Sentences with phrase «jumping spiders use»

Peacock spiders and other jumping spiders use internal hydraulic pumps rather than leg muscles to leap 30 times their body length.
«Timid jumping spider uses ant as bodyguard.»

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A study published online Oct. 13 in the journal Current Biology describes how researchers used metal microelectrodes in a jumping spider's poppy - seed - sized brain to show that auditory neurons can sense far - field sounds, at distances up to 3 meters, or about 600 spider body lengths.
He points to the Mars Rover as an example of using optics that were inspired by jumping spider vision.
© Rowan McGinleyMcGinley and Taylor utilised video playback techniques, which have previously been used with jumping spiders to study aspects of courtship and predation.
Biomechanics expert Andrew Martin and colleagues at the Institute for Technical Zoology and Bionics in Bremen, Germany, used a scanning electron microscope to look at the feet of a small jumping spider (Evarcha arcuata).
Because jumping spiders consume most small agricultural pests, growers can avoid using some chemical treatments on their crops.
A common zebra jumping spider is shot using multiple images that have been combined to remove the shallow depth of focus that would normally obscure viewing such small subjects in their entirety.»
There's two buttons: A makes you jump while B is used to move boxes, flip switches, and occasionally rip off a giant spider's leg.
Tips: Spider - Man's straight up jumping kick is a strong attack to use against the mid-level machine boss.
When I was asked to think of a «Blue Sky» idea for Disney Infinity, my instant reaction was for something Marvel related, some people might argue that Marvel (& Star Wars) aren't true Disney characters but that's a thing of the past now, Marvel is Disney and with so many worlds, universes, characters and stories to use, my first choice was to jump into the world of the Amazing Spider - Man who is without doubt one of my favourite characters of all time.
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