Sentences with phrase «judicial writing»

What counts as good judicial writing is largely a matter of taste.
He recommends that law schools pay far more attention to writing, including judicial writing.
Appellate practitioner Lisa Solomon followed up with a discussion of how judicial writing guides can help lawyers become better brief writers.
In this program, Lisa Solomon, a frequent speaker on legal research and writing topics, discussed how you can apply the lessons set out in judicial writing guides to write more effective briefs that will make judges want to rule in your clients» favor.
Nevertheless, although Sunstein's categories are meant to reflect American rather than Canadian constitutional interpretative styles, they provide an interesting starting point by which to analyse the analogous personalities found in Canadian judicial writing.
Under the new measures, those who issue a marriage license to anyone under 18 - years - old without parental and judicial written consent will be charged with a misdemeanor.
As part of a tribute to retired Judge James D. Hopkins of the New York Supreme Court's Appellate Division, the author uses Judge Hopkins's judicial opinions as examples of quality judicial writing.
Are the recent debates on same - sex marriage, for instance, more conducive to Hero and Soldier judicial writing rather than Burkean or Mute judgments?
Ross is also the author of Point Taken: How to Write Like the World's Greatest Judges, which Court Review called «the best book... by far... about judicial writing
How Judicial Writing Guides Can Help Lawyers Become Better Writers Thursday, June 9, 2005, 12:30 — 2:00 p.m. 42 W. 44th Street, New York, New York
While a brief is first and foremost a forum for advocacy on behalf of your client, the closer it approximates judicial writing style, the more favorably the judge will be inclined view the substance of your argument.
Advanced Judicial Writing is available exclusively as an in - house workshop; it isn't offered as a public CLE program.
Liveliness and elegance in judicial writing also has much to recommend it.
The best advice, however, from Mailhot and Carnwath (both judges) in Chapter 8 of their book Decisions, Decisions... a Handbook for Judicial Writing (Yvon Blais, 1998), is for judges to use humour only cautiously: «Judicial humour is neither judicial nor humorous» and that litigants «don't want to be the butt of ridicule or to be the target of scorn, sarcasm, or satire» (p. 111).
Canadian judicial writing is accessible, often consensual, and dissent always respectful.
Justice Don Willett of the Supreme Court of Texas once observed: «A lot of legal writing, including judicial writing, is clunky and soul - crushingly dull.
Next, Lisa Solomon, Esq. discussed how judicial writing guides can help lawyers become better brief writers.
It matters because this kind of judicial writing is rare — reasoned in the mind, nurtured in the heart and carved in the soul.
The bland, repetitive, and often formulaic cadences of legal writing in general, and judicial writing in particular, can be explained in large part by a commitment to the neutral and consistent application of the law....
The president of Legal Writing Pro, Ross is an internationally recognized expert on legal and judicial writing and is the author of several bestselling books.
The bland, repetitive, and often formulaic cadences of legal writing in general, and judicial writing in particular, can be explained in large part by a commitment to the neutral and consistent application of the law... [T] he effort to demonstrate that similar cases are being treated alike often finds its rhetorical manifestation in a penchant for analyses that have a déja lu quality — usually because the words have been read before.
It has a loose connection to David's anguished cry regarding the poor standards of research and argument and might vividly illustrate the poor standards of, inter alia, judicial writing, editing and reporting.
Judicial Writing (2) v. Pretrial Litigation Practice (2) vi.
All attendees received a copy of the Federal Judicial Center's Judicial Writing Manual.
As judicial writing is another form of storytelling, it must also be asked, how has the proliferation of social media impacted judicial writing?
Judicial writing is a collaborative writing exercise — combining past judgments, the positions of counsel who provide submissions to the court, and information from academics, Jamal said.
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