Sentences with phrase «just about every disease»

You're gonna get just about every disease on the planet.
A diet of brown rice, vegetables, lean meats, non-citrus fruits, water and green tea is the ultimate goal to work towards.And honestly, it is the basis of nearly every «therapeutic diet» that we prescribe for just about every disease out there.
Fact: Gluten and Sugar are conclusively linked to Cancer, Heart Disease, Obesity, Migraines, Diabetes, Alzheimer's, Auto Immune Conditions, Depression, ADHD, ADD, Anxiety, and just about every disease out there.
Scientific studies now show that all of those symptoms we normally associate with aging, as well as just about every disease there is, are caused by the damage of free radicals on your body.
The kidneys are so integral to all other health issues and seem to be involved in just about every disease process in some way or other, very complex.
Just about every disease or injury involves some form of it, which often manifests as pain.
Poor digestion underlies just about every disease known to man, including Hashimoto's in many cases.
In just about every disease including cancer, a dysfunctional immune system is a large part of the problem.
Answer: As you can imagine, just one clinical sign like «weight loss» can mean a number of different things - basically just about any disease process will cause weight loss - most will eventually have other symptoms as well.
erbal medicine has so much to offer not only in the area of addiction and mental health, but for treating and preventing just about any disease.

Not exact matches

Congress's failure to resolve the Zika funding impasse may reflect a larger political reality: Most Americans just don't care about it or else feel they are safe from the possible spread of the disease.
Just the other day we passed along the story about a Florida teen whose chronic kidney disease was discovered...
Here's a novel idea honey, just close your legs and you wont have to worry about disease or pregnancy.
The claim was a simple thing to do in ancient times because scientifically ignorant people still did not know why the sun rose and set and why the seasons changed and why lightning and why thunder and why earthquakes and why disease and why just about anything... so people all thought that a god or gods controlled it all.
But just as with a doctor diagnosing a disease, the «expert opinions» of the Bible scholars are only needed about 1 % of the time, and even then, a person would be wise to get «a second opinion» or even a third or fourth.
She notes that «the family pictured in the black and white photos have a son who is fighting neuroblastoma and there is a video feature of them on this website, just in case that is of interest, because let's be honest, that mama is a woman of valor also, fighting for her son's life and raising awareness about his disease
Though we believe that 3,000 abortions a day in America are exactly 3,000 too many, we are just as concerned about the 20,000 children who die every day worldwide because of hunger, lack of clean drinking water and preventable disease.
People refusing medical treatment because they think they can pray disease away, The demoralizing way religion makes you feel about yourself (I am a wretch, a sinner, a bad person by nature), the religious wars that have been fought for millenia, the self righteous passing laws based on THEIR beliefs (change to the pledge of allegience which now excludes anyone who does not believe in a fairy godfather, the change to the national motto that turned it into the lie «in god we trust», the bigotry that «my religion is the right one and you are wrong so I'll pray for you» kind of crap... don't you realize that it is insulting to me when someone says they will pray for me... its the same as saying I'm going to do something for you but there won't be any effect, so it is just a waste of time.
Think about your words... you could just as well be mocking the fact that diseases are caused by little bugs you can't see.
Thus both Bill Wilson and Bill Dotson are quoted as saying: «The Lord has been so wonderful to me, curing me of this terrible disease, that I just want to keep telling people about it» (Alcoholics Anonymous, 4th ed., p. 191; bold face added).
Bill [Wilson] looked across at my wife, and said to her, «Henrietta, the Lord has been so wonderful to me, curing me of this terrible disease, that I just want to keep talking about it and telling people.»
The Nonsense «gods» of Recovery 105 Henrietta, the Lord has been so wonderful to me, curing me of this terrible disease, that I just want to keep talking about it and telling people (p. 191).
But it is found in statements like, «Earth is not my home; I'm just passing through» and in the complacent and barely - masked glee that some churches feel when we hear about tsunamis, earthquakes, wars, disease, and famine destroying our world.
The school elected to deny coverage of disease, etc., just because of these few items that they could rely on their teachings about.
Sometimes, I'll hear about how doctors couldn't cure someone's disease but it «miraculously» went away... and it never takes into account that there could have been a misdiagnosis in the first place or that your body healed in a way we just haven't figured out yet.
if i was god, i would have just never invented «disease» or «illness» - then we wouldn't have to worry about getting healed / cured.
They define eating healthfully to mean including «good foods,» not just avoiding the «bad».5 They see nutrients as a tool to provide optimum health, and are concerned about sodium - related disease states (according to multiple consumer research sources).6 Today, a significant number are working to reduce or avoid sodium.
Just wondered if you know anything about these autoimmune diseases and if I could hire you to help me with meals for myself so that I can keep producing milk for my baby.
After just a few months of blogging, my tiny little food blog was mentioned in an article in the New York Times about the high cost of celiac disease.
Having spent some time going through the book and reviewing the recipes, I can say that there is a lot to like about Debbie's book, and it may be just the thing you are looking for if you are hoping to bake some sweet, yummy treats for anyone living with celiac disease, diabetes, or allergies to eggs, soy or nuts.
If you are serious about eating healthily, struggle with Celiacs disease, must have NUT FREE, then these are just for you.
Whether you have celiac disease or are just interested in learning more about a gluten free diet, we have something for everyone.
Our son was just diagnosed with Celiac Disease about one month ago, and I have to tell you that your recipes have been such a help.
I just watched as much of the video as I could before gagging on the bullshit, and then had a look at the «research» they link to that talks about how many trillions we will spend on non-communicable diseases in the next 16 years.
it's just, it's perfect for them and it really helps kind of coat their gut in which we'll talk about, you know, protecting against disease, but, essentially it... nothing man - made can replicate it.
Triplets are far less common than twins, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, accounting for only about 4300 sets in 3.9 million births, just a little more than 0.1 %, or 1 in 1000.
Wow, what a crazy story about the Centers for Disease Control — supposedly, this esteemed institution — just * assuming * that all young children are weaned by some unnaturally young age.
«There's just so much concern about spreading disease in the U.S. that you run a [legal] risk to encourage it as a doctor,» said Labbok.
, i have Crohn's disease and a colostomy bag due to this I have to have growthing scans my first one today and I'm ever so nervous because I just about look 20 weeks.
Eventually, what started out as an investigation about symptoms like sneezing and watery eyes, may lead to the determination of a fatal disease or incurable cancer, rather than what is really just a mild allergic reaction.
The U.S. Surgeon General, the American Academy of Pediatrics, the Centers for Disease Control - just about every medical and public health group has come out in support of breastfeeding.
Speaking on the 31st Convocation lecture of the institution titled» Stepping Out Into The World; Potential Well - Being, Change in Lifestyle And Cancer Education», the don lamented the drain the disease cost on the nation's resources through just about five per cent of the cancer patients (10,000) that had resources to go abroad where they pay between $ 10,000 - $ 15,000 per patient for a three to five weeks course of Radiotherapy.
«When people talk about reining in government spending, just as one example, our government spending for the care for people with Alzheimer's disease is one of the most significant parts of the federal government,» Warburton says.
So when communicating about risks — whether it's an ongoing MERS outbreak, the Disneyland measles outbreak, or bird flu — a trustworthy communicator is just as important as the disease facts themselves.
When it comes to diseases such as MERS, risk communication is not just about handing around the numbers of infected and quarantined.
Although 18th and 19th century archaeologists had discovered plenty of diseased remains at prehistoric sites in the Americas, they found no traces of the disease in European bones until a major epidemic hit Europe about 1500, just after Columbus returned from his 1493 voyage.
The existence of two mechanisms would make sense for what we know about biology: Salt is necessary for life, but too much salt can kill you, and not just in the sense that excess salt in the diet may be behind some cases of heart disease.
I wanted to find out about cancer — not just as a word in the «Background» section of grant proposals, but as a disease which could affect as many as one in three of us during our lifetimes — and how scientific research is being applied in the clinic.
But it's about more than just a rainbow of fruits and vegetables... Genetic diversity also means protection from diseases, reliability for our food supply and insurance against the dangers of a commercial agriculture dominated by monoculture.
If you just take the world's 73 poorest nations — those that my organisation, the GAVI Alliance, supports, and where disease risks are highest — this 2030 figure is still only forecast to be about 70 per cent.
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