Sentences with phrase «judicial functions for»

Judge Eckels was first elected as a state representative in his 20's, served six terms before being elected county judge - a role with executive, legislative and judicial functions for Harris County, which is home to nearly 4 million residents.
Addressing the importance of the idea was expressed by Judge Roger Alton Pfaff, presiding judge of the Superior Court of Los Angeles remarked, «California has become a model for conciliation services as a part of the judicial function for other states to emulate and each year we find jurisdictions creating such services.
California has become a model for conciliation services as a part of the judicial function for other states to emulate and each year we find jurisdictions creating such services.

Not exact matches

Section 100.5 of the New York State Advisory Committee on Judicial Ethics Handbook states that a judge or candidate for elective judicial office will refrain from inappropriate political activity: engaging in any partisan political activity including making a contribution to a political organization or candidate and / or purchasing tickets for politically sponsored dinners or other functions, including any such function for a non-political Judicial Ethics Handbook states that a judge or candidate for elective judicial office will refrain from inappropriate political activity: engaging in any partisan political activity including making a contribution to a political organization or candidate and / or purchasing tickets for politically sponsored dinners or other functions, including any such function for a non-political judicial office will refrain from inappropriate political activity: engaging in any partisan political activity including making a contribution to a political organization or candidate and / or purchasing tickets for politically sponsored dinners or other functions, including any such function for a non-political purpose.
Reprieve for the victims would be a functioning and credible judicial system, but that is none - existence in Somalia.
We may disclose the information we collect from and about you as follows: (1) with Green Dot subsidiaries and affiliated companies; (2) to our third party service providers that provide business, professional or technical support functions for us; (3) as necessary if we believe that there has been a violation of the Site Terms of Use or of our rights or the rights of any third party; (4) to respond to judicial process or provide information to law enforcement or regulatory agencies or in connection with an investigation on matters related to public safety, as permitted by law, or otherwise as required by law; and (5) as described to you at the point of collection.
This overwhelmingly «christian» congress represents an overwhelming «christian» nation has that: performs a million abortions a year, has out 40 % of births out of wedlock (approaching 70 percent in minority communities), has a Supreme Court that has ruled that virtual child pornography is protected by the first amendment, has a culture that teaches ever younger girls (through movies, music, tv, books and magazines) that their primary function is as living sex toys for men, forces religions to provide insurance to include abortifacients against their faith, and is rapidly redefining marriage by judicial edict.
«RECALLING the obligations of the Contracting Member States under the Treaty on European Union (TEU) and the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU), including the obligation of sincere cooperation as set out in Article 4 (3) TEU and the obligation to ensure through the Unified Patent Court the full application of, and respect for, Union law in their respective territories and the judicial protection of an individual's rights under that law;
Consequently, for a judge not to allow defense voir dire / cross examination questioning of a prosecution witness before a damning exhibit is allowed into evidence, presents not only a Due Process issue but also a possible perception of pro-prosecutorial bias of the judge, whether or not that bias exists, at least in the eyes of laypeople watching the trial, when a critical element of a sufficiently functioning judicial system is for the public to perceive judges as following their oaths of office.
In a recent speech, however, he said that the task for reformers will be to work out «how far we can properly create a multi-door courthouse that both promotes appropriate dispute resolution whilst ensuring that the court's adjudicatory function is enhanced rather than undermined» so he clearly does not want to throw the judicial baby out with the bathwater.
Judicial control over the matters [of] assignment of judges, sittings of the court, and court lists — as well as the related matters of allocation of court rooms and direction of the administrative staff engaged in carrying out these functions, has generally been considered the essential or minimum requirement for institutional or «collective» independence.»
Justice Brown found that the whether or not the court should exercise its discretion to hear a moot appeal, is guided by the following test: (i) whether the issues can be well and fully argued by parties who have a stake in the outcome; (ii) the concern for judicial economy; and (iii) the need for the court to remain alive to the proper limits of its law - making function in order to avoid intrusions into the role of the legislative branch.
SB 305 of 2014 as pre-filed would change both the qualifications for those offices as well as how the merit selection commission (Judicial Nominating Board) functions.
