Sentences with phrase «jury service»

It's hard to believe that people can be barred from jury service because they are open about being on medication for a mental health condition.
They don't need another lecture on the virtues of jury service.
The clerk's office maintains public records, provides jury services and even allows you to get your marriage license online.
Anyone who is over 18 years of age with a health services number and who lives within that judicial district may be called for jury service.
pdf format in question and answer format addressing common, but difficult questions about jury service.
A judge in Montgomery County, Maryland, denied a request to allow research of potential jurors because it could have a chilling effect on jury service if they knew they were going to be Googled as soon as they walked into the courthouse.
Iowa Code § 607A.5 (1994) allows a woman to be excused from jury service if she submits written documentation verifying, to the court's satisfaction, that she is the mother of a breastfed child and is responsible for the daily care of the child.
Successfully represented a deaf District of Columbia resident who was summoned for grand jury service in Superior Court and not allowed to serve because the court refused to pay for an interpreter.
At least nine of the three dozen people from the New York City area questioned for jury service by Caproni raised concerns about corporate donations to politicians.
Allows Jurors to qualify themselves for Jury Service With homes currently listed for rent in Texas, has Texas homes.
Many people who are perfectly capable of performing jury service are disbarred from doing so.
[n22] In view of the heterogeneous population of our Nation, public respect for our criminal justice system and the rule of law will be strengthened if we ensure that no citizen is disqualified from jury service because of his race.
Records from the Bronx County Clerk's office show that Heastie received seven different postponements from 2005 until 2008, when he finally served two days of jury service starting on Sept. 29, 2008, according to Bronx Division of Jurors First Deputy County Clerk Kay Amer.
The San Francisco Superior Court seeks to provide the most efficient and convenient jury service experience.
UK chat and dating forums Toggle navigation Jury service (15) tumbleweed number in brackets shows number of Conversations in forum) is the world's largest online dating site.
The Court held the state constitution requires «public schools provide their students with an education suitable to give them the opportunity to be responsible citizens able to participate fully in democratic institutions, such as jury service and voting, and to prepare them to progress to institutions of higher education, or to attain productive employment and otherwise to contribute to the state's economy.»
While speaking at the Developer Jury Service, Jon Burton, founder of developer Traveller's Tales, questioned how long Sony's download - only PSPgo handheld will last if UMD games are still cheaper to buy than downloadable titles.
He also served as a member of the Utah Judicial Council's Committee to Improve Jury Service that recommended changes to Utah's jury selection and service system.
(The Telegraph, Student jailed for skipping jury service to see West End show Chicago)
During that time, the judiciary spent about $ 185 million on courtroom technology, $ 9.4 million on web - based jury services, $ 3.7 million on victim notification, and $ 121,000 for the Mississippi study, Huvelle said.
The article reports on some of the measures that states have been taking to make jury service less onerous, such as one - day / one - trial systems, where jurors do not have to wait on call for days to serve; renovating jury areas to make them roomier; installing business centers so that professionals can keep in touch with their colleagues while they wait; and implementing online systems so that people can request deferrals.
In 1993, Vidmar and Rice compared veteran arbitrators, some of whom had been judges, with jurors who were awaiting jury service in a mock medical malpractice trial.
OJMA observed that the Judicial & Education Services Division has had a significant positive effect on jury service through jury - related educational programs for judges and court personnel.
AUSTIN, TEXAS — Noting that the right to trial by a jury of peers is a critical part of the nation's justice system, Texas Governor Greg Abbott has declared the week May 2 to May 6 as «Jury Service Appreciation Week» in Texas.
The Micro-Mock ™ is a different service that can complement jury consulting when used or can be an alternative if your time and expense budget won't allow for full mock jury services.
Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor said Monday that the Second Circuit's harsh view of jury nullification may be wrongheaded, and that there is a place for juries to make findings that contradict the law — a topic that came up in the context of Sen. Claire McCaskill's recent jury service.
Forensic psychologists tell us that the one word which would be most often used by jurors to describe jury service is «boring».
For their first listing in the Top 10, Napa has traffic citation payments, EZLegal Forms (statewide), online calendars, tentative rulings, case indexing, interactive jury services and even the ability to fill out a questionnaire to serve on the grand jury.
The Hawaii Courts Mobile App can be used to access court records, learn more about jury service, or obtain information about free legal services.
Salaried and Hourly Non-exempt Employees: Employers do not have to pay the wages of non-exempt employees during jury service.
At least nine of the three dozen people from the New York City area questioned for jury service by U.S. District Court Judge Valerie Caproni raised concerns about corporate donations to politicians.
custody suite wall «I am about to be tried by 12 people too stupid to avoid jury service» is amusing; most of the criminal practitioners I have spoken to are supporters of the jury system, as I am, despite its occasional flaws.
But if House Bill 4691 goes on to be approved by the Michigan Senate, then courts will have to exempt nursing mothers from jury service if they have a note from their doctor.
Two other jurors joined in voicing concerns about the length of the trial and the burdens of jury service.
Section 321 of the Criminal Justice Act 2003, which came into force on April 5, 2004, removed the entitlement to be excused from jury service, as of right for a number of people.
Between 2005 - 2009, prosecutors in Houston County, Alabama had excluded 80 % of blacks who qualified for jury service on death penalty cases.
After reviewing the apparent collapse of the freethinking movement after 1900, Schmidt turns to the post-war shift in Supreme Court jurisprudence: the rejection of blasphemy laws, limits on the school - supported study of religion, and the overturning of theistic requirements for public office or jury service.
Idaho Code § 2 - 212 (2002) provides that a person who is not disqualified for jury service under § 2 - 209 may have jury service postponed by the court or the jury commissioner only upon a showing of undue hardship, extreme inconvenience, or public necessity, or upon a showing that the juror is a mother breastfeeding her child.
The law requires the judicial branch to maintain information regarding jury services, including information for breastfeeding women about their ability to postpone jury service or request a reasonable accommodation be made, on its website.
§ 43 - 158 allows a mother breastfeeding her child to be excused from jury service and allows jury service to be postponed until the mother is no longer breastfeeding the child.
The Equality Act seeks to prohibit anti-LGBT discrimination not only in employment, but public accommodations, education, housing, federal programs, jury service and credit.
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