Sentences with phrase «jumps around covering»

Each segment of the game is broken into a fragment of time that jumps around covering a significant moment that occurs to tell the story.

Not exact matches

This certified personal trainer, spinning instructor, professional fitness model, and cover girl is known around the world for her jump rope skills and her «Dr. Sara Solomon Cross Speed» Jump Rope by Buddy Lee Jump Ropes.
We are going to be enjoying the last of these cupcakes and then we are off to find a maypole covered with flowers so we can jump like frogs around it!
To not judge a book by its cover, to look at the story within the pages before jumping to conclusions, and to stand for what you believe is right and just even if everyone around you is preaching something different.
The layout of the book also makes it so you can choose to read cover - to - cover (the first two chapters provide helpful information that lays the framework for the history of and current state of birth and maternity care) or jump around to get specific information quickly.
Balance between jumping around dodging bullets and taking aim for a better shot at your enemies, don't waste time camping at cover spots and waiting for enemies to pop out - artfully evade the onslaught of bullets and defeat all baddies that stand in your way.
The variety of topics covered at each grade level is very extensive and my daughter enjoys jumping around each category!
All of the sudden, she began to jump onto the bed at around three - in - the - morning and frantically paws at the covers until she wakes me.
Due to the amount of gadgets on offer that allow you to jump really high or cover the entire map in just a few seconds, the gameplay is pretty quick, favoring a more run «n» gun attitude over almost anything else, though snipers and more patience players can make good use of some tasty ambush spots or by simply taking their time and waiting for idiots to charge around a corner without looking.
The controls are appropriately mapped to the DualShock 4 controller with the default right handed control scheme consisting of pressing R2 to fire right weapon; holding L2 to aim down iron sights or pressing L2 to fire left weapon when dual - wielding; pressing R1 to throw a grenade or holding R1 to display the weapon wheel; pressing L1 to lean around cover; pressing square to reload ammunition or interact with an object; pressing triangle to cycle through to the previous weapon; pressing X to jump; pressing O to crouch; pressing up on the d - pad to toggle dual - wield; pressing left or right on the d - pad to toggle left or right weapon upgrade respectively; pressing down on the d - pad to receive an objective waypoint marker; changing the direction of the left analogue stick to move; changing the direction of the right analogue stick to aim; pressing L3 to sprint; pressing R3 to perform a silent takedown or throw a hatchet; pressing the share button takes you to the share feature menu; and pressing the options button to display the pause menu.
Balance between jumping around dodging bullets and taking aim for a better shot at your enemies, don't waste time camping at cover spots and waiting for enemies to pop out — artfully evade the onslaught of bullets and defeat all baddies that stand in your way!
Like a certain Italian plumber in Super Mario 64, R can run, jump, and leap into the air and slide around on her belly to cover great distances at a faster pace.
You never find yourself fighting with the controls; you can take cover or jump over shorter cover easily and maneuver around obstacles during battles with no problems.
While the last, gorgeous clip was mainly third - person in - game footage and a few seconds of first - person action, this new video is all shot from inside a mech, so you can see the HUD and what it will look like when you're jumping around the devastated city, strafing behind cover, and firing away at your opponents.
So Immortal Redneck is all about running - and - gunning in first - person action, with a strong emphasis placed on going all - guns blazing and jumping around the joint rather than tactically seeking cover or taking your time — as long as you've got some fast reactions and a bloody good aim, you'll be fine.
It was still a challenge — the game is self - described as «hard - boiled arcade shooter» so don't expect that to change — but it no longer felt like I was flailing and jumping around to try and stay alive and could start to see how enjoyable this game could be in co-op, advancing while your partner gives you covering fire before popping into cover to cover your partner.
The front and back covers of this sale's catalogue are illustrated with front and rear views of Lot 316, «Hiropon,» a 88 - inch - high statue by Takashi Murakami (b. 1962) of a woman with pink hair and a bikini top who is holding her nipples and squirting milk that forms a loop, like a jump - rope, around her.
You model shows GISS jumping ahead after 1998, I recall there was some dubious «adjustments» done around that time that sneaked in a little extra warming under the cover of the strong El Nino event.
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