Sentences with phrase «judgment on»

Even in the eighth century B.C., while the «day of Yahweh» meant to popular expectation a nationalistic victory, to Amos it meant a day of judgment on Israel's sins.
This last section is the judgment on the sheep and the goats.
We must try to ignore all latter - day commentary and its harsh negative judgment on the deed of woman — a judgment, it is true, not wholly unfounded given the overall context.
In an early negative judgment on Frei, Carl F. H. Henry summarized the problem: Narrative theology drives a wedge between biblical narrative (which it plays up) and historical factuality (which it plays down).
Repeatedly the Christ of the Fourth Gospel denies that his function is to sit in judgment on men, although in Jewish Christianity that aspect of his commission was magnified: «I came not to judge the world, but to save the world»; (John 12:47) «Think not that I will accuse you to the Father»; (John 5:45) «God sent not the Son into the world to judge the world.»
In a contemptuous and frivolous fashion, busyness thinks that to be eloquent is the highest thing of all and that the task of the listener is to pass judgment on whether the speaker has this gift.
Israel's religious leaders had been moving towards monotheism, and the prophetic idea that Yahweh was using Israel's enemies as his agents in bringing judgment on his sinful people was a long step towards recognition of his universal sway.
When we hear of terrible crimes and atrocities, we may be tempted to cry out for God's judgment on the perpetrators.
Like I said high and mighty and sure we came a long way from the early 19th century to place judgment on others thats another reason why we are still lost as Isrellites.
I have always told students that when they pronounce judgment on historical figures, they should do so in the light of possibilities in that person's circumstances.
We must, he says (1) critically analyze our past actions, (2) interpret the present suffering as a judgment on us, (3) repent of our own sins and (4) prepare for a future reconciliation.
The search for the «ancient order» was simultaneously a severe judgment on the present order.
It carries with it the implication that this future is always a judgment on the paltriness of our own aspirations.
To many, the state of the world seems to give clear evidence that these are the warnings of Christ's imminent return in judgment on the evil and in redemption of the righteous.
The consequent nature of God is his judgment on the world.
And, by the way, if anyone has the right to sit in judgment on others, it would be Jesus.
They are the final judgment on the whole earth, indeed on the whole cosmos, and frequently they usher in a final peace.
Pilate sat in judgment on Jesus but now Jesus sits in judgment on Pilate.
Surely, though, our tradition offers a much better image than that of God sitting in judgment on our earthly lives and then imposing a final destination as a separate interventionist act.
That you would rather rush to judgment on something so flimsy as «memorized script» shows your lack of empathy.
Zechariah 9 is a poetic oracle of judgment on the enemies of postexilic Jerusalem and of Judah's rescue from them by the monergistic action of Yahweh.
The Holy See can pass judgment on the butler's true «Catholicism,» but it has no jurisdiction over him as a physical human being.
To understand Jesus as the eschatological phenomenon (that is, as the Savior through whom God delivers the world by passing judgment on it and granting the future as a gift to those who believe on him), all that is necessary is to proclaim that he has come, and that is what St. John does so clearly.
I'm almost sensing from some that they think God has no right to set up a theocracy, and no right to pronounce his judgment on people.
This is not a picture of judgment on the unproductive branch, but completely the opposite.
To them, churches represent not the reconciling love of God but the society which has stood in judgment on them.
MacIntyre's position is, I think, similar to his characterization of Rosenzweig's in Edith Stein: «We do not begin with some adequate grasp of the concepts of knowledge and truth and in the light of these pass judgment on whether or not we know something of God or whether or not it is true God exists, but rather it is from our encounters with God — and with the world and with human beings — that we learn what it is to have knowledge of what truth is.»
For in passing judgment on another you condemn yourself, because you, the judge, practice the very same thing» (Romans 2:1).
Most of you are viewing the texts through your own eyes as if you are God, and have the ability to bring judgment on him yourself.
The judgment on biblical criticism is not, then, that it doesn't work, but that it has «got stuck» in the second moment of the dialectic of understanding.
They did not stand in judgment on that greatness.
The story of the great Flood of Noah, God's judgment on the ancient world, is found in many cultures in various stories.
We can know we are telling the truth when we say this, though we should always be uncertain about judgment on any particular case.
7:1 - 2); «In passing judgment on another you condemn yourself» (Rom.
Any judgment on human nature runs into the problem of human differences.
Three days after the Israeli army began to invade Lebanon, Pat Robertson spoke on his CBN program on June 9, 1982: «I guarantee you by the fall of 1982, that there is going to be judgment on the world, and the ultimate judgment is going to come on the Soviet Union.
The Christ is witness par excellence because he evokes the «crisis,» the judgment on the works of the world: «I testify of it that its works are evil» (John 7:7).
By the help of a sense deception, a living generation often believes itself able to pass judgment on a past generation, because it misunderstood the Good.
Or when a leader makes a judgment on the president he has no place making.
A Church in which this approach to ethics is understood will be more fully able to reconcile within its own body those who emphasize one or the other principle, and those who disagree profoundly in their judgment on particular moral issues.
Now, we ask, what kind of experience can enable us to pass judgment on the spirit?
It is apparent that the thought which developed later of a great day coming which could bring the joy of God's favor to the righteous and stern judgment on the unrighteous is here in an embryonic state.
I am talking about us as individuals trying to sit in judgment on other people about the decisions they have made in their own lives.
God pronounced judgment on the people living during the days of Noah (Gen 6:5, 11 - 13).
obligation in relation to each public moral issue as it arises; a word of the retrieval of the culture's most creative ideals and institutions; a world of judgment on the culture's present and potential sins; a word of forgiveness whenever it is repentant; a word of promise and so of confidence (in God, if not in itself) for the future.
Annnnnnnd then you proceed to pronounce judgment on both groups.
We should add that at issue were matters which many members of the faithful had already reached a reasoned judgment on the basis of their own experience and insights.
We are often too quick to cast that judgment on them.
However, to the extent one's view is inconsistent with the above, it is factually misguided, whatever their value judgment on the matter might be
Sometimes, it does refer to judgment in hell, but normally, it refers only to temporal judgment on this earth.
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