The bill would consolidate judicial functions by eliminating the Probate, Family, and District Courts (click here for current court structure chart, courtesy of the NCSC Court Statistics Project) and «establish [ing] a unified court system under the administrative control of the Supreme Court.»
The management and allocation of housing stock by a housing trust which is a registered social landlord under the Housing Act 1996, including decisions concerning the termination of a tenancy, is a function of a public nature, with the effect that the registered social landlord is to regarded as a public authority for the purposes of s 6 (3)(b) of the Human Rights Act 1998 and so is amenable to judicial review on conventional public law grounds in respect of its performance of that function.
Prominent among these attributes of the judicial function figures the power provided for in Article 2, paragraph 3, of the Statute of UNAT:
As noted in that post, consular officials are only entitled to functional immunity from prosecution, i.e immunity in respect of acts performed in the exercise of her consular functions, and may be arrested for grave crimes (pursuant to a decision of a competent judicial authority).
Justice La Cour emphasized that one of the main functions of the courthouse is to provide for an orderly environment where peaceful judicial hearings can be held, and that aggressive activity by the media would likely interfere and interrupt this function.
remedy for this, however, lies, not in the abuse by the judicial authority of its functions, but in the people, upon whom, after all, under our institutions, reliance must be placed for the correction of abuses committed in the exercise of a lawful power.»
Specifically, California Constitution Article VI, § 6 (d), which provides the authority of the Judicial Council to promulgate the Rules of Court, states that the «council shall... adopt rules for court administration, practice and procedure, and perform other functions prescribed by statute.
Authorizes the local rules of administration that must be adopted by district and statutory county court judges in each county to provide for a coordinated response for the transaction of essential judicial functions in the event of a disaster.
(2) The proper functioning of the internal market entails the need to improve and expedite the transmission of judicial and extrajudicial documents in civil or commercial matters for service between the Member States.
To this end, the Community is to adopt, among others, measures in the field of judicial cooperation in civil matters that are necessary for the proper functioning of the internal market.
Rather their relative advantage lies in: (1) the increasing acceptance on the part of domestic courts that inter-judicial coordination is a prerequisite for their continued ability to fulfill their judicial review function; and (2) the visibility that the decisions of these courts possess.
62 «Taking an AXA to Acts of the Scottish Parliament» [2010] 15 J.R. 163 «Towards a Codified Constitution» (2010) Justice Journal 74 (co-author) «Procuring the End of the Promptness Requirement» [2010] 29 C.J.Q. 297 «Practice and Procedure in the New Supreme Court» [2010] 15 J.R. 1 «Anti-Suit Injunctions and Non-Exclusive Jurisdiction Clauses» [2010] 69 C.L.J. 25 «Contracting Out of Homelessness Functions» [2009] 14 J.R. 333 «The Permission Stage and Subsequent Use of Disclosed Material» [2009] 14 J.R. 249 «Arbitration and Litigation after West Tankers» [2009] L.M.C.L.Q. 285 «Bi-Polar Sovereignty Restated» [2009] 68 C.L.J. 361 «Promptness and Judicial Review» [2009] 14 J.R. 113 «A Framework for Fettering» [2009] 14 J.R. 73 «The Continued Rise (and Future Fall?)
For the individuals exercising judicial rights - determining functions as members of judicial tribunals, I use the traditional label: «adjudicator.»
Once we diagnose the need for why rules require interpretation, we can better assess the legitimacy of the judicial function.
Some solutions proposed are: rationing of judicial time for example by assigning a fixed number of motions to each proceeding; charging higher filing fees for additional motions; penalizing obstructionist conduct through multiples of indemnification costs; awarding priority dates to well - run litigation; more motions in writing; higher filing costs for longer hearings; more aggressive use by the Bench of rules that permit judges to control the court process such as time limits for evidence in chief and cross, and some outsourcing of judicative functions.
Paralegals serve an important function in our judicial system, providing cost - effective and professional services for simple and routine matters in litigation.
It is for these reasons that I have decided to continue as I began, referring to these statutory, non-court organizations whose functions are purely or mainly judicial as «administrative judicial tribunals,» or, for convenience, «judicial tribunals.»
