Sentences with phrase «judgmental christians»

Though he later seemed to adopt a very complicated view of religion despite the comments, the other notable thing in the interview was that in some cases it was judgmental Christians — not Christ — that turned him off from the Church.
Even more difficult to extract is the pride that drives judgmental Christians to mock the Spirit's work in a man seeking his Creator.
While this kind of suppressive behavior starts because we want to avoid the hassle of nosy, judgmental Christians, it eventually paves the way for abuse.
I love how the non-religious are always whining about how judgmental Christians are and then turn around and and do the very thing they proclaim themselves to be above.
These were the sorts of verses that many self - righteous and judgmental Christians quoted at me when I was experiencing some of the deep pain and struggles in my life.
I can't prove God's existence just as much as scientist can't prove the big bang... there is evidence of both but to reach a conclusion takes faith... one side leaves hope and the other does not... maybe I'm agnostic too because I don't claim to know everything about why I'm here, I have to have faith... Honestly, I'm sick of the extremes on both sides... the conservative judgmental Christian, who never thought through things as to why the believe what they do (ie Dinosaurs, cavemen, evolution, etc.) and the intellectually arrogant atheist and humanists.
typical judgmental Christian... what have you done for mankind besides take up good air and make fun of peoples disabilities?

Not exact matches

I am so sick of of so - called «Christians» being among the most judgmental people here.
She is more «christian» than you are, you judgmental fool.
All the foregoing is why people who are «unchurched» find Christians judgmental, don't you think?
I'm in no way excusing Christians to act hateful or judgmental.
The very people who are self - righteous and judgmental about the President should know that he's a caring introspective Christian, not some demigod trying to insidiously take down our Government.
Always good to hear from the judgmental, hateful Christians.
Not every Christian is judgmental and hypocritical.
Some Christians, however, are very bigoted and judgmental, which I don't see as loving and respectful.
What is interesting is how so many (not all) atheists rail against the Christians for being hypocrites and judgmental.
As a vocal Christian, Shirley's determination to steer the group's moral code often comes across as judgmental (when Britta, the group's vocal atheist, forgets to bring a present to the Christmas party, Shirley quips, «I see you brought what you believe in: nothing.»)
So why the judgmental condemnation and exclusion of homosexuals by religious communities claiming to be Christian?
In the aftermath of the Religious Right's ascendancy, it is not an accident that «anti-homosexual» is the number one perception of Christians in America these days, followed closely by «judgmental» and «hypocritical» and «insensitive.»
I don't know about all christians, but I would guess that HS is judgmental because she is stupid and arrogant.
You accuse fundamental Christians of being intolerant, judgmental and hateful, while you foam at the mouth calling them freaking lunatics, ignorant, weak - minded, stupid fundies, and hateful bigots.
But instead, studies show that when Americans think of Christians, these are the words that come to their minds — hypocritical, judgmental, political, anti-gay.
I sometimes think that Christians are just as mean, hypocritical and judgmental towards other Christians than we are to non-Christians.
In the defense of your «target group,» Christians are human just like you, a human who is judgmental of others not apart of their «tribe» and may stoop so desperately to define separation will resort to hypocrisy.
Christians must not be judgmental though.
When you interview non-Christians and just ask them, «Tell me about Christians,» they use words like judgmental, self - righteous, hypocritical and then a lot of «anti» words: «They're anti-science, they're anti-gay, they're anti-abortion, they're probably anti-sex.»
A judgmental, corner cutting, hateful, cheating and mean Christian?
I do love God I am somewhat a Christian I do not go to church, almost every Christian I have met are rude, cruel and down right judgmental and I support gay rights which I know Christians do not.
Yet today the term christian is taken so many times as a religion about Christ and many therein are stereotyped as judgmental and condemning.
From your obscene judgmental comments, you are no Christian either, so what was your point supposed to be?
Too many Christians are teaching a false God who is mostly judgmental and harsh and unforgiving.
Christians SHOULD be the least judgmental people in the world.
It's not that Christians are a hated minority, it's just that ALL religions are made up of the most judgmental and bigoted elitists.
The problem I have with it is that many Christians quit being critical thinkers because they fear being judgmental.
What other sorts of harsh, judgmental, mean, critical, legalistic, or wacky things do Christians say which should warn you to keep away?
There may be atavistic moral reflexes, drawn from a Christian past, but they seem readily matched these days by the reflexes of a newer sensibility that is wary of anyone who seems «judgmental
In my experience, for example, those who are most concerned with getting rid of all pagan influences in Christianity, are also those who tend to be the most judgmental and critical toward those Christians who still incorporate some of those pagan traditions and customs.
Spurred by their recent condemnation of Rob Bell, I was going to rail against their narrow view of Orthodoxy, challenge their commitment to Christian unity, judge them for being so judgmental, and then throw a bunch of Bible verses around like Rambo in a last - ditch siege.
I'm sorry for YOU, considering yourself a God - fearing Christian yet being so judgmental and deprecating to people who do not share your zeal.
I have a lot of things to say about Atheism (and about fake judgmental self - righteous Christians as well, there are a ton of them) but there's no space here.
I tell myself that it's only a matter of time before these people figure out that I'm not a particularly good Christian — that I'm a doubter, that I'm selfish, that I'm prideful, that I'm judgmental, that I'm insecure, defensive, and afraid.
Oh, and Christians are indeed very often judgmental and very often stupid.
Yet these books also indict Christian pretensions, either to a vindictive and judgmental God or to a vague, secularized deity that has lost its vitality and power.
While you and I cringe at hearing this response, many Christians cringe daily in having such judgmental words spoken directly to them.
We do not call all muslims terrorists, so why should everyone who says they are a christian be maligned and smeared with the label of being a bigot or being a judgmental hypocrite?
That's why judgmental, hateful Christians that randomly quote whatever OT verses that fit their need get my blood boiling.
How do you suppose that anyone could believe that christians are judgmental?
Then we don't understand why most people think Christians are uncaring, judgmental, mean, mentally unstable and so on.
The more a Christian wears their religion on their sleeve (or belt buckle) the more judgmental and critical they are.
The most judgmental people in this country are all Christians.
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