Sentences with phrase «judgment upon the church»

It is a judgment upon the Church and its ministry if, with our belief in God's grace, we repeat the great symbols and doctrines of atonement but actually practice less of a costing identification with the sufferings of men and women than do those who counsel with them under secular auspices.

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Martin Luther King said «the judgment of God is upon the church as never before.
Gods judgment rest upon all the corporate and local churches temples, tabernacles, TV evangelists, ministries and congregations ever for all their false teachings and deeds, and God does not want any of His people to suffer the spiritual plagues which are being brought upon them.
But the church is confronted also with the reality of the judgment of God upon unrepentant idolaters who subvert the will of God and oppress the neighbor.
A crucial judgment that the church must make is whether to reject their offerings because of their ambiguous character and radical demands or to seize upon them as an occasion for repentance for that in our history which now appears evil to so many sensitive critics.
That order is made up of priests who have left the Catholic Church behind and now live ordinary lives just ministering to the people without judgment and without inflicting fear upon them.
Second, you should probably talk with someone from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter - day Saints (Mormons is a nickname) rather than forming your own judgments based upon late night Internet searches.
It is based on the fact that in the Church among all human communities men can most directly appeal to the reigning Christ's judgment upon the community itself.
«I apologize for my error in judgment and feel shame for the disgrace I have brought upon the church and myself,» Archbishop - designate Salvatore Cordileone said in a written statement.
It may well be that we are entering upon a period in the church's life wherein men's minds must be shocked open to entertain the suspicion that there are realms of meaning, promise, and judgment which ensconce God's incarnate action for their vague disquietudes.
The very office of minister, which far too often is understood to symbolize only judgment upon sin, should be known as one expression in the Church of the forgiving spirit.
«Dick» Sheppard, Canon of St. Paul's, was quite willing to be quoted as saying that, whether considered as the statement of a Christian attitude toward war, as an announcement to governments of the church's judgment upon war or as a guide for Christians in deciding what their own course should be in case of war, it is a total loss.
«The Asian tsunami of 2004, the Haitian earthquake, the tornado that struck Central Lutheran Church in Minneapolis during ELCA meetings on homosexuality — these were clearly acts of judgment from God upon sinful people.
The fallacy fatal to the judgment of the Illinois Supreme Court is that it rests upon an impermissible rejection of the decisions of the highest ecclesiastical tribunals of this hierarchical church upon the issues in dispute, and impermissibly substitutes its own inquiry into church polity and resolutions based thereon of those disputes.
Successfully defeating a preliminary injunction motion and obtaining summary judgment dismissing trade secrets claims against board members of a nonprofit library and archive who were sued in Colorado and Virginia by the Church of Scientology for copyright and trade secrets violations based upon posting of church materials to the IntChurch of Scientology for copyright and trade secrets violations based upon posting of church materials to the Intchurch materials to the Internet.
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