The judicial tribunals on which this book focuses are the same executive branch organizations that, as noted above, were called «judicial tribunals» in the McRuer Report; the same organizations that, in 1990, Ed Ratushny's Report on the Independence of Federal Administrative Tribunals and Agencies described as «tribunals which are adjudicative» and for which it recommended the label «tribunal» be exclusively reserved; and the same organizations that in 1991 the late Chief Justice of Canada Antonio Lamer, in a keynote speech to the conference of the Council of Canadian Administrative Tribunals, referred to as bodies that are «created to operate essentially as adjudicators... in a manner that is similar to the function of the judiciary... [and] expected to dispense justice in the same sense as the courts of law.»
Anyone who is an officer of the federal judicial system authorized to perform judicial functions is a judge for the purpose of this Code.
The function of absolute immunity in the performance of judicial duties is not to shield members of the judiciary from liability for their own misconduct, but rather «to protect their offices from the deterrent effect of suit alleging improper motives where there has been no more than a mistake or a disagreement on the part of the complaining party with the decision made.»
Proposed for the Exercise of those Judicial Functions, the adequate Discharge of which by the whole House has, for these six or seven Years, been rendered confessedly impracticable, by want of Time.
The new § 164.512 includes paragraphs on: Uses and disclosures required by law; uses and disclosures for public health activities; disclosures about victims of abuse, neglect, or domestic violence; uses and disclosures for health oversight activities; disclosures for judicial and administrative proceedings; disclosures for law enforcement purposes; uses and disclosures about decedents; uses and disclosures for cadaveric donation of organs, eyes, or tissues; uses and disclosures for research purposes; uses and disclosures to avert a serious threat to health or safety (which we had called «emergency circumstances» in the NPRM); uses and disclosures for specialized government functions (referred to as «specialized classes» in the NPRM); and disclosures to comply with workers» compensation laws.
Although there has been great debate as to the proper level of administrative independence that is required for courts to comply with the requirements of section 11 d) of the Charter, the Supreme Court's objection to decree 2015 - 1071 seems to implicate that IT procurement falls within the definition of «matters of administration bearing directly on the exercise of [a court's] judicial function», to quote justice Le Dain in Valente.
However, judicial institutions will not function effectively unless they command the respect of the public, and because of changes in human affairs and imperfections in human institutions, constant efforts must be made to improve the administration of justice and thereby maintain public respect for it.
As Justice Hughes astutely observed, «-LSB-...] intervention into the law - making process would constitute undue judicial interference on Parliament's law - making function, thus compromising the sovereignty of Parliament» (Reasons for Judgment at para. 71).
Military commissions organized during the late civil war, in a State not invaded and not engaged in rebellion, in which the Federal courts were open, and in the proper and unobstructed exercise of their judicial functions, had no jurisdiction to try, convict, or sentence for any criminal offence, a citizen who was neither a resident of a rebellious State nor a prisoner of war, nor a person in the military or naval service.
Three factors are relevant in determining whether a court should entertain a moot appeal: (i) the presence of an adversarial context that will ensure that the issues are well and fully argued; (ii) concern for judicial economy; and (iii) awareness of the court's proper law - making function: Borowski, pp. 358 - 363.
(1) The Chief Justice may arrange with the chief judicial officer (however described) of another Australian court for an officer or officers of that court to perform on behalf of the Court any or all of the following functions:
The majority of Court held the procedure provided for resulted in the position of the Federal Court Judge not being an independent one but rather «a position equivalent to that of a ministerial adviser» [43] and that this compromised «public confidence in the integrity of the judiciary as institution or in the capacity of the individual judge to perform his or her judicial functions with integrity».
In particular, it recommends that such national legislation should authorise negotiations with Indigenous communities, where they so desire, on the transfer of legal jurisdiction in relation to juvenile justice, transfer of police or judicial functions to the community, and adequate funding for community programs and strategies.
Regarding the liability portion, the New York Supreme Court, Appellate Division, noted that «when a rational basis for the conclusion approved by the DHR is found, the judicial function is exhausted.»
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