Sentences with phrase «judgments someone make»

It should ultimately be decided by value judgments made by local communities, which should reflect their unique needs.
It is still the basis of judgments made in American culture about who is and who is not an acceptable and reasonable person.
A study titled «Impact of color on marketing» revealed that up to 90 % of snap judgments made about products can be based on color alone.
It's built on its own internal consensus and that consensus is born out of judgments made without the perspective of major film critics.
However, if the only criterion for exercising choice is price, as distinct from judgments made on an understanding as to quality, then there's a problem.
The court considered motions for judgment made by certain defendants as well as the Buyer.
There are the snap judgments we make on the fly, like assessing whether a person approaching us on the street is welcoming or threatening.
First impressions are usually split - second judgments made when one sees a person for the first time, and we all know they matter a lot especially in a professional environment.
It is also a considered judgment made real through longstanding argument and handed down assumptions about the way the world works and ought to work.
«Foreign judgments» are family court judgments made in other states.
There were certain judgments made on that, which I wasn't expecting.
The Court of Appeal judgment makes a number of apparently father friendly statements.
Fear and anxiety cause most to stay small, while making positive judgments makes us more confident.
The grouped data portfolio helps managers to make an evaluation for successful judgment making process.
For example, if there was never a legal judgment made against you, the courts may still entertain a default claim.
This very short judgment makes me feel that much more was said in camera, but later removed as too controversial or too telling of a preference for public or private enforcement.
Nevertheless they are judgments made by individuals, and the risk and responsibility for their confirmation in the give - and - take of everyday life rests finally with the individual judgment - maker.
This important judgment makes clear the somewhat limited scope of the rules in this regard.»
Montier's «seductive details» is reminiscent of the discussion in Nicholas Taleb's Fooled by Randomness on the relationship between the amount of information available to experts, the accuracy of judgments they make based on this information, and the experts» confidence in the accuracy of these judgements.
To review: 1) formative assessment refers to actionable assessment practices that strategically gather information about developing knowledge and skills necessary for standard proficiency, so we can respond to the information gathered and positively impact teaching and learning 2) summative assessment refers to the valid and reliable professional judgment we make after collecting learner artifacts, which demonstrate degrees of standards - based understanding and skill.
The Rodriguez court further recognized that efforts to make education a federal right overlook «persistent and difficult questions of educational policy, another area in which [the federal courts»] lack of specialized knowledge and experience counsels against premature interference with the informed judgments made at the state and local levels.»
The chapter republishes the in - depth analysis of the precautionary principle in EC law, in particular in the light of the landmark judgment in the Pfizer case, which I still consider as one of the most important judgments made by the CFI.
We're doing very well in the premier league But doing terribly in the champions league I still think Wenger owes us a league title before he retires... And at least a semi-final at the champions league... Great as the 3 - 0 win was, it's only one game, and it's to soon to make a judgment
To implement this fundamental rule, particular contexts would have to be taken into account and concrete judgments made about what ranges, depths, and varieties of enjoyment are to be included and what weight given to each factor.
It is a directive based upon moral doctrine and might best be described as a prudential judgment made by «legitimate ecclesiastical superiors» and to be followed by all under their authority.
It is equally indispensable to reflect on the fundamental judgments made by the Reformers and the critical importance they have had in the history of exegesis.
For the Jesus Seminar, as for Jefferson, an a priori construal of Jesus and his message governs the critical judgment made about individual sayings.
Observe the strange and stirring, but characteristic, alternation between oracles of wrath and compassion (seen also in Hosea and Amos), illustrated in the «floating oracle» (because it also appears in Micah 4) at the beginning of chapter 2, in which is envisaged the redemption which the very catastrophe of judgment makes possible.
Pastors who do this from the pulpit have the authority of the Bible behind them when they speak to specific problems of our time even though they may not have this authority for the actual judgments they make.
If it is a fact, it is a Christian theological fact — a definitive judgment made of one religious tradition from within another, on the basis of its own criteria: the kind of judgment that many proponents of dialogue find problematic in principle.
Above all mothers need encouragement and support in WHATEVER their decision is regarding breastfeeding not critique, guilt - ridden comments and ignorant judgments made against them.
His refusal to pay a slander judgment made him subject to arrest in New York, and so he rarely appeared in his district, either.
Wells says that anything that pushes us from absolute to relative judgment makes our testimony less reliable.
The linguistic and social judgments we make when hearing speech are based on intonation.
The idea that it's easier to tell a bad school than it is to identify a great school already matches my intuition, and deferring to parent judgment makes a lot of sense if we are not confident in our analysis of performance.
These factors were key in high self - efficacy judgments made by participants on commencing the assignment.
That confidence in his own judgment made Louis - Dreyfus's collection unique.
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