Sentences with phrase «judgment call»

We make judgment calls on whether something is good based on what we do.
That's not at all surprising given that it's a very complicated question involving a lot of judgment calls on which reasonable people can disagree.
Parents frequently make judgment calls about whether their child is too sick to go to school, or whether a family vacation or extracurricular activity is worth missing a day for.
But it's actually in the business of writing reports that rely on thousands of judgment calls.
Often, document reviewers are attorneys who understand the legal and factual issues in the litigation and are able to make the necessary judgment calls as to privilege and responsiveness.
They can make judgment calls based on your entire situation.
At least there is a strategic component rather than forcing players out of the game because of fast moving judgment calls by imperfect officials.
Employees will now be empowered to make judgment calls in real time and manage exceptions.
I'd say that most of the people out there today look at the way a site has been developed and make judgment calls whether to buy or not.
What makes us competitive is our combination of legal judgment calls with technology, design and better processes.
Their own structures, however, may not lead them to make the right judgment calls about which directions to pursue.
We are only human, and we get tired, we have bad days, we make bad judgment calls, and that in turn can affect our children.
Because they lack a main tool: knowledge to properly assess the situation and make a good judgment call.
However, don't make a final judgment call before watching some epic gameplay videos and seeing some new screenshots first.
You'll have to make your own judgment call on what works best for you.
Simple judgment calls made by the attorney that cause a bad result are often not enough to bring a successful legal malpractice claim.
But the more we talked about our food choices, the more I wondered: When did eating become such a moral judgment call?
A credit controller resume objective must bring forward the candidate's managerial abilities along with the capacity to take judgment calls.
I'm not here to make any such judgment calls, I'm just hoping to provide a few clues that you may be working alongside one.
This is always a personal judgment call, but if the judge has made your points, then you should slim down your argument.
Doctors make tough judgment calls every day, and, unfortunately, a doctor does not hold liability for every bad outcome that occurs on his or her watch.
Real - time monitoring of communication can help investors make wise judgment calls in binary options.
I think it'll be a last minute judgment call after some of the other pieces are in place.
It is at this point that you can make a realistic judgment call to determine if the product or service you're selling is, in fact, a good fit.
Whether killing people for homosexual behavior can be justified in terms of the contribution it makes to the common good or not is a secular civil judgment call.
That's because when the law is an open - ended judgment call, whoever has access to the judgment makers gains the upper hand.
Here's the thing, though: I'm not sure if he was wrong with any of those subsequent judgment calls.
There's almost no point in trying to break them down in too much detail because doing so just reminds everyone that these are total judgment calls.
Basically you need to make a case - by - case judgment call.
Developing value - added scores requires numerous judgment calls about what variables to use and how to obtain the most reliable results.
Maybe it's the full moon, but authors have been making some dubious judgment calls this week.
Although we work with people, we also tend to make independent judgment calls.
Yet there are several legitimate judgment calls made when combining datasets to make a global mean - time series.
The retention of PCs would not necessarily be coded — in many cases it's a more nuanced judgment call based on the results.
Let's push aside those pesky lawyers and courts with their unreliable judgment calls.
And lawyers making critical judgment calls driven by data, not just intuition.
You can't make a confident judgment call without knowing more about the product.
If you've recently made a bad judgment call behind the wheel, we can assist you in turning the situation around.
Suddenly, what had been a cut - and - dried age restriction changed into a string of parental judgment calls.
Until we get more time with the device, we'll refrain from making an official judgment call, but we do admit this phone looks pretty solid.
Able to make quick and effective judgment calls by using analytical tools and critical thinking skills.?
Through diligent research and sound judgment calls, you can maximize your resume's keyword density and improve your chances of getting noticed.
This position demands editorial judgment calls based on the objective of the publication and the marketing presence.
Those who pay close attention to details and have a reliable memory are better at making the right judgment calls and taking preventative measures when needed.
Human beings have to make judgment calls about which kids are «better fits» or otherwise more suitable for entry into this school than other kids.
Don't mess it up by making bad judgment calls.
We recommend you gather as much information as you can and then make your best judgment call.
Liability should apply only to officer conduct that is objectively unreasonable, not judgment calls on the margins.

Phrases with «judgment call»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z