Sentences with phrase «jugs of»

I use jugs of red berries with greenery, and carafes of wine and water.
Rustic jugs of simple flowers on the picturesque mantel add a welcoming touch and keep the look ultra feminine.
Speaking of «having lots», I have jugs of corks!!!!! Hey, I am a Californian and I have saved them for quite awhile.
Opting to buy concentrated juices is a cheaper alternative to buying many jugs of juice.
This post on the blog lists some of the bizarre measures that have been reported from the U.K. Recently, the British food chain Asda began printing the warning «contains milk» on its jugs of milk.
Place plastic milk jugs of water in the tunnel amongst the vegetables.
According to This Is Colossal, Ferrin began Osteria ai Pioppi as kind of a way to draw more customers to his family restaurant (which, incidentally, literally began with him setting up shop with a few jugs of wine and sausages under the shade of a tree).
To create the source material for her new paintings, Spiegel created a massive performance that called for «10 pounds of grits, 5 jugs of pancake syrup, 10 squirt bottles of grape jelly, 5 bottles of Pepto - Bismol, 20 buckets of tempura paint, 20 cans of whipped cream; plus silly string, shaving cream, Fruit Loops, flour, Kool - Aid, glitter, pie, marshmallow Fluff, fake arms, fake blood and chocolate syrup.»
But to get to this painter's haven, brimming with spray paint and gallon jugs of acrylic in infinite lush colors, you must pass through a lair of Moroccan rugs, piled high and tacked across the walls.
Take a trip down to the marina for great tapas restaurants and independent bars selling jugs of Sangria — perfect for drinking at the beachside while the sun goes down.
There is also a base for dispensing 5 gallon jugs of purified drinking water.
but now in Autumn... the same lawnmowers are humming, there is still grass and an umbrella, I still dream of gardening and jugs of Pimms but now it's good that it's a bit cooler, and I still bore Mr Beach Cottage with plans about houses and sanders and Yacht Varnish
Extra touches like jugs of drinking water (yay, no plastic) are appreciated in this otherwise modest place.
We liked the no - plastic touch throughout with water refills and iced jugs of water hitting the table whenever needed.
A good way to round off a beach day is to catch sunset at «North Beach» with jugs of Sangria and fresh Tapas and BBQs.
The barkeep handed over two towering jugs of water and I immediately unscrewed the top of one and began gulping.
We found a bar called AB Hotel near our hostel in Glebe Village that served $ 8 AU jugs of good beer.
The rooftop bar starts to fill up around 15:00 when happy hour begins and is the perfect setting for swapping travel tales over $ 4 jugs of draft beer.
Add some jugs of water and some bowls in the tote as well.
Gallon jugs of concentrated hydrogen peroxide are available from beauty supply stores, but must be handled with gloves, and carefully diluted with distilled water.
There is a cubby in the left fender that perfectly swallows and hugs two gallon jugs of milk or windshield washer fluid.
These include a rear cargo organizer that flips up to hold grocery bags, and side storage bins that can hold gallon jugs of milk or other items, Saturn says.
I'd always thought of Biloxi as sort of a swampy backwater where alligator farmers cackle deep into the night over jugs of moonshine and the mosquitoes grow big enough to show up on FAA radar.
12 110 DB SPL speakers (a jet engine is measured at 140 DB SPL) Students with last name Kim: 7 Student with first name Kim: 0 75 five - gallon jugs of Poland Springs water 1 Harvard College undergrad receiving his degree 500 pounds of ice 40.5 gallons Sam Adams Summer Ale
There are paranoid people and then there are people like Jerry, who even keeps his refrigerator and its contents under lock and key (one of the more inspired sight gags are the combination - locked jugs of coffee and pudding).
If possible, stock up on purified jugs of water before arriving.
(like the gallon jugs of Tide)?
Buy large 5 gallon jugs of water to save extra money.
They carry gallon jugs of water around everywhere they go, stay in the gym for 2 + hours just to «hang out,» and I'm pretty sure one of them wore a sleeveless hoodie to a funeral.
Millions of phytoplankton swirl around in jugs of seawater, collected just moments before from the Equatorial Pacific Ocean.
Antonio Pusceddu of the Polytechnic University of Marche in Italy and other scientists don scuba gear and jump right in with the foul globs, using large syringes to collect jugs of the material to study in the lab.
It's more compact than jugs of contaminated water, and it can be rolled up and shipped elsewhere easily.
Anti-fracking activists carry jugs of methane - laden water with them to all of the state's major protests.
I will also make it a point to always have jugs of iced water ready, and hope to make up some freezer pack smoothie bags beforehand to get in quick and easy nutrients and protein.
Participants were provided with individual jugs of sealed, lactose - free milk and three Girl Scout cookies.
Wouldn't it be great to not have lug all those jugs of laundry soap and fabric softener home from the store?
All along the roadside, people walked with bales of sticks on their heads and jugs of water on their backs.
We spent about $ 105 for — bananas, milk, 2 dozen eggs, assorted cheeses, 1 lb sliced turkey, 2 loaves of bread, cream cheese, OJ, 4 six packs of pop, (3) 1 gallon jugs of water, 4 small bottled waters, mayo, butter, dishwasher soap.
Brenda — who's 5» 10, with wide cheekbones, dark hair, and unfocused bright blue eyes — stood at the kitchen window while we shot at jugs of water hanging from a fence.
I recently bought 3 big jugs of vodka for making vanilla extract as well as tinctures.
Having jugs of water available for self - service and so no need to buy plastic bottles or pay for water at all
Moctezuma's court consumed 50 jugs of chocolate beverage a day, and warriors drank it to soothe their nerves before going into battle.
I think homemade is a bit cheaper — I recently bought a BIG bag of almonds for about $ 10 at Whole Foods, but it's made 3 jugs of almond milk so far, and there's still enough left to make at least 3 more!
But there they were in Domaine LA, my local wine store, a whole corner of them, begging me to grab them like a bunch of robust and classy jugs of Carlo Rossi.
The pantry was full of cheap, bulk staple grains and tall sticks of licorice (the herb not the candy), jars of curry sauce and homemade chutney; one corner dedicated to the raw - foods - roommate's goji berries, cacao, maca, lucuma, dried peppers, and massive jugs of aloe juice.
Inside, as young student chefs in towering white toques scurried up and down the large staircases, several dozen executives from across the food industry gathered around wine, appetizers, and several jugs of what was labeled «Mexican Lime with Chia Seed Water» — basically a chia fresca.
Serve with jugs of Butterscotch Sauce and Crème Anglaise so that everyone can help themselves.
I always have a couple jugs of almond milk on hand.
Have you ever looked at the price tag on those big jugs of maple syrup at other grocery stores or health / specialty food stores and thought to yourself, «This is why Millennials can't afford to buy homes.»
We did not take much notice of this at the time, though I saw them bring in a good fifty large jugs of this chocolate, all frothed up, of which he would drink a little.
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