Sentences with phrase «judging whether»

The system is still in flux, as the state is developing the rubrics for judging whether districts have met their performance goals, while also designing a school - level accountability system to comply with ESSA, and trying to ensure the system as a whole is coherent.
The renowned historian, Arnold Toynbee established criteria for judging whether a civilization was in a stage of growth or decline.
Sherin and van Es's (2009) work on teacher video clubs found that when teachers stepped outside the classroom and learned to interpret events as opposed to judging whether they were good or bad, they were able to stop critiquing the teaching and focus on understanding what students knew.
Without judging whether Columbus adapted well or badly, it is fair to say the district is now in a bind.
There's no constructive way for federal lawmakers to issue guidelines for judging whether three - and - a-half-million teachers are good at their jobs.
When it comes to evaluating learners» ability to apply the training (Level Three) or judging whether the targeted outcomes are achieved (Level Four), these tools are silent.
It would just be a bunch of conversation, without any sort of systematic way of judging whether people are sticking to their commitments.
While the ASD and other authorizers like Nevada's State Public Charter Schools Authority create contracts with clear performance expectations, the ESA program provides no apparent standards for judging whether public funds are buying strong outcomes.
They have led champions of market - oriented reforms — and so also allowed skeptics — to adopt a ludicrous standard for judging whether school choice «works.»
It led champions of market - oriented reforms — and so also allowed skeptics — to adopt a ludicrous standard for judging whether school choice «works.»
The change in vocabulary has been striking: loud language touting the «rigorous scientific standards» set forth in statute emanates constantly from IES, relentlessly pressing the importance of randomized, controlled trials as the «gold standard» for judging whether and how a given intervention is effective.
Provide students with a rule of thumb for judging whether a Web site is appropriate.
Though, the majority of time is spent judging whether each scene is going to butcher each scene we remember.
So now we've got a trailer for his latest film Couples Retreat, and I'm having a hard time judging whether or not this will actually be funny or just another dud.
Speed dating can also show you as a single person to recognize as well as discontinuing any ineffective relationship habit, as well as judging whether what you feel for the other person is lust or love.
She's not judging how much money you can spend on her; she's judging whether she wants to see you ever again.
If you set your standards too high when judging whether specific men are suitable as «boyfriend material» or not then you may well be excluding particular men who in practice would make a very good boyfriend for you.
In other words, the individuals who experienced the most stress during a period of uncertainty were better at judging whether or not a snake was under a rock.
«The findings also emphasize the difficulty in judging whether a treatment really helps a particular dry eye patient,» said the leader of the coordinating center for the study, Maureen G. Maguire, Ph.D., of the Department of Ophthalmology at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia.
What is it about studying climate science that gives one a priviledged position in judging whether tree rings make appropriate climate proxies?
Even after taking into account the kids» IQs and language abilities, the study found that children who stuttered did much worse at judging whether two rhythms were the same or different.
A video camera recorded the whole thing so other lab members could classify each behavior, judging whether the dolphins were self - conscious or not.
Computationally judging whether people on the Internet are gay or straight based on their Facebook likes is one thing, but determining those people's personalities more accurately than a human seemed far - fetched, Wu admits.
They are poor at judging whether they have done something correctly or not.»
The reforms will ensure that the true value of activities such as leaflet - printing is reflected when judging whether parties have breached the # 19m cap on campaign spending in the year before a general election, said No 10.
Every law helps some people or interests and hurts others, and judging whether on the whole it is good or not is what legislators are expected to do.
Let's see how students greet Hughes in the new year before judging whether Clegg's aims seem achievable.
Ordinary people should be entrusted with judging whether the intelligence agencies are doing their job.
A lot of cooks simply reply on prodding food with their fingers or judging whether it's cooked or not based on appearance which, as this isn't an accurate method of measurement at all, can be extremely dangerous.
If you suspect you yourself may be overdoing the bottle — yet aren't strictly addicted and hate to give up your special wine completely — here are some tips for judging whether you're drinking too much and for cutting down to a healthy level.
When judging whether a player would improve our team there should be no bias whatsoever.
God did not entrust the task to me of judging whether you will go to heaven.
He wants to find out how much the biblical world can absorb — which entrails, I should think, determining what it can not absorb and why it can not, and judging whether what it can not absorb is sufficiently reliable as to require discarding something biblical.
We should NOT be judging whether someone was called by God.
Judging whether a person's lifestyle is sinful..
Judging whether a person follows the «right» kind of christianity (which is always the one you follow)..
judging whether the others will face what kind of wrath after they die..
An important standard for judging whether the encounter was valid is the quality of life and action it produces.
This article is about language, not judging whether someone's Christian enough.
When did we start judging whether we provide care for those in need based on the worst situation possible?
Because of the difficulty in judging whether a new drug will meet the rigorous approval requirements, particular attention should be paid to whether there are drug candidates in each of the various approval phases, or if commercial success is solely dependent on approval of a single drug.
«Almost every successful entrepreneur I've met has a laser - like radar when it comes to judging whether or not someone else has «got it,»» he says.
Netflix has not said how much it paid to acquire streaming rights for The Cloverfield Paradox, so as always, it will be difficult to judge whether or not the streaming giant's purchase was a prudent one.
This is in itself a tricky proposition, as it's hard to judge whether an open tab really means someone is reading intently.
He's asking the judge whether he can pay an «appropriate fine» rather than go to jail, according to the document.
It's worth noting that major advances in AI are required to understand text, photos and videos to judge whether they contain hate speech, graphic violence, sexually explicit content, and more.
It's still too early to judge whether Google's new emphasis on hardware can match the scale of companies like Apple and Samsung.
I constantly had to judge whether or not I should be heavy - handed when intervening or try to let the car work itself out before getting involved.
The public, it said, will be able to judge whether companies are paying what is deemed fair, in the context of «an emotionally charged environment» and as «strong populist sentiment continues.»
When I get the impression that the «person» emailing me hasn't even taken one minute to look at my website to judge whether or not I'd actually be a good fit for a given solution, the deal is already done before it's even gotten started.
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