Sentences with phrase «judgmentalism of»

I think your story is very helpful and worthwhile, but my concern, I guess, is that in rejecting the judgmentalism of the cross, you're diminishing the confrontation of the cross.
I know what they're talking about, and I consider myself a Christian... (who's obviously prone to some judgmentalism of her own!)
I know so many people who leave the church, not because of what is believed, but because of the pettiness and judgmentalism of those who believe it.
We Christians must repent of this self - idolatrous, scapegoating judgmentalism of others.
The authors judgmentally rail against the judgmentalism of religion, while graciously allowing that some religious leaders have opposed the evils engendered by religion.

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Thanks for giving voice to so many of us, people like myself, who often feel as though we are slogging our way through the religious wilderness of fear and judgmentalism.
Joel Osteen for example takes the Evangelical meme, but instead of the usual judgmentalism is «nice» to everyone.
They conveyed to me that I ought not be intimidated by religious people who are judgmental, for their judgmentalism has very little of God in it.
The Way of Jesus can save me from my gossip, my judgmentalism, my grudges, my worries, my greed, my hypocrisy, my self - centeredness, my hate, my misplaced loyalties, my prejudices, and my stubborn belief that enough stuff can make me happy.
SBC president Bryant Wright offered a «word» for both Calvinists («A bit of humility would be most welcome») and traditional Southern Baptists («The time for judgmentalism is over») as he told attendees to focus on the Great Commission instead of the theology of salvation.
Discernment is not judgmentalism, it is wisdom; but discernment includes the recognition of our own sinful tendencies, including the instinctive self - righteous response, and reminds us, as Sister Helen Prejean discovered in her ministry to those awaiting capital punishment in prison that «people are more than the worst thing they have ever done in their lives.»
The fundamental (excuse the pun) problems with far - right Christianity are exactly the same issues our Savior spoke about to the Pharisees: judgmentalism, hypocrisy, intolerance, and the hyper - extremity of observing the letter of the law rather than its spirit (as evidenced by statements from various preachers that people such gays and disobedient children should be killed).
These ministers represent the kind of Christian that makes me reluctant to say to people I don't know that I'm a Christian and the kind of speakers for the faith that drove all my children out of churches because they would not put up with such judgmentalism, cruelty, and, too often, drive for power and money.
The practitioners and defenders of sins like pride, arrogance, greed, lying, theft, gluttony, and judgmentalism are the people who make these things an agenda and try to intimidate anyone who calls it what God calls it — sin
Locating problem drinking in the moral universe neither legitimates simplistic judgmentalism nor authorizes a lack of compassion; rather, it asks that a sober look be taken at a self - destructive behavior so that the desires giving rise to it can be squarely and honestly addressed.
This didacticism is redeemed from arid or smug judgmentalism by empathy, even for the destructive crusaders: «the historian as he gazes back across the centuries at their gallant story must find his admiration overcast by sorrow at the witness that it bears to the limitations of human nature.»
Worse, Callahan supports the odious approach of the UK rationing board NICE and the QALY system it imposes on the people of the United Kingdom, a policy in which the young and able - bodied have greater value than others based on «quality of life» judgmentalism:
In encourages judgmentalism, marginalization, and an abdication of responsibility.
Hawaiiguest, Let's see judgmentalism, marginaliztion, and abdication of responsibility, judge yourself, live separated from the world, and depend on God.
If bitterness does not take over, one can truly grow and exhibit the «unconditional» love of Christ without the judgmentalism and conditional love that religion puts upon us.
And so he or she doesn't really escape the excessive judgmentalism people have these days about the alleged vice of obesity.
Judgmentalism is at the top of a slippery slope that leads to legalism, and legalism is what happens when a group of humans decide that they know how to interpret God's law better than God.
Wouldn't you rather err on the side of grace and mercy instead of legalism and judgmentalism?
How often are those faithful to the Church accused of «judgmentalism»?
I know that's whimsical and light, but the element of seriousness in it is that if the born - again experience leads to an even more rigid sense of righteousness, and to an even more rigid judgmentalism, then it's not the born - again experience.
So, if my standard of judgment is judgmentalism, where does that leave me?
Hmm... seems you have chosen to ignore and / or distort everything I have said and launch into a tirade of false accusations and blatant judgmentalism against me.
When I go around barking about how conservative evangelicals need to pry the log of judgmentalism out of their eyes, do I make a fool of myself with my own?
And lately, I've suffer from a sort of reverse - judgmentalism that makes me unrelentingly critical of conservative evangelicals.
The cross is an invitation to live in a different way, and let go the nature of identity that is formed by Pax Romana (peace for some on the backs of others), Religious judgmentalism, or other patterns.
The one exception to that may have been the «sin» of self - righteous judgmentalism, which puts us on the side of The Accuser.
Modern media prurience, especially when mixed with censorious judgmentalism, does public life no favours, with many decent people ruling themselves out of politics just because they want to protect their private life.
«The brutal judgmentalism that has made opening - weekend grosses into a bloodthirsty spectator sport seems to have encouraged an even more brutal approach to film reviewing,» he said, going on to blame the likes of CinemaScore (which gives each major film a rating based on interviews with theatergoers) and Rotten Tomatoes for why interesting movies tank.
And as film criticism written by passionately engaged people with actual knowledge of film history has gradually faded from the scene, it seems like there are more and more voices out there engaged in pure judgmentalism, people who seem to take pleasure in seeing films and filmmakers rejected, dismissed and in some cases ripped to shreds.
His Kenzie is a quiet, thoughtful young man, whose outsized sense of moral probity, gradually revealed, never quite crosses over into overt judgmentalism.
Yet, as Ehrenreich makes clear, New Thought imposed its own kind of harsh judgmentalism, replacing Calvinism's obligatory hard work with obligatory positive thinking.
It's true that it seems to be culturally acceptable to laugh at or criticize people who live a lifestyle different from the mainstream norm, and yet when those same people choose to comment on or criticize the mainstream, however constructively, the accusations of judgmentalism are quick to follow.
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