Sentences with phrase «jump onto pets»

After maturing, the adult fleas emerge from cocoons and jump onto pets.
Floor vibration from an approaching pet or person can trigger the immediate emergence of an adult from its cocoon, ready to jump onto a pet or person.
Vibrations, warmth, and increased carbon dioxide can all trigger pupa to hatch from their cocoons, jumping onto your pet as adult fleas and continue the flea life cycle.
Each of these stages come with their own risks — eggs fall into your carpets, upholstery and yards; larvae seek out dark areas in your home to hide; pupae grow in cocoons for up to 9 days before emerging; adult fleas jump onto your pet and bite!
Ticks will stay dormant during sub freezing temperatures, but will become active and start jumping onto pets once it is 40 degrees or warmer.
Upon sensing appropriate vibration, heat and carbon dioxide levels, fleas can hatch and jump onto a pet as it walks by.
Fleas can jump onto you and then jump onto your pet.
Flea larvae spin a cocoon, and, when appropriately stimulated, a young adult flea emerges and jumps onto your pet to continue the life cycle.
Flea larvae spin a cocoon, and, when appropriately stimulated, a young adult flea emerges and jumps onto the pet to continue the life cycle.
They can jump onto your pet from another animal, can be living in your yard, or hanging out at your dog's favorite park.

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Now, he's a lot less mobile, so we've placed water bowls both up and downstairs so that he never has to go too far for a drink and we're also looking into getting some pet steps so that he can get up onto the bed without having to jump.
When enough market players jump onto an anomaly, the anomaly outperforms in the short run, but peters out, because all interested parties have bought in.
Some pet owners are alright with their dogs jumping onto furniture, some even encourage their dogs to sit beside them but if you know you will have issues with this kind of arrangement, but you dearly love your pet (and your antique table), it is better to train your dog about not being allowed on it right from the start.
Is it any wonder that pet cats jump onto the kitchen counter?
Swift and minuscule, a flea can also jump off human clothes and latch onto your pet for months.
Blocking access to stairs and couches or beds that the pet is used to jumping onto should be discouraged.
Once this stage is over, the adult flea will jump back onto your pet.
As soon as you or your pet returns home, these fleas will emerge in large numbers and jump onto cats, dogs and even people in the search for a blood meal.
Start training your pet now to discourage him from jumping onto those places.
This can include following their pet parent at a close distance, jumping up onto their laps or nudging their arms.
When your pet jumps down, the fleas and flea dirt fall off your pet onto the floor in these landing spots.
The pet should be confined indoors to one room during this period with no running or jumping onto furniture.
Betsy does not jump onto people when they enter the house and greets nicely waiting for a pet.
Jaime's favorite part of her animal massage business is having an owner call her and say, «My pet is now jumping onto the couch» or «My dog just took 1st place in an agility trial after being massaged.»
The best ways to find fleas are to check pets with a flea comb, place a flea trap in a suspected room, or walk around the room with long white socks and wait for the fleas to jump onto the socks.
If jumping on the bed is associated with anxiety or excitement for your pet, then it is best to ignore them if they get onto the bed.
Agile pets can climb or jump onto the top of the cabins.
To help minimize the likelihood of fleas continuing to jump onto your dog, it is important to treat all household pets with an approved flea - protection product.
Until I got my dog, Coco, a Bichon, I would have said I would * never * let a pet get on my furniture or in my bed, but, gradually, she learned how to jump up onto the chairs, ottomans, and couches, and my no - pets - on - the - furniture rule went out the window.
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