Sentences with phrase «junior bankers»

He already has adjusted his workforce, relying more on junior bankers, moving support staff to cheaper locations and investing in technology to improve productivity.
JPMorgan Chase plans to increase its staff of junior bankers by ten percent to help spread out the workload to ensure that its young employees have one «protected weekend» set aside each month.
JPMorgan Chase plans to increase its staff of junior bankers by ten percent to help spread out the workload to ensure that its young employees have
And if you factor in the student loan, the housing ladder and so forth then the fees hike may well have the effect (since the NPV of a degree isn't all that impressive as it is, as far as I'm aware) of disadvantaging some groups relative to, say, plumbers or junior bankers in a way that won't be helpful to society as a whole.
In recent years, Goldman Sachs also rolled out new rules in an effort to to retain its younger hires by doling out raises and banning junior bankers from working Saturdays.
Long hours on Wall Street for junior bankers came under scrutiny after 21 - year - old Bank of America intern Moritz Erhardt died last summer.
He played an important role in revamping the investment bank's junior banker policies in 2015 to fast - track top performers to promotion, encourage mobility, and replace some tasks with technology.
Read More: 50 Best Internships for 2016 Why Is Goldman Sachs Fast - Tracking Junior Bankers?
Blankfein's reliance on junior bankers has helped contain costs.
«I was impressed by how generous both senior and junior bankers were with their time during the spring programme, often giving up a number of hours to talk to students about their experiences, help us with case studies and give us practical financial careers advice.
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