Sentences with phrase «just about every movement»

And there are many different kinds of theology: historical, systematic, practical, black, liberation — in fact, a «theology of» just about every movement and topic that requires serious thought and...
Set the timer for 2 minutes using a weight you can handle through just about every movement.
After time, Jennifer discovered yoga was not just about movement and flexibility, but more about the whole person.
Your transverse abdominis (TVA), the deepest, innermost layer of your abdominals, is key to just about every movement you make, says Andrea Speir, lead instructor for the Daily Burn Pilates program.
This is a time - honored technique that can be put to work on just about any movement.

Not exact matches

The incident appears to have triggered a lot of anger and resentment about the direction Reddit has taken over the past year, and in particular the movement towards making it more of a self - sustaining business rather than just an online community.
«We just have this great big unknown out there about where all the money is coming from,» Robert Brulle, a sociologist at Drexel University who studies money in the conservative movement, recently told me.
You don't have to worry about huge movement, just movement in general.
With the content marketing movement still ablaze, it is important to realize today, as in the days buyer personas were founded, buyer decision - making is not just about logical content and information.
Market movements are not just about numbers and facts, though.
With about 120,000 U.S. and NATO - led troops still battling al Qaeda and its allies in the Islamic fundamentalist Taliban movement, Petraeus warned that burning Qurans «is precisely the kind of action the Taliban uses and could cause significant problems - not just here, but everywhere in the world we are engaged with the Islamic community.»
This is why the Pharisees and Romans who were so fairly concerned about the trouble with growing Christian movement, that they just pointed to where He was buried to simply discredit the entire religion.
It's new mothers posting pictures of themselves just after giving birth, and tweeting about their new baby's first bowel movement.
I really just want to say something charitable about the Occupy Wall Street protestors, at least the most morally serious among them, because I have come to find a certain conservative critique of the movement painfully tiresome.
I do think it's important to keep in mind that conversion is not just about a moment; it's about a movement, about continually changing into the people that God has made us to be.
This article summed up just about every frustration I've had with the Neo-Calvinist movement.
The classical space and biblically resonant name suit JW just fine, and they also say something about the Emergent movement.
Hegel was wrong, so far as I can tell, about most things, but he was right at least about this: the movement of thought is, in the sense just mentioned, dialectical.
The hermeneutical movement I have just traced brings about a conversion diametrically opposed to that of Feuerbach.
Perhaps the internet is doing all of the above and more: encouraging and unifying small religious and other movements; further facilitating scientific unification across geographic proximity, if not also creating new scientific theories and concepts; fostering the rise of new forms of spiritual irrationalism such as those discussed in Wendy Kaminer's wild book, Sleeping with Extra-Terrestrials; focusing the public even more on particular public personas in news, sports and everything else; creating new classes of investors who are willing to publish online just about anything, regardless of whether or not they agree with it; germinating new technological ideas that are luring capitalists who hold unreasonable expectations of financial bonanzas.
RELEVANT spoke with Stevenson about the movement for racial justice and what needs to happen in American society in order to create a more just society.
The Sunday school, then, was an institution without which the church of Jesus Christ could get along for almost 1,800 years, just as it got along without the denomination, the competitive parish, the broad - based missionary movement, the conjured revival — all of them institutions born in the century of industrial - era inventions, between about 1740 and 1840.
I just started organic fair trade swiss water decaf in the mornings with my breakfast after reading about the bullet proof coffee movement (but decided to keep breakfast in as well) so it's great to have this recipe and it sounds yummy.
I feel like since the Paleo / Primal movement has taken off, people are throwing nut flours and nut butters in everything just to make them consistent with what they ate prior to going gluten / grain free, and not worrying about upsetting the balance in their bodies!
He picked up his chef's knife and with just the up and down movement of his hand from the wrist, reduced that garlic clove into about 30 paper thin slices in 3 seconds.
