Sentences with phrase «judgment about someone»

Every day, researchers make judgments about what data to include and what to leave out, balancing a desire to be forthcoming with the need to make a clear and simple argument.
Sometimes that means making judgments about what the current team is capable of — and what it's not so good at.
These are the groups that tend to rely on their own personal experiences, such as their feelings about the weather, to make judgments about whether climate change is happening.
She didn't feel she was trusted to make her own judgments about what students needed.
Making snap judgments about someone's healing journey and how long it «should» take only makes them want to quit.
He excels at understanding people on a human level and making accurate judgments about which of his clients would hit it off on a date.
Think about it... we all make judgments about people based on how they look.
Drawing on a range of extensive databases can help inform those lawyers advising businesses in dispute resolution who can then make an informed value judgment about risk and cost.
How can we possibly make good judgments about what information they need to know?
I make no moral judgments about whether living together is right or wrong.
There's good reason to regularly test students in reading and math, and to use those results to inform judgments about how well schools and teachers are doing.
You'll have to use your own judgment about when to take care of your kitty's grooming needs based on his or her individual needs (and yours).
Before you start making judgments about other people's hearts based on their words, listen to your own words first.
Insurance companies don't make moral judgments about who is named as beneficiary.
It is based on judgments about which activities are safe and which are risky, which can be made more expensive in the interests of safety and which need to be preserved as is.
Educators must promote the creation of education policy that supports best practice, as well as a modern accountability system that uses a variety of methods when making judgments about student achievement and learning.
Let's start the new school year with an open mind, a blank slate and a commitment to use real data when making judgments about schools.
Workers need to form judgments about whether or not their particular projects contribute to strategic stability.
We want something that administrators can use to make accurate and useful judgments about teachers, and there's growing research about what's the best type of data.
So companies seeking to evaluate talent are increasingly turning to peers, in addition to bosses, for judgments about prospective employees.
Unless and until the authors are forthcoming about the circumstances of the deaths, we need to reserve judgment about what the study really shows.
Your therapist treats you as a «whole person,» an equal who is not defined by your issues, and does not make negative judgments about you.
A sudden swing in portfolio value can potentially lead one to make very different judgments about the performance of the portfolio.
Since income and risk must be estimated at current values, the process involves subjective judgments about capitalization and discount rates.
In this world there is no transcendent point of reference to make judgments about truth, beauty, or goodness.
I think AA women need to acknowledge that we live in a world that makes quick judgments about who you are based on what you look like and based on others past experiences.
Our litigation track record is proof of our sound judgment about when to go to trial, pursue an appeal, or bring a summary judgment motion.
And if this were generally the case it would regularly inform people's judgments about risk.
As he describes it, all science starts out by doing experiments, followed by the knowledge that results, and then a personal judgment about what has been learned.
«It will not be long before that comes across my desk, and at that time I will make the appropriate judgment about it,» he said.
The latter notion implies that we should suspend judgment about her worth until we have more information, a more reliable calculation of her potential contribution to society.
While it may help us in everyday life at home, it can become a major disaster for critical judgments about war and strategy on the international stage.
Perhaps allowing room for the idea that sex can be an important part of a romantic relationship (without judgments about whose sexuality is more «right») is one place to start.
Our sense of our own self - worth and our own self - confidence is derived from judgments about our peer group.
Who can really say if eight minutes is enough time to make any kind of valid judgment about a potential partner?
So, there is really no reason for you to make any kind of judgment about things you have not experienced.
All these practical questions need to be addressed when making all - things - considered judgments about the morality of war.
Including this information can also make it appear that you have poor judgment about what is relevant and the results you have achieved since then.
I'm not bashing formula here, or passing any kind of judgment about parents who use it by either choice or necessity.
However, the power of this project is that it does not attempt to make sweeping judgments about society and its problems.
With right judgment about talent, about appeal, about serving their audience I would say.
I had so many judgments about parenting... before I was a parent.
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