They have offered no evidence that consumers who use Apple's iBooks software to download ebooks have come to believe that Apple has also entered the publishing business and is the publisher of all of the downloaded books, despite the fact that each book bears the imprint of its actual publisher.»
The plaintiffs were given one last opportunity to amend their complaint, though the Judge stated that it was «highly unlikely» that they would be able to cure the defects in their complaint.
According to The Guardian however, the same judge stated that Tesla's case didn't indicate enough defamation to warrant a real or substantial tort, adding that «as any reasonable motorist knows, a manufacturer's statement about the range of a motor vehicle is always qualified by a statement as to the driving conditions under which that range may be expected.»
The judge stated that such testimony would debase the process and possibly confuse the jury, the Daily News reports.
In Part I I cited a high - profile case in which the presiding federal judge stated a standard definition of the attorney - client privilege.
When exercising its discretion to enforce an award despite a violation being established, the learned judge stated that the court must ask itself this question: «is the court able to say that it can exclude the possibility that if the violation established had not occurred, the outcome of the award would not be different?»
This was affirmed in the case of Pearson vs. Graham where the judge stated:
For instance, in Ballmick v. Ballmick, an Ontario judge stated:
The Court of Appeal held that the trial judge's only errors were in the wording of the question to the jury regarding causation, and that the trial judge stated he did not have jurisdiction to poll the jury when he did.
[31] In a survey of judges, 80 % reported that self - representation has a negative impact on case outcomes, with one judge stating «there have been times [self - represented litigants] prevailed, but very, very seldom.»
At Jones's bench trial, the trial judge stated his disbelief that Jones was in innocent possession of the car, and added that the assertion that Clemons would not drive because of having no license was countered by Clemons's (by the deceased) boldness at failing to appear when subpoenaed for a prior trial date.
The judge stated that while she felt these two members were sincere in their beliefs about the spiritual power of marijuana, and that the prohibition against pot possession limited their freedom of religion, laws against possession and trafficking were reasonable limits on their religious freedoms (as per Section 1 of the Charter).
In finding that the Act applied to the franchisees located outside of Ontario despite the territorial limitation, the motion judge stated:
Cassels Brock had appealed the original decision, with the appellate judge stating in her decision that the firm «raises legal issues relating to liability, the availability of an aggregate damages award, and the trial judge's damages assessment.»
Although the decision strikes down provisions in the Criminal Code that makes adult prostitution a criminal offence, it is ultimately up to the government of Canada to «fashion corrective action», as the judge stated in her ruling.
The Judge stated that a permanent criminal record would be «overkill».
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