A lot of it is research in a way, and a lot of it is just me getting excited about the prevalence of the plant - based movement.
With free agency just a day away, movement in the NFL is about to start in full force.
Trouble is Wenger won't upset his favourites & it remains paper talk about the exodus of players — I watch & wait every day with very little movement or just quotes repeating the last 7 seasons.
We were totally muddled with Delph, Lallana, Sterling and Townsend all just bumbling about, not holding positions, not making any movement off the ball and not getting their heads up.
I can be frustrating at times because I write what I want and I wanted to highlight that 1) the game isn't just about pace and desire as Wenger says 2) that the media needs to stand up to these managers because it infantilizes us fans and robs us of seeing games more tactically and 3) because Arsenal are a deeply flawed team, managed by a guy who used to be knows for fluid passing and movement, but which has recently dried up to the point that Arsenal can't even pass the ball around the worst defensive team in the League (Stoke).
Irish, You may have been right about the uncontrollable body movements being some kind of tourettes, as it «s not just swearing but also body movements.
If I were Wilshere, I'd seriously consider offers from just about any other league in Europe, especially Italy perhaps, where his movement and talents might better thrive outside of the blood and thunder of the Premier League.
I've found that this works very well for beginning readers, as it's a great way to add a slight bit of movement and critical thinking (thinking about what they just read) to the book.
I've just spent 20 years pregnant / breastfeeding, and in that time had the opportunity to have my choices challenged by just about everyone, including my sisters in the Top - Free movement.
This time seems to be a very critical stage for separation; just when the infant was about to start crawling movements, she was removed.
My midwives didn't know what it was, had never had another patient speak about them, but felt sure that they were simply a reflection of an immature nervous system; that the spasms, which were combined with lots of normal baby movement, just meant his central nervous system was developing.
The movement of the mother as she goes about her day rocks the baby just as she was rocked in the womb and is soothing and familiar.
Babies who are beginning to feel frustrated and hungry may display increased physical movement such as fidgeting, stretching, rooting around the chest of whoever is holding them, positioning themselves for nursing, fussing, fast - paced breathing or putting their hand, toy, clothes or just about anything in their mouth.
Obstacle course racing presents you with a series of unique challenges and you therefore need to train for an event that is not just about running and jumping but involves all types of movements in different plains.
Advocating for adoption should not be about decreasing the number of abortions, it is not just a pro-life choice - it is a legitimate pregnancy option that is not owned by any political party, religion, or social movement.
Not just because this body has grown four humans into existence (although that is amazing), but truly feeling pretty dadgum great about how responsive it is to proper alignment and movement every single day.
Just as women in the pro-period movement are choosing Thinx pants, cloth pads, organic cotton tampons and menstrual cups over commercially mainstream femcare products with questionable safety and side effects, they are also thinking critically about their birth control choices.
We have strengthened our liberalism and rediscovered our Conservatism building a movement that isn't just about the individual, but about the community not just about the «me», but the «we» not just about the market, but about society too.
Fed up with our current political system and interested in just what the Occupy movement is all about, a number of Independence Party members set off for Read more»
As ever, don't get too excited about a single poll, it could be repeated in other polling and be the first sign of a genuine movement... or it could just be a blip.
That is just some of the behavior that Assemblywomen Amy Paulin and Jo Anne Simon say they have seen or heard about while serving in the state Capitol, recollections that have unavoidably resurfaced amid the national reckoning over sexual harassment, known as the #MeToo movement.
If we are going to be protectionist about labour movement (and the editor has just said he is in favour of some labour protectionism), why are we favouring the Europeans, of all people?
«But actually we have to make sure that we do not throw away access to the single market just because that means talking about free movement of labour.»
I'll urge my usual caution about polls showing movement — sure, it could be the start of a trend, but it could also just be normal sample error.
The smooth glide and quiet movement of this power front squat and hack squat machine makes it a great pick for just about any gym setting